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IRC log for #dataverse, 2020-12-15

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
07:18 Virgile joined #dataverse
14:11 Virgile joined #dataverse
14:55 donsizemore joined #dataverse
14:58 pdurbin joined #dataverse
14:59 bricas Hey y'all. we're looking to plan our DV5 upgrade. Is Paraya CE web profile good enough, or do i need full?
14:59 pdurbin You need full.
15:00 pdurbin Also, the community call is about to start: bjonnh bricas donsizemore juancorr ramok Virgile
15:05 bricas gotcha, thanks.
15:31 pdurbin bricas: I think they're roughly the same size anyway. But yeah, I think we use a Jakarta EE spec or two that is included in full but absent from web. Maybe JMS is the one. I'm not sure.
15:40 pdurbin For anyone who's curious, and have been upgraded to Dataverse 5.3.
16:23 donsizemore @pdurbin for SchemaSpy: should it wind up on
16:23 donsizemore or off of
16:24 Virgile joined #dataverse
16:26 pdurbin I feel like it's more of a guides thing. The database schema changes with most releases so it would be nice to look at it for an old release.
16:27 pdurbin Not to complicate things but another artifact we could publish is the HTML version of our Javadoc.
16:27 pdurbin These are both more dev/sysadmin oriented than the regular guides.
16:28 pdurbin So maybe they should be hosted on a different hostname. I dunno.
16:28 donsizemore Seems like something we could trigger in Jenkins, which has an SSH key for
16:34 pdurbin Yeah, it's probably just a matter of where to put them.
16:55 pdurbin The question is, do we want them under en/5.3?
16:55 pdurbin en/5.3/schemaspy?
16:58 pdurbin I guess the ssh key is for the guides server but we could give the guides server a second hostname.
16:59 pdurbin Maybe we should see what Oliver thinks. He's big into docs with his and all.
17:47 pameyer joined #dataverse
17:58 pameyer I wonder if building html javadoc is still working - I vaguely remember it needing to be fixed at one point
18:24 pameyer yup; looks working to me
18:26 pdurbin phew
18:28 pameyer well, the usual state of things isn't to spontaneously break - I'm just paranoid sometimes
18:54 pdurbin except for entropy :)
19:14 vineet joined #dataverse
21:59 pdurbin left #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.