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IRC log for #dataverse, 2020-09-30

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:26 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
01:34 icarito[m] joined #dataverse
06:06 pvranckx joined #dataverse
11:41 donsizemore joined #dataverse
12:11 pvranckx joined #dataverse
14:30 pdurbin joined #dataverse
14:30 pdurbin worst debate ever
14:38 donsizemore but the chat room has been quiet for days!
14:38 pdurbin I know. I was thinking we should make another plot.
14:40 pdurbin update the one in
14:42 pameyer joined #dataverse
14:45 pameyer does seem like things have been quiet lately
14:48 pdurbin Did you swing by to liven things up? :)
14:51 pameyer :) not explicitly
14:52 pdurbin bummer, 'cause it's a dreary day out
14:52 pameyer and not to dive into politics, but it might be questionable if last night's even qualified as a debate
14:53 pdurbin Yeah, let's not go there. I'm sorry I brought it up. I just had to get it out. :)
14:53 pameyer it would be a good morning to take a nap by a fireplace and listen to the rain.  of course, I don't have a fireplace or time for a nap this morning; but it's a nice idea
14:54 pdurbin it is a nice idea
14:55 pdurbin You'll be happy to know I re-tested the package popup yesterday.
14:56 pdurbin With guestbooks, but I don't think you use those.
14:56 pameyer yeah, guestbooks are something I've never touched
14:56 donsizemore @pdurbin sunny and 70 here today. our bars are even open at reduced capacity
14:57 pameyer @donsizemore no problems from the tropical storms that they ran out of names for?
15:03 donsizemore @pameyer I can't seem to shake the fungus off my magnolia soulangeana but we're otherwise okay
15:06 pameyer glad to hear it
17:01 pdurbin nightowl got her installation on the map:
17:37 poikilotherm Hey folks :-) nice to see some chatter here. Looks like 5.1 is at the gates
17:38 poikilotherm Bummer. Had not enough capacity to finish stuff I wanted included.
17:38 pdurbin poikilotherm: yep. Want to do some code review for the last pull request for 5.1?
17:39 poikilotherm Nope, no capacity left.
17:39 poikilotherm Cutting videos for OA week
17:39 poikilotherm Writing grant proposal
17:39 poikilotherm And many other small details
17:40 pdurbin nice
17:43 poikilotherm Crossing fingers we can share the vids on YouTube. They'll have english subs.
17:46 pdurbin 🤞
17:54 pameyer this might be a dumb question - but is the OPTIONS Access-Control-Allow-Methods a dataverse 5 thing?
17:55 pameyer I was curious about , and looks like it's on too
17:56 pdurbin Please remind me after sprint planning, which is about to start.
17:58 pdurbin looks like it was added in 4.16:
17:59 pameyer thanks - go think sprint planning :)
18:02 poikilotherm Pdurbin did you see this?
18:09 donsizemore @pdurbin did that get any better when you got a new laptop?
18:15 donsizemore new laptops for errybody!
18:49 pdurbin donsizemore: down to ~30 second deploy times with the new laptop, thank god.
18:49 pdurbin poikilotherm: wat. Gitter part of Matrix? The plot thickens.
19:01 pameyer quick deploys are good :)
19:02 pdurbin Yes but in dev 30 seconds is a long time.
19:02 pdurbin I'm sure the feedback loop is tighter when using Django. :)
19:03 pameyer with maven not really doing incremental compilation, there might be a limit to how fast it'll get
19:03 pameyer yeah :) django is usually a few seconds with hot-reload
19:03 pdurbin Sigh.
19:03 pdurbin It's ok. We suffer for our users.
19:04 pameyer sometimes I've got a dev setup with similar caching config as prod - which is great, until you're developing and wondering why you're change isn't doing anything...
19:05 pdurbin :)
19:05 pdurbin one of the two tough problems in computer science
19:05 pameyer is payara / netbeans able to do deploys from class files rather than wars?
19:06 pameyer compile -> make war -> deploy -> deployment unpacks war probably doesn't help the cycle time
19:06 pdurbin I don't know what they do.
19:08 pameyer me either - netbeans seems to not like me much
19:09 pdurbin I've considered taking Netbeans out of the picture and using this instead for deployment:
19:09 pameyer interesting
19:11 pameyer intuitively, it seems like getting the incremental compilation to work would speed things up.  but without measuring it, probably not something to trust too far
19:17 pdurbin Well, the good news is that was discussed during sprint planning and in the Up Next column (a bit down).
19:27 pdurbin Unable to log in with dataverseAdmin. Any thoughts?
19:34 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
19:41 pameyer haven't tried with ubuntu 18.04; but my first guess would be to agree with you about db issues
19:42 pdurbin Yeah but it sounds like he just did a fresh install.
19:44 pameyer yeah
19:44 pameyer default admin password isn't salted, right?
19:45 pameyer so it could be reset with psql, and see if that makes a difference
19:47 pdurbin I had that thought but it seems onerous to lead someone through.
19:52 pameyer sudo -u postgres psql dvndb -c $update_statement ?
19:52 pameyer sometimes troubleshooting without shell access is harder than it needs to be
19:53 pameyer not that shell access for support doesn't have its own problems
19:55 pdurbin I think I already suggested that he try the password reset button.
19:55 pameyer if its a fresh install, email might not work
19:57 pdurbin yeah but a token will go in the password reset table
19:59 pameyer it's been a while since I did a dv password reset
20:00 pdurbin I added that feature so it's still in my head a bit. :)
21:03 pameyer that helps
21:04 pdurbin yeah, but I'm out of time, will probably reply tomorrow, see ya!
21:04 pdurbin left #dataverse

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