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IRC log for #dataverse, 2021-01-19

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
07:24 Virgile joined #dataverse
07:24 juancorr joined #dataverse
11:58 ramok joined #dataverse
12:53 donsizemore joined #dataverse
12:56 Virgile joined #dataverse
16:44 Sherry joined #dataverse
16:45 Sherry Just updated our production dataverse and some datasets are not showing - getting an error
16:45 Sherry Go here:
16:45 Sherry Dataset view gives error, but can see the files: here:
16:55 nightowl313 joined #dataverse
17:38 donsizemore joined #dataverse
17:38 donsizemore @Sherry looks good to me from here
17:43 Sherry @donsizemore did you click the dataset link?
17:45 donsizemore @Sherry pfffft. I did not. as Danny says the answer will be in server.log
17:52 nightowl313 does the tabular file ingest not work on files that are not in a simple row/column format? (would make sense but just checking) ... when someone uploads a file that has multiple tabs or columns in various sections of the sheet, it gives an error
17:53 nightowl313 hi everyone! sorry just jumped into that question =)
18:40 Sherry @nightowl313 since I'm on this board.... I just tested an xlsx file with multiple sheets/tabs & it was ingested as "tabular" BUT only the 1st sheet - that's a problem! I'll create an issue.
18:46 nightowl313 oh thanks! the particular spreadsheet that we uploaded had multiple tabs, and also the first tab wasn't the default one section with columns, starting at A1 ... it had various sections on the sheet with different columns ... I'm just assuming that won't ingest?
19:02 Sherry I'm a one for trying things. Even if it won't ingest, Dataverse should just keep it as is - and not give an error. I expected the xlsx file I had to cause problems, but like I said it was ingested, although not correctly.
19:10 nightowl313 the file never "completes" the ingest, although the email is sent saying "ingest process has finished with errors." ... no more detail
19:26 Sherry @nightowl313 there is a way to remove the lock on datasets - see this Google Forum thread (Danny's 2nd response) -
19:29 nightowl313 oh great! giving it a try!
19:46 nightowl313 hmmm there don't appear to be any locks .. the file uploads with a "Success"! message ... although next to the file it says "Ingest in process" ... but it just isn't viewable in the previewer or explorer, etc.
19:46 nightowl313 but I looked in the db and no locks in the datasetlock table
19:46 nightowl313 weird
20:05 nightowl313 file validation shows it as a valid file ... just can't preview it
20:30 pdurbin joined #dataverse
20:38 pdurbin nightowl313: did the file ever finish ingesting?
21:00 nightowl313 it just says "Upload completed with errors" next to the file
21:07 pdurbin Even if you refresh?
21:08 pdurbin Oh, actually, that sounds like it's done. And that it failed ingest.
21:14 nightowl313 yea, if I refresh that's what the error says .. but if I run the validation on that dataset, it says everything is valid ... I just don't think the file is ingesting ... that first sheet is not a typical "all columns in order" spreadsheet
21:20 Sherry left #dataverse
21:42 pdurbin Yeah, like Sherry said, only the first sheet is ingested.
21:56 pdurbin left #dataverse
22:09 nightowl313 okay, and since that first sheet was a weird structure, it just didn't ingest it? I can see that ... just verifying that is the case

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