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IRC log for #dataverse, 2020-10-07

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
06:38 Virgile joined #dataverse
06:53 Virgile Hi there!
06:53 Virgile I was wondering, is there a way to know when will be the next community call apart from looking at ?
11:36 Hitesh joined #dataverse
11:37 donsizemore joined #dataverse
11:37 donsizemore @Virgile hello! community calls occur every two weeks, American holidays excepted.
11:37 Virgile alright! Thnx Don
11:38 donsizemore @Virgile (not so much because a given holiday is American, but because IQSS, the host organization, will be closed)
11:38 Virgile Hehe ok ^^
11:38 Virgile Aren't you supposed to sleep right now?
11:43 donsizemore I'm more of a rooster than a night owl
11:46 Virgile early waking rooster then ^^
12:42 GitterIntegratio joined #dataverse
12:55 pameyer joined #dataverse
12:59 pameyer I'd thought there was a calendar for the community calls
13:00 pameyer and @donsizemore's remark about holidays had me wondering what happens when the (Boston time) late one is a holiday, but the (Boston) lunchtime one isn't
13:04 icarito[m] joined #dataverse
13:04 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
13:25 juancorr joined #dataverse
13:33 donsizemore joined #dataverse
13:33 donsizemore @pameyer for me, every lunch time in (Cambridge) is a holiday!
13:35 pameyer :)
13:48 pdurbin joined #dataverse
13:49 pdurbin It's a good point. That page should probably say "every other week" on it.
17:23 nightowl313 joined #dataverse
17:27 nightowl313 hi all ... me again with another question today ... sorry for all of the questions but we are finally getting into all the things ... trying to test dataset harvesting from some dataverses, and not having any luck ... is there a way to determine if a dataverse site has harvesting enabled for their site? for most sites that I try, including harvard, I'm getting an error that a response is not being received from the server (when I try to set u
17:28 nightowl313 and, do most sites create a separate dataverse under the root dataverse specifically for harvested datasets?
17:36 donsizemore joined #dataverse
17:37 donsizemore @nightowl313 We at Odum offer our datasets for harvesting, though I'd have to look up the harvesting set names
17:37 donsizemore @nightowl313 we used to have our harvesting client enabled (it kept getting stuck, and the last time we just never un-stuck it)
17:37 donsizemore @nightowl313 I like putting all the harvested dataset metadata into a sub-dataverse, but in our case everything just spills down our homepage
17:45 nightowl313 thanks, @donsizemore! oh so I see sites can make specific "sets" available for harvesting by specifying query parameters. I get the error "invalid URL" when connecting, so I assume I need to specify the specific set names ... is there a way to find what those URLs are for a remote site?
17:45 pameyer I _think_ there's an API for listing harvesting sets; but I haven't looked at it in years
17:46 nightowl313 oh, okay, didn't think of that ... will look for that ... thanks!
17:48 pdurbin nightowl313: yes, the spreadsheet for the map of installations has a column for harvesting sets
17:48 pdurbin via
17:49 nightowl313 okay, yea, was just looking at that ... so is it just the URL and then /<harvesting_sets>?
17:49 pdurbin well, it'll have "/oai" in it
17:49 pdurbin I don't know OAI-PMH so well.
17:51 nightowl313 wondering how common harvesting really is between dataverses? maybe not so much?
17:52 pdurbin This seems to work:
17:52 pdurbin but
17:53 pameyer
17:53 pdurbin nightowl313: the Dataverse UI should guide you through that.
17:53 pameyer sometimes notes are actually useful
17:53 pdurbin :)
17:54 pdurbin donsizemore: I popped in to ask you about rserve vs rapache in ansible
17:54 pdurbin nightowl313: it would be cool to see a graph of the installations that harvest from each other
17:56 nightowl313 awesome...thanks you all! This is very helpful! sorry @donsizemore to take over the chat ... i'm intereseted in that question, too!
