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IRC log for #dataverse, 2020-05-27

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
06:15 jri joined #dataverse
08:00 jri joined #dataverse
08:26 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
08:38 gyufi joined #dataverse
08:55 ppeter joined #dataverse
09:15 Benjamin_Peuch joined #dataverse
09:18 Benjamin_Peuch joined #dataverse
11:40 donsizemore joined #dataverse
12:37 nils`` joined #dataverse
13:48 pdurbin joined #dataverse
14:06 poiki-no-matrix joined #dataverse
14:06 poiki-no-matrix Hey @pdurbin :-)
14:06 pdurbin no matrix?
14:12 poiki-no-matrix home server is flaky
14:12 poiki-no-matrix Offline :-(
14:12 poiki-no-matrix Again
14:12 pdurbin bummer
14:12 poiki-no-matrix Thinking about running my own
14:13 poiki-no-matrix However
14:13 poiki-no-matrix Don't spread the word, but if you are interested...
14:15 pdurbin It's alive!
14:18 poiki-no-matrix Oh yeah :-D
14:19 poiki-no-matrix And it looks like Danny and Jim like the idea of the very simple group provider
14:21 pdurbin Oh, did Jim reply too?
14:21 pdurbin Ah, now I see it.
14:22 pdurbin poor old #1515
14:22 poiki-no-matrix :-D
14:23 pdurbin I closed a bunch of tickets I had opened that weren't getting any attention.
14:24 poiki-no-matrix Good :-)
14:24 poiki-no-matrix Getting rid of bloat
14:25 poiki-no-matrix At least we have you crazy folks that dig them out when someone comes back again with the old idea :-D
14:26 poiki-no-matrix I was thinking of Benjamin_Peuch and his colleagues when writing the issue
14:26 poiki-no-matrix Didn't he also ask for a simple thing to create a group for his institution?
14:29 pdurbin Did he?
14:30 pdurbin I don't see it.
14:35 pdurbin poiki-no-matrix: oh, speaking of bloat, do you want to see the part of Adam Bien's video where I ask him about slimming down a 200+ MB war file?
14:45 nils`` joined #dataverse
14:46 poiki-no-matrix pdurbin I think he was talking about this a while ago, not in the issue
14:47 poiki-no-matrix But that might be false memories
14:47 poiki-no-matrix video: hit me :-D
14:49 pdurbin
14:56 nils`` joined #dataverse
15:14 Benjamin_Peuch Wow, the design of that Dataverse of yours is very slick, poiki-no-matrix
15:14 Benjamin_Peuch Are you saying I am a notorious thread necroer? :p
15:25 poiki-no-matrix pdurbin yeah, nice idea about embedding payara micro
15:26 poiki-no-matrix That way you could provide your own installation via shipping a custom payara and thin war
15:26 pdurbin but would it help with development?
15:26 pdurbin because I'm dying
15:28 poiki-no-matrix Actually I'm not so sure about that. When I'm looking at the boot process of the app server, it seems that when WELD is starting and the beans deploy things are taking a long time.
15:29 poiki-no-matrix But I have no clue how to debug the startup process :-(
15:29 poiki-no-matrix Ah, not debug, profile.
15:29 pdurbin What we need, maybe, it's a tiny microservice to hack on.
15:30 poiki-no-matrix Microservices are not the holy grail... ;-)
15:30 pdurbin I just mean for comparison.
15:30 poiki-no-matrix Well gotta run now. Driving to construction site, building more of my house :-D
15:30 * poiki-no-matrix waves at everyone
15:30 pdurbin get that house built
15:30 poiki-no-matrix Every day a tiny step forward.
15:48 Benjamin_Peuch You're dying, pdurbin? :|
15:49 pdurbin well, it's a slow death
15:49 pdurbin I guess we're all dying, some a little faster than others.
15:56 Benjamin_Peuch And are you in said subgroup?
15:58 pdurbin only when my laptop gets hot because of our heavy stack :)
16:24 Benjamin_Peuch That's reassuring :D
16:25 Benjamin_Peuch I must be off. Have a nice day!
16:49 jri joined #dataverse
16:55 nils`` joined #dataverse
17:27 jri joined #dataverse
21:20 pdurbin left #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.