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IRC log for #dataverse, 2020-05-06

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
07:13 jri joined #dataverse
10:16 jri_ joined #dataverse
11:48 donsizemore joined #dataverse
14:08 nils`` joined #dataverse
14:13 juancorr joined #dataverse
14:25 jri joined #dataverse
15:59 nils`` joined #dataverse
17:27 Alexandre-FGV joined #dataverse
17:30 Alexandre-FGV Hello guys.
17:31 pdurbin Alexandre-FGV: hi!
17:32 Alexandre-FGV I am deploying Dataverse in Docker container. I have glassfish running in Dataverse container, and Apache2 and shibboleth running in Apache container (I also have a container for Postgresql and another for Solr)
17:33 pdurbin poikilotherm: docker ^^
17:33 Alexandre-FGV I can access dataverse in
17:33 Alexandre-FGV however, I cant do the same in in this case apache's default web page appears...
17:34 Alexandre-FGV I'm needing some help hehehe
17:34 pdurbin You have 4 containers?
17:35 Alexandre-FGV yes. Dataverve, Apache, Solr, and Postgresql
17:36 pdurbin Hmm. You might need to run Dataverse and Apache in the same container.
17:36 pdurbin Or figure out a way to have them communicate well.
17:37 pdurbin In a standard installation a protocol called AJP is used between Apache and Glassfish.
17:38 pdurbin ProxyPass / ajp://localhost:8009/
17:38 pdurbin That lined above is used.
17:38 pdurbin It's from the Apache config.
17:38 pdurbin Please see
17:39 Alexandre-FGV Yes, I was thinking to have both in a same container, but here it was told to me to run in different containers...
17:39 pdurbin Slava
17:40 pdurbin Well, if Slava got it to work, great.
17:40 Alexandre-FGV in this part:
17:40 Alexandre-FGV "# pass everything else to Glassfish ProxyPass / ajp://localhost:8009/"
17:40 Alexandre-FGV localhost won't be "localhost", will it ?
17:41 pdurbin I'm not sure but probably not.
17:41 pdurbin Alexandre-FGV: have you looked at ?
17:47 Alexandre-FGV not yet... I'll take a look, Thanks =)
17:47 pdurbin Sure.
17:48 pdurbin I don't use either one myself (dataverse-docker or dataverse-kubernetes) but poikilotherm is the mastermind behind dataverse-kubernetes and hangs out here so I hear about it more. :)
17:49 pdurbin Alexandre-FGV: are you using Kubernetes? Or something else like Docker Swarm?
17:52 Alexandre-FGV @pdurbin no... just Docker...
17:52 pdurbin Ok. Do you run other services in Docker?
17:53 Alexandre-FGV Just jupyterhub, but it is in other server
17:53 pdurbin ok, just curious :)
17:54 Alexandre-FGV my apache container seems to run debian kernel, while dataverse container runs red hat kernel...
17:55 pdurbin We only test Dataverse on Red Hat (CentOS).
17:57 donsizemore it should run on any UNIX-based system as long as you've got openjdk-1.8
17:58 donsizemore @Alexandre-GFV if you're doing fancy docker-compose, ajp://localhost:8009 would become the name of the glassfish container, port 8009
18:15 Alexandre-FGV ok, I'll try as indicated. Thank you guys!
18:18 pdurbin You're welcome. :)
19:12 Alexandre-FGV my 000-default.conf file is like this
19:12 Alexandre-FGV <VirtualHost *:80> ProxyPreserveHost On ProxyPass / ajp://dataverse:8009/ ProxyPassReverse / ajp://dataverse:8009/ </VirtualHost>
19:19 donsizemore have you seen
20:52 pdurbin new:
21:54 pdurbin left #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.