17:56 pameyer slightly related, slightly tangential question - any thoughts on retry intervals for API integrations?
17:56 pameyer but punting that until rserver/rapache/ansible works :)
17:56 pdurbin yes, retry as often as you need to :)
17:57 pameyer there's a fine line between that and a DOS sometimes...
17:57 pdurbin pameyer: I'm just in the rserve docs. No big deal.
18:09 nightowl313 note .. per my previous question .. it worked! Thanks all!
18:11 pdurbin 🎉
18:15 donsizemore @nightowl313 I think you only need rApache for TwoRavens (and we've disabled that)
18:16 pdurbin donsizemore: sorry, that was me asking about rApache. Good answer. That's what I was hoping. :)
18:17 nightowl313 ohhh good to know! I had been wondering about that! thanks!
18:26 nightowl313 btw ... once I got the right URL for the dataverse (ie: https:<siteFQDN>/oai .. the next screen listed the available sets! Good to have the api, though, to get that info first without having to create a client
18:30 pameyer great
18:31 pameyer btw - the oai-pmh spec might be worth a look too, if you get into those apis
18:32 nightowl313 yes! our dev team will need that for pulling info into our "landing page" for all of our repositories ... thanks so much!
18:35 pameyer you're welcome!
18:36 donsizemore @pdurbin @nightowl31 sorry for username clash -- i'm in the datacenter this afternoon and double-tasking so's i can celebrate with hot chocolate
18:37 pdurbin yum
18:38 nightowl313 yay to hot chocolate!
18:39 donsizemore they keep it a toasty 65F in here
18:39 nightowl313 i was wondering about that question, too ... wasn't sure if I should install rapache on rserve server
18:39 donsizemore you don't need it, and it TANKS performance
18:40 nightowl313 yay .. one less thing to have to figure out how to do! lol
18:41 donsizemore take heart that once you get things good-and-configured, there's only occasional patching and upgrades to do
18:41 pameyer @donsizemore - hope you've got your earmuffs too
18:42 nightowl313 =D
18:42 donsizemore i'd rather have that DIMM i'e needed for a long time. no state budget, no state purchases
18:46 donsizemore @pameyer do you need rApache? I have RPMs
18:47 pameyer @donsizemore: nope, I'vve managed to dodge rApache - but thank you
18:49 pdurbin I was asking because it's still listed under optional components. But I agree that it's only needed for TwoRavens.
18:49 pameyer piles of old parts become much more useful when no-budget-for-parts happens....
18:50 donsizemore @pameyer it is for this reason no one can see the disaster that is my office
18:56 donsizemore joined #dataverse
19:01 pameyer huh - today I learned that you can have catch things in a finalizePublication lock with the FAKE DOI provider
19:03 pdurbin pameyer: what version are you on?
19:04 pameyer 5.0 develop-fa33c7a
19:04 pameyer current-ish, but not current
19:04 pameyer looks to be an intermittent error
19:04 pdurbin After it locks, can you still publish other datasets?
19:05 pameyer yup
19:06 pdurbin phew
19:07 pdurbin I'm asking because we've had a lil' trouble lately:
19:09 pameyer weird - that does look different than what I'm seeing
19:11 pameyer there's a bunch of noise in my server.log , but one thing that jumped out is that there was a "Dataset cannot be edited due to In Review dataset lock" in there
19:12 pameyer but nothing should be going into review - this is all API stuff that isn't touching review/return-to-author
19:15 pdurbin weird
19:16 pameyer yeah
19:16 pameyer my usual assumption is that the weirdness is me abusing a dev environment while I typo things
19:18 pameyer I need to reset it anyhow - I'll keep 7303 in mind if I see more oddness, or more informative logs
19:19 pdurbin sounds good
19:42 nightowl313 left #dataverse
19:42 yoh joined #dataverse
19:50 yoh_ joined #dataverse
20:24 yoh joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.