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IRC log for #dataverse, 2020-05-29

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
07:17 ppeter joined #dataverse
07:22 jri joined #dataverse
07:44 ppeter Hello, I created an issue for Debian support for dataverse-ansible. I broke the changes up to several pull requests, but they are somewhat interdependent (but hopefully none of them creaks CentOS support by themseves -- I know they do not break it together)..
07:44 ppeter So, without further ado:
07:45 ppeter creaks = breaks :)
10:34 jri_ joined #dataverse
10:34 nils`` joined #dataverse
11:41 donsizemore joined #dataverse
11:42 donsizemore @ppeter wonderful! i'll take a look
12:35 nils`` joined #dataverse
12:58 pdurbin awesome
13:03 pdurbin Docker question: I'm at a loss. poikilotherm donsizemore any thoughts?
13:03 poikilotherm Sounds like an index issue
13:04 poikilotherm But sounds like fun to debug
13:04 poikilotherm (Not)
13:05 nils`` joined #dataverse
13:07 donsizemore @pdurbin same
13:08 pdurbin But what's weird is that MyData is also powered by the index.
13:09 donsizemore @purbin i'm assuming solr is in a separate container, and that it isn't getting rebuilt?
13:13 pdurbin Hmm. Maybe.
13:13 pdurbin But why would looking at a dataset reindex it?
13:13 pdurbin Very strange.
13:17 poikilotherm I'm really sorry not to have the capacity to  reproduce right now... :-(
13:18 donsizemore @pdurbin what sort of front-page cache does glassfish maintain?
13:19 donsizemore @pdurbin the first page load after launch takes a ton of CPU so its generating it somewhere
13:19 pdurbin Well, Java takes a while to warm up. I assume that's what you're seeing.
13:19 pdurbin We don't use anything like Varnish as a cache.
13:19 donsizemore no... i wait for glassfish itself to calm down, then i load the homepage, and that takes another huge burst of CPU
13:20 donsizemore after that the initial page load seems cached and displays quickly
13:25 poikilotherm donsizemore: things like EL expressions are precomputed where necessary etc.
13:25 poikilotherm That is all stored in memory
13:26 donsizemore but anything to do with homepage display?
13:26 poikilotherm Yeah. JSF :-)
13:26 poikilotherm EL expressions are used in JSF for computiation within the views
13:27 poikilotherm And I'm not sure when things like locales are loaded and parsed
13:27 poikilotherm All of this stuff can be profiled :-D
13:27 pdurbin Right, but loading the homepages triggers a bunch of Java, a burst of CPU, like you said, but then the JVM is warmed up for tha page to the next homepage load is probably faster.
13:28 poikilotherm Yeah, that's what I meant
13:28 donsizemore @pdurbin does he nuke osgi-cache and generated/ before starting?
13:28 pdurbin who? the docker guy?
13:28 donsizemore yes
13:28 donsizemore Matthew says "definitely could be a solr configuration issue"
13:28 pdurbin no idea
13:30 pdurbin donsizemore: for the perf thing, you are welcome to open an issue. How many milliseconds does it take? How many milliseconds are reasonable?
13:30 donsizemore dunno, i can time it if you like
13:31 pdurbin Really we should time it in Jenkins. :)
13:31 donsizemore but with Drupal, Jenkins, Dataverse... the first page load always takes longer
13:31 poikilotherm
13:31 poikilotherm Lots of stuff in Dataverse is pretty static and can be pre-rendered
13:31 poikilotherm He. Maybe then you should do a profiling :-D
13:34 pdurbin Oh, sorry, I meant we should measure performance of Dataverse from Jenkins.
13:34 donsizemore hasn't been a priority for me
13:34 pdurbin Get a nice trend line going and see if Dataverse is getting faster or slower over time.
13:35 donsizemore silly little test, 4.16 on glassfish4: 1st load 0m5.337s 2nd 0m1.706s
13:36 donsizemore but anyway, my suggestion to alexandre would be to be sure he's nuking osgi-cache/ and generated/ before launching glassfish/payara
13:37 donsizemore speaking of @poikilotherm and @pdurbin were your ears burning a bit ago?
13:38 poikilotherm Hmm?
13:40 donsizemore @poikilotherm for the DCM testing and deployment session. short presentation but primarily a discussion. hope you can attend. your work on dataverse-k8s, dv-cli and hopes for payara microprofile are potential discussion topics
13:40 donsizemore @pdurbin I mentioned your finding the length of the package-test-deploy cycle irksome
13:41 donsizemore Slava wants badged levels of quality assurance, I'm hoping Pete and Stefan will attend. and now we have PRs for Dataverse on Debian 10
13:48 nils`` joined #dataverse
14:20 nils`` joined #dataverse
14:21 pdurbin definitely looking forward to it
14:32 donsizemore @pdurbin did you see my slack?
14:45 pdurbin now I do
14:47 poikilotherm OK guys, I'm done for today
14:48 poikilotherm I'm really looking forward to the session
14:48 poikilotherm If you want me to do any kind of presentation, please send me a note. I can talk about so much things...
14:49 poikilotherm Hard to focus currently
14:49 pdurbin build that house!
14:53 poikilotherm My development for mail domain groups grew a bit today :-D I wanted to make you happy pdurbin by adding unit tests for 90% of the code... :-)
14:54 pdurbin so happy
14:59 poikilotherm :-P
14:59 * poikilotherm waves at everyone
15:00 poikilotherm I'm just a mention away on my mobile :-)
15:08 nils`` joined #dataverse
15:25 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
15:26 dataverse-user Hello guys, I hope you're doing great ... is there any OAI-PMH interface on dataverse?
15:28 pdurbin dataverse-user: hi, yes, we call it "harvesting"
15:29 pdurbin
15:33 dataverse-user Ok great, i've created a dataset to recolect
15:33 dataverse-user but on the documentation i don't see what base url i should use for OAI harvesting
15:38 pdurbin Huh. I thought we added that.
15:38 pdurbin "The OAI-PMH endpoint can be accessed at http(s)://<Your Dataverse FQDN>/oai"
15:39 pdurbin so for example
15:42 dataverse-user thanks ... now i'm getting this error
15:42 dataverse-user <error code="badVerb">Illegal verb</error>
15:42 pdurbin yeah, you have to give it a verb
15:42 pdurbin for example:
15:43 dataverse-user and the verb could be the name
15:43 dataverse-user of the OAI setSpec?
15:44 pdurbin you can do
15:48 dataverse-user Thank you!
15:48 pdurbin sure :)
15:55 jri joined #dataverse
15:57 jri_ joined #dataverse
16:32 jri joined #dataverse
17:07 jri joined #dataverse
17:09 donsizemore joined #dataverse
17:44 jri joined #dataverse
18:48 nils`` joined #dataverse
19:53 jri joined #dataverse
20:17 jri joined #dataverse
21:01 pdurbin ok, folks, I'm taking off, have a great weekend!
21:01 pdurbin left #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.