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IRC log for #dataverse, 2020-12-04

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
07:50 Virgile joined #dataverse
12:06 poikilotherm Hi @Virgile. From past messages it looks like you're in timezone CET. Are you from the DACH region?
12:18 donsizemore joined #dataverse
13:28 Virgile joined #dataverse
15:03 donsizemore10 joined #dataverse
15:03 pdurbin joined #dataverse
15:32 pdurbin poikilotherm: I'm taking a look at your JMS config pull request
16:04 pdurbin poikilotherm: that success you saw was false. (I'd be happy to explain how you can tell.) I'm re-running Jenkins.
16:24 poikilotherm Hey pdurbin. Yes please, give Jenkins a treat so it's rebuilding
16:24 poikilotherm And you had a question yesterday?
16:25 pdurbin It was about max pool size, for example. How to change it. I assume it requires a recompile.
16:28 pdurbin Is that right?
16:44 pdurbin poikilotherm: also, still seeing failures on that jms branch:
16:51 poikilotherm Yeah, it needs a recompile just like the other settings
17:00 poikilotherm Donsizemore pdurbin it looks like it's failing with rsync???
18:01 pdurbin poikilotherm: recompile. Ok. Thanks.
18:02 pdurbin I'm actually spinning up a pre-poikilotherm instance so I can see how the various settings looked in domain.xml. :)
18:44 donsizemore10 @poikilotherm rsync is just copying logs at the end. ignores missing if they don't exist.
19:01 poikilotherm Pdurbin maybe it's just me, but I don't see failed tests in the jenkins build you sent me... The log is a bit crowded, any keyword I should look for?
19:03 pdurbin poikilotherm: the API tests didn't run. You can tell because they took 0.12 seconds.
19:07 donsizemore10 @pdurbin it looks like the installer didn't run. and those rsync connection failures at the end make me think the instance fell over
19:08 pdurbin Lemme look. I've been distracted by other things and lunch.
19:11 pdurbin donsizemore10: how can you tell it didn't run?
19:12 pdurbin Huh. skipped=349. Seems high but what do I know.
19:13 donsizemore10 @pdurbin eh, maybe it did.
19:13 pdurbin Oh. I guess that's normal based on a run I'm looking at on develop.
19:13 pdurbin I mean, I see the rsync errors. Not sure what went wrong.
19:13 pdurbin Like you said, maybe the instance died?
19:14 pdurbin Should I just click "build now" again and cross my fingers this time?
19:20 * pdurbin clicks build now
20:07 pdurbin Hey it worked this time. All API tests passed: (6 minutes, 46 seconds to run them)
20:39 pdurbin poikilotherm: datasourcedefinition merged!
21:21 poikilotherm Woohoo \o/
21:39 pdurbin poikilotherm: are you near a computer? Do you want to merge develop into your JMS pull request?
22:02 pdurbin Have a good weekend, all.
22:02 pdurbin left #dataverse

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