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IRC log for #dataverse, 2021-01-12

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
07:18 Virgile joined #dataverse
07:24 Virgile joined #dataverse
07:29 Virgile joined #dataverse
11:06 JonathanNeal_ joined #dataverse
12:53 donsizemore joined #dataverse
13:00 Virgile Hello there! Happy New Year! :-)
14:59 pdurbin joined #dataverse
15:00 pdurbin Virgile: Happy New Year!
15:00 pdurbin bjonnh bricas donsizemore poikilotherm ramok Virgile: time for the community call:
15:20 Virgile argh i think i came too late... had another webconf to finish ;-O
15:21 pdurbin No worries. We have them every other week. :)
15:21 Virgile :)
16:53 juancorr joined #dataverse
17:37 Sherry joined #dataverse
17:37 Sherry FYI: UVa is upgrading from V4.20 to V5.0
17:38 Sherry 1st question is about the Postgres version. We still have postgresql-9.1-902.jdbc4.jar   Is this a problem should we upgrade.
17:39 pdurbin Are you asking about the driver (the jar file) or the version of Postgres on the server?
17:40 Sherry Upgrade step says: Copy the Postgres driver to /usr/local/payara5/glassfish/lib  sudo cp /usr/local/glassfish4/glassfi​sh/lib/postgresql-42.2.9.jar /usr/local/payara5/glassfish/lib/
17:40 Sherry But we have postgresql-9.1-902.jdbc4.jar instead of postgresql-42.2.9.jar
17:41 pdurbin Ah. I think you should use that "42" driver. It's newer.
17:41 pdurbin donsizemore has upgraded it for us
17:42 Sherry Ok, will download "42" and put that in the new the new payara5 folder
17:42 pdurbin Sounds good.
17:43 pdurbin If you're curious about "Why the versioning change from 9.4.xxxx to 42.x.x?" -
17:50 Sherry OK, but can we do this upgrade V5.0 with our current version 9.4?
18:09 pameyer joined #dataverse
18:18 pameyer today's fun dataverse observation - it's possible to fill up ~20GB with a dataverse install, with no thumbnails or data files
18:24 pdurbin Sherry: I thought you had a 9.1 driver. I'd suggest using a 42 driver.
18:24 pdurbin pameyer: bigger is better?
18:25 pameyer pdurbin: it probably does need more space, but I'm still tracking down what's using it
18:26 pdurbin gotcha
18:26 pameyer but when you scale to ~125K datasets, there's a non-trivial amount of storage for _something_
18:35 donsizemore @pdurbin I didn't upgrade it recently (Oliver built it into the 5.3 warfile)
18:46 donsizemore @Sherry 42.2.18 is current; they're officially/hopefully backwards-compatible with previous versions of Postgres
19:11 pdurbin should be
19:31 Sherry Thanks!!!! UVA Dataverse is at V5.0 now.... hoping to keep upgrading to V5.2 by the end of the day.
19:34 pdurbin great!
19:48 pameyer space that I tracked down turned out to be mostly split between cached exports and postgres, with a little from solr logs that didn't have logrotate
19:48 pameyer not everything accounted for, but those looked like the biggest chunks
19:51 pdurbin god bless logrotate
19:52 pameyer that, and testing things before going live
19:53 pdurbin :)
20:11 Sherry OK, UVa now needs to get payara as a "service". We are running on CentOS 6.10 - is there an example of an init.d script?
20:14 pdurbin Sherry: sure, here you go:
20:15 pdurbin I think you want the first one, the systemd one.
20:16 Sherry Thanks!
20:18 pameyer Sherry - are you aware of the centos 6 end of support dates?
20:23 Sherry I'll let my sysadmin know - or tell him to investigate.
20:24 pameyer might already be something on his radar, but I don't think it's getting security updates anymore
20:36 donsizemore centos pulled the updates they _did_ offer
20:36 donsizemore
20:37 donsizemore (and talk about superfluous apostrophes)
20:41 pameyer fortunately, I don't think the cent6 iso's are signed (with certs w\ expiration dates)
20:49 Sherry My sysadmin says "We are hoping to have everyone at AWS before that hammer falls"
20:54 pdurbin please hammer don't hurt 'em
21:29 Sherry left #dataverse
21:43 pdurbin left #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.