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IRC log for #dataverse, 2021-01-25

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
07:34 Virgile joined #dataverse
10:25 dabukalam joined #dataverse
10:49 juancorr joined #dataverse
11:23 Virgile joined #dataverse
11:53 Virgile joined #dataverse
12:42 donsizemore joined #dataverse
14:47 Virgile joined #dataverse
15:24 pdurbin joined #dataverse
15:40 pdurbin Happy Monday!
19:52 poikilotherm2 Happy Monday pdurbin
19:53 pdurbin Monday is fading fast for you.
19:59 poikilotherm2 Yeah. But finally took some time to get back to programming
19:59 poikilotherm2 Kids are pretty distracting when at home
19:59 pdurbin My 11 year is always asking me to play Mario Kart with her.
19:59 pdurbin