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IRC log for #dataverse, 2020-05-19

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:32 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
00:33 dataverse-user Hey, I'm getting "This dataset may not be published due to an error when contacting the DataCite Service. Please try again. If you believe this is an error, please contact Root Support for assistance." on a new install. Can someone point me to info about why and how Dataverse uses DataCite and what I need to do to make this error go away?
07:40 sivoais joined #dataverse
07:40 jri joined #dataverse
08:38 jri_ joined #dataverse
09:51 Youssef_Ouahalou joined #dataverse
10:16 Youssef_Ouahalou Hello, is there a command to list all the datasets and thus see their dataset_id?
10:40 MrK joined #dataverse
11:47 donsizemore joined #dataverse
12:24 Alexandre-FGV joined #dataverse
12:24 Alexandre-FGV hey, good morning guys! I am needing some help..
12:25 Alexandre-FGV I got the following messagem when tried to login via Shibboleth:  Problem with Identity Provider – The SAML assertion for "eppn" was null. Please contact support.
12:25 Alexandre-FGV I'm using the same attribute-map, -policy, etc, that we used in other server... the difference is that now I'm using Docker
12:26 Alexandre-FGV I saw some people with similar problem, but I could not solve this yet... =/
14:03 pdurbin joined #dataverse
14:11 pdurbin It looks like I missed dataverse-user but Youssef_Ouahalou and Alexandre-FGV are still here. :)
14:11 pdurbin And it's always nice when MrK stops by.
14:16 pdurbin Youssef_Ouahalou: I don't see a way to list all datasets. One of the reporting tools at might help but I've never used them.
14:17 pdurbin Youssef_Ouahalou: also, it looks like is what you want. If not, please feel free to create a new issue. And then put either issue on your board.
14:19 pdurbin Alexandre-FGV: do you see eppn and other attributes at (but for your server). Please see
14:22 MrK pdurbin haha thanks, I like to step by from time to time
14:33 pdurbin I get out of this channel evenings (when I remember to) and weekends. :)
14:36 Alexandre-FGV Hi @pdurbin . I found that the problem was in ADFS... Now it's solved! :-)
14:37 Alexandre-FGV thanks!
15:00 pdurbin awesome
15:01 pdurbin andrewSC bjonnh donsizemore jri_ juancorr MrK pmauduit poikilotherm Youssef_Ouahalou the community call is starting:
15:04 Youssef_Ouahalou thank you soo much pdurbin for the top response :D
15:19 pdurbin You're welcome. :)
15:26 donsizemore oops, i missed the community call =(
15:29 pdurbin It was pretty quick.
15:29 pdurbin Jim talked about his MDC scripts, if those are of interest.
15:29 pdurbin MDC being Make Data Count, of course
15:35 Alejandra joined #dataverse
15:41 Alejandra Hi all
15:42 Alejandra Can you help me? I'm upgrading icraf's dataverse from 4.9.4  to 4.20 on a developer server (you know, i try first to be sure).
15:44 Alejandra I'm upgrading version by version,  I had no problems until 4.12.
15:45 Alejandra In 4.12, Solr doesn't index all datasets
15:46 pdurbin That problem sounds familiar.
15:47 Alejandra Has this happened to you?
15:47 pdurbin Alejandra: ah. The release notes indicate that there is a new Solr schema in 4.12. Did you update it?
15:47 Alejandra hi Philip
15:47 pdurbin "Replace Solr schema.xml" at
15:48 Alejandra yes, v7.3.1
15:49 pdurbin Including this step?
15:49 Alejandra Sorry, not indexed since v4.11
15:49 pdurbin cp /tmp/dvinstall/schema.xml /usr/local/solr/solr-7.3.0/s​erver/solr/collection1/conf
15:52 pdurbin Alejandra: is this your installation?
15:53 Alejandra yes
15:54 pdurbin Would you like it to be on ? :)
15:55 Alejandra Yes, what should I do?
15:56 pdurbin Please create an issue at
16:05 pdurbin When you get a chance. :)
16:05 pdurbin I think this is the indexing problem I was thinking of: ... but it was just fixed in Dataverse 4.20.
16:06 pdurbin I don't see anything in 4.11 that would cause a problem with indexing.
16:06 Alejandra Yes, i'll do it in the afternoon :D
16:07 pdurbin :)
16:07 Alejandra I'm double-checking the solr config
16:07 pdurbin ok
16:27 Alejandra My solr it's ok, I'll continue to upgrate until I reach 4.20
16:27 pdurbin Ok! Good luck!
16:28 Alejandra Thanks
18:22 Alejandra joined #dataverse
18:37 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
18:38 dataverse-user Hello! I'm reading the api documentation to see if I can get all the datasets an dataverses with the API... but all i can see is how to get the list of all users
18:39 pdurbin dataverse-user: hi, you have to walk the tree with the "contents" API.
18:40 pdurbin Or the SWORD API will give you a list of datasets that are direct children of a given dataverse alias.
18:41 dataverse-user But if i use the "contents" option ... i'll onlye get the direct sons of the dataverse selected
18:41 dataverse-user what if I want to know how much dataverses I have All over the platform?
18:42 pdurbin I don't think there's an API for that. You would be very welcome to open a GitHub issue about it.
18:43 dataverse-user Ok, will do! thanks!
18:55 pdurbin Sure. I'm off to a meeting.
20:58 Alejandra Hi Philip, thanks a lot, the indexing problem was solved with the upgrade to 4.20
20:58 pdurbin Alejandra: fantastic! Now we should get your installation on the map. :)
21:00 Alejandra Yep, I created an issue
21:02 pdurbin Alejandra: looks great! Can you please add the lat/long we should use?
21:10 pdurbin Or city. So we know where to put it on the map. :)
21:27 Alejandra Yes, ahora lo hago :)
22:09 pdurbin Looks great! Thanks!

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.