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IRC log for #dataverse, 2020-11-06

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
15:06 pdurbin joined #dataverse
15:11 nightowl313 joined #dataverse
15:25 donsizemore joined #dataverse
15:26 donsizemore @pdurbin
15:27 * pdurbin clicks
15:30 pdurbin yikes
15:30 donsizemore may not mean much for dataverse/dataverse-ansible but I do like the appearance of GitHub Actions
15:32 pdurbin Well, won't this break our coveralls stuff if we don't migrate from to That's what the article seems to be saying.
15:38 donsizemore haven't dug much into what dataverse[-ansible] is doing, fairly kinetic morning. but on my list.
15:38 pdurbin Ok, This is what I find concerning: "December 31, 2020: will be put into read-only mode."
15:40 donsizemore get that munny
15:40 pdurbin I'm ok with waiting until January to see if stuff is broken or now. Now that we've rolled out own CI (thank you!) with Jenkins we don't depend on Travis as much.
15:40 pdurbin broken or not*
15:41 pdurbin Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I had no idea.
15:42 pdurbin I think we haven't seen builds failing because we are pretty light users of Travis. The author of that post has 120 projects.
15:42 pdurbin So he runs out of minutes or hours or whatever.
15:43 donsizemore the blog entry struck me as a little entitled regarding a free service, but I've been on both sides of that fence ;)
15:43 pdurbin get that munny
16:19 poikilotherm Morning donsizemore, pdurbin
16:19 donsizemore hello hello
16:19 poikilotherm Sad news about Travis
16:19 poikilotherm That's a long time friend...
16:20 pdurbin from Germany
16:21 poikilotherm I tend to believe that github actions still need to mature a bit, compared to Gitlab CI.
16:21 poikilotherm It feels a bit... Clumsy.
16:21 poikilotherm But maybe that's just my learning curve
16:21 pdurbin I haven't used GitLab CI but I'm happy with our solution built on Jenkins.
16:23 donsizemore I may just remove Ansible's .travis.yml for now
16:24 pdurbin Sure. Did I add it? What do we use it for?
16:24 pdurbin Nope! Not me. This is fancy Docker stuff. :)
17:18 poikilotherm
17:19 poikilotherm I appreciate how this works on Github
17:19 poikilotherm Able to do small commits on my mobile :-)
17:24 poikilotherm Donsizemore that PR is taking ages to go through CI. Would you agree with me that we might try adding a condition to Jenkins to ignore changes in the docs folder? This seems like a waste of time and money on EC2.
17:27 poikilotherm Oh. I just discovered it wasn't pending for CI, it was pending review. That's not very clear in the GitHub mobile app... :-/
18:31 pdurbin poikilotherm: yeah I use ```suggestion all the time.
18:32 pdurbin poikilotherm: or if it's a docs only change, just build the docs? With a smaller EC2 instance. Docs are important too. :)
18:42 donsizemore joined #dataverse
18:43 donsizemore @poikilotherm there's a Jenkins plugin to do region excludes but it's never quite worked as advertised. it uses Ant RE and should be pretty straightforward, but for a long time the toggle was all or nothing
18:44 donsizemore @poikilotherm it's been on my list to circle back around. on money: the current EC2 instance size costs $0.07/hr so we're not breaking the bank
19:24 donsizemore @pdurbin re: #7396 - AUGH! you always edited my PRs to make them double-colons!
19:25 pdurbin :)
19:25 pdurbin :: requires an indent to follow
19:25 pdurbin It's weird.
19:28 donsizemore i'll test about the powertools bit to be sure they're still required (my suspicion is yes)
19:32 pdurbin thanks
19:32 pdurbin I take for granted that dataverse-ansible "just works" and I never have to sweat these details.
21:38 pameyer joined #dataverse
21:48 pdurbin Taking off. Have a good weekend, all.
21:48 pdurbin left #dataverse
21:54 poikilotherm Baba pdurbin
21:54 pameyer I remember the UI folks talking about "nuggets".  github's "look at me" banner for multi-line commants seems like an anti-nugget / dark-pattern-nugget .... but it's probably been in prod for a while there

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.