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IRC log for #dataverse, 2020-09-18

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
04:14 Indigo_ joined #dataverse
04:26 Indigo_ joined #dataverse
04:29 Indigo_ joined #dataverse
04:30 Indigo_ joined #dataverse
05:14 Indigo_ joined #dataverse
05:18 Indigo_ joined #dataverse
06:40 Virgile joined #dataverse
06:55 JonathanNeal_ joined #dataverse
09:17 icarito[m] joined #dataverse
09:25 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
09:50 icarito[m] joined #dataverse
09:50 GitterIntegratio joined #dataverse
12:15 Virgile joined #dataverse
12:20 Virgile joined #dataverse
12:37 Virgile joined #dataverse
13:18 Indigo_ joined #dataverse
13:24 Virgile joined #dataverse
13:29 Virgile joined #dataverse
14:11 pdurbin joined #dataverse
14:16 donsizemore joined #dataverse
15:47 donsizemore joined #dataverse
17:21 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
17:21 dataverse-user Hello! I'm trying to install a clean version of dataverse 4.9.4 with a fork but the pgdriver dir on the installer is empty
17:22 dataverse-user I'm trying to read the installation docs but the page seems to be down
17:23 pdurbin Yeah, unfortunately, is down right now. You need a pgdriver?
17:25 donsizemore joined #dataverse
17:25 dataverse-user Yes sir
17:26 dataverse-user pgdriver on the installer dir is empty
17:26 dataverse-user and because of that the system is responding with: "ERROR! Failed to copy the postgres driver into /usr/local/glassfish4/glassfish/lib - check the directory permissions!"
17:27 pdurbin You should be able to download it from here:
17:27 dataverse-user Thank you!
17:28 pdurbin Sure. And here's the main page in the installation guide:
17:55 dataverse-user Thank you ... now I'm getting some psql errors
17:56 dataverse-user psql:../database/reference_data.sql:2: ERROR:  no existe la relación «foreignmetadataformatmapping» LÍNEA 1: INSERT INTO foreignmetadataformatmapping(id, name, startelem...
17:56 dataverse-user ERROR: Can't find the metadata and user/dataverse setup scripts! Are you running the installer in the right directory?
17:58 pdurbin Is this a fresh database that the installer just created?
18:00 dataverse-user Yes sir
18:04 pdurbin Sounds like the table foreignmetadataformatmapping is missing. Are other tables there?
18:24 dataverse-user Ok the database doesnt seem to have any table created
18:24 dataverse-user I'll try droping it and running the installer again
18:35 dataverse-user Application deployed with name dataverse-4.9.4. Command deploy executed successfully. Finished configuring Glassfish and deploying the dataverse application.    populating the database with reference data:
18:35 dataverse-user the error shows after that message
18:41 pdurbin So the same thing happened? No tables created?
18:42 dataverse-user yes sir
18:42 dataverse-user and the \dt shows "no relations found"
19:00 pdurbin I guess I would suggest emailing
19:06 dataverse-user Ok, I commented this issue on the github post that I made this week:
19:30 pdurbin Hmm, are some of the scripts missing? That's what the error seems to say.
19:31 pdurbin The `install` script calls a bunch of other scripts.
19:33 pdurbin ... with names like this:
19:38 pdurbin dataverse-user: I see #294424 has been marked as resolved. You should reply to the email to re-open it. Obviously, you are still having trouble.
20:57 pdurbin ok folks, have a great weekend, I'm out

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.