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IRC log for #dataverse, 2020-10-12

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
06:47 Virgile joined #dataverse
11:21 donsizemore joined #dataverse
11:53 Virgile hi
11:53 Virgile how do you get the name of the version to undeploy?
11:55 Virgile with my "orginial" install, the server was in dataverse 4 and "/asadmin undeploy dataverse" worked
11:56 Virgile now i'm in 5.1 and would like to upgrade to 5.1.1 but "/asadmin undeploy dataverse" and "/asadmin undeploy dataverse-5.1" give "
11:56 Virgile remote failure: Application dataverse is not deployed on this target [server]
11:56 Virgile Command undeploy failed.
11:56 Virgile "
12:29 donsizemore try asadmin list-applications
12:30 donsizemore if nothing is deployed, restart payara for good measure then try the deploy 5.1.1 command again?
12:42 Virgile dataverse-5.1  <ejb, web>
12:42 Virgile Command list-applications executed successfully.
12:44 Virgile is it supposed to give this output?
12:45 Virgile wait, my bad, the name i gave had a wrond character ;o
12:46 Virgile just like most of my sentences ;o
12:47 Virgile thnx don ^^
12:55 donsizemore be sure you're issuing those asadmin commands as the service account (dataverse / payara / whatever you created)
12:59 Virgile yeah, and at first it wouldn't deploy the .war because payara didn't have the rights on the folder where the .war was.
13:00 donsizemore and to write output from (the note on permissions is buried in the setup docs)
13:17 donsizemore hey @pdurbin dataverse-metrics isn't participating in Hacktoberfest
14:04 yoh joined #dataverse
14:13 Virgile I see that I can block admin and builtin-users APIs, how to unblock them if needed?
14:19 Virgile actually default limitations regarding APIs look enough. Or have I misundesrtood something?
14:21 Virgile (enough to ensure security on a production server)
14:22 donsizemore you might set it to localhost-only?
14:23 Virgile by default is "localhost-only", that's why I thought it would need no more tweek
19:25 GitterIntegratio joined #dataverse
19:42 icarito[m] joined #dataverse
19:42 poikilotherm joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.