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IRC log for #dataverse, 2020-10-14

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
06:48 Virgile joined #dataverse
07:29 nightowl313 joined #dataverse
07:30 nightowl313 anyone online right now? i tried to upgrade my dataverse 5 install to 5.1 ... everything seemed to go well, other than the last step I tried to restart payara and it told me that there was already an instance running ... shows the new war file (5.1) is deployed, but the URL to my site shows just a payara screen
07:31 nightowl313 i've tried stopping and starting the domain, restarting the system, nothing works ... any ideas?
07:31 nightowl313 other than restoring the snapshot of the s3 volume
07:33 nightowl313 the error when I check the payara status is "There is a process already using the admin port 4848" ... although the service is stopped .. .and it will not restart
07:45 nightowl313 reran the whole entire upgrade and payara started, but same issue ... just see the payara screen .. i have solr running on another server, maybe that is the issue? omg
07:47 nightowl313 yep, it had to do with that .. .had to restart solr .. sorry for the panicked chat .. goodnight all!
08:01 Virgile Our production installation will also have a separate solr server... so I'm sorry you encountered that issue but thank you, it will be reused wisely!
09:04 Virgile joined #dataverse
10:13 Virgile joined #dataverse
10:32 Virgile joined #dataverse
12:22 donsizemore joined #dataverse
12:45 yoh joined #dataverse
13:58 kaitlin joined #dataverse
14:28 pameyer joined #dataverse
14:35 pameyer @nightowl313 (if you check the logs later) - for glassfish restarts, I got into the habit of using the `jps` command to make sure glassfish actually stopped.  it had a bad habit of not doing that robustly; not sure if that's carried over to payara or not
14:39 Virgile joined #dataverse
15:32 pdurbin joined #dataverse
17:22 pdurbin joined #dataverse
18:06 Analia joined #dataverse
18:07 Analia Hi! I have a problem with dataverse. When saving a dataset the page stays loading for a long time and then I get an error
18:19 pameyer names
18:19 pameyer ^ typo'd the command to see if Analia was still on
18:20 analia joined #dataverse
18:21 pameyer analia: is there anything informative in server.log for the error?
18:21 Analia93 joined #dataverse
18:26 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
18:31 dataverse-user Hi! I have a problem with dataverse. When saving a dataset the page stays loading for a long time and then I get an error
18:31 dataverse-user [] [tid: _ThreadID=49 _ThreadName=jk-connector(2)] [timeMillis: 1602697983617] [levelValue: 1000] [[   Can't load private key in null: java.lang.NullPointerException]]
18:33 dataverse-user [tid: _ThreadID=49 _ThreadName=Thread-9] [timeMillis: 1602697983619] [levelValue: 1000] [[   sending HDL-UDP request (version=2.10; oc=1; rc=0; snId=0 caCrt noAuth expires:Thu Oct 15 02:53:03 ART 2020 0.NA/20.500.12769 [HS_SITE, HS_SITE.6, HS_SERV, HS_NAMESPACE, ] [ ]) to [2001:550:100:6::4]:2641]]
18:33 donsizemore @dataverse-user hello, is this on the Harvard dataverse?
18:34 donsizemore @dataverse-user I'm guessing not, those look like Handle errors above
18:35 dataverse-user no, I install dataverse then handle
18:36 pameyer looks like dataverse.handlenet.admprivphrase may not be configured correctly
18:37 pameyer I know essentially nothing about handles, but I'd guess it's a jvm property that needs to be set with asadmin
18:41 dataverse-user I did not set that in handle, so I did not do this setting: dataverse.handlenet.admprivphrase
18:45 pameyer ah - my explaination was minimal to the point of being not too useful.  dataverse.handlenet.admprivphrase is a configuration setting in dataverse that I believe you need to set
18:48 dataverse-user oh, okay!! I will try to do that configuration
18:49 pameyer good luck!  if you haven't, it may be worth checking the dataverse guides section on handle configuration
18:50 dataverse-user Thanks!!!!
18:50 dataverse-user left #dataverse
18:58 pdurbin pameyer: thanks much.
19:01 pameyer pdurbin: no problem (other than my lack of handles knowledge)
19:10 pdurbin we're in the same boat
19:29 donsizemore @pdurbin O, ye, of the institutional knowledge
19:30 pdurbin my beard is not as grey as some
19:31 donsizemore moving datasets between dataverse installations: export in dataverse_json format... do what with the DOI/authority/identifier ... profit?
19:34 pdurbin This might be a good question for the mailing list. Kaitlin from Scholars Portal was asking similar questions. Beyond the DOI (which I think would change), you should probably also consider versions.
19:35 pameyer retarget the DOI to the new landing page?
19:35 donsizemore Thu-Mai is finding that out (I hope)
19:35 pameyer or just retarget the original DOI to the new DOI
19:35 pdurbin Here are some notes from when she was asking:
19:36 pdurbin pameyer: yes, definitely retarget
19:37 pdurbin You can still put the old DOI under "Other ID".
19:39 pameyer might also be worth a new version in the source dataset - "this dataset's been moved, go here" kinda thing
19:41 pdurbin Or deaccession it with a note and a link? I forget how custom the notes can be.
19:42 donsizemore I like 'destroy'
19:43 pdurbin heh
19:43 donsizemore *kaboom*
19:43 pameyer maybe - deaccession has a connotation of "this was never meant to be" that may not fit
19:43 pameyer at least, it seems that way to me - could be wrong
19:43 pdurbin let's hear appetite for destruction on an organ
19:44 pameyer for some reason, I've never actually used "destroy".  well, wipe that database and start over :)
19:46 pdurbin wiping the database is much cleaner
20:46 pdurbin left #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.