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IRC log for #dataverse, 2020-09-22

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
07:24 Virgile joined #dataverse
07:40 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
09:31 PatrickV joined #dataverse
11:39 donsizemore joined #dataverse
12:42 juancorr joined #dataverse
14:13 pdurbin joined #dataverse
14:15 pdurbin I sent the Hacktoberfest announcement:
15:00 pdurbin time for the community call:
15:01 pdurbin there's a password now
15:04 pdurbin poikilotherm: there's a pic of your shirt in the docs, I think. :)
15:04 pdurbin the notes
18:00 ashaw joined #dataverse
18:04 ashaw hi all - my org is running dataverse 4.8.5. I am trying to make a put request to add a new entry for a custom metadata field. I am getting back a 500 error. The request I am making is PUT http://$SERVER/api/datasets/{enti​ty_id}/versions/:draft?key={key}
18:04 ashaw Does this API endpoint look correct?
18:05 ashaw The dataverse is still in DRAFT status, FYI
18:06 pdurbin The custom metadata fields are already in your system? You can see them when you edit metadata on a dataset from the web interface?
18:08 ashaw Yes, in this case, I have added a new metadata field. I can go through the UI, edit the metadata, choose a value for my new field, and then update the dataset.
18:10 pdurbin Ok. And now you're trying to add or update that custom field via API. Are you trying to create a dataset or edit an existing one?
18:11 ashaw Correct - trying to update via API. I am trying to insert this new field with a value into an existing dataset and update.
18:12 pdurbin Ok. It should work. Editing via API got easier once we added an API to edit one field at a time. Let me check if it's in 4.8.5.
18:14 ashaw For reference, we've done this before, but in that case we were changing the value of an existing field.
18:14 pdurbin This is the new way I was thinking of $SERVER_URL/api/datasets/:p​ersistentId/editMetadata...
18:15 pdurbin ... but it isn't in 4.8.5. So you have to use the old way.
18:16 pdurbin I'd suggest looking at these docs for the old way (full replace). The API hasn't changed but the docs have been improved:
18:17 pdurbin Basically, you download the dataset as JSON, update that JSON somehow, and then overwrite the dataset with it.
18:19 pdurbin You mentioned a 500 error. If you email your server.log file to we can try to make sense of it.
18:26 ashaw Yes - we are using the old method of download as json, update json, and overwrite. Let me take another look. I'll email logs if problem persists. Thanks for your help.
18:27 pdurbin Sure! Good luck.
18:27 pdurbin oh, you might want to try pyDataverse
18:27 pdurbin I haven't used it for editing datasets but it might be supported.
18:27 ashaw yes - will check that out! thank again!
18:28 pdurbin sure

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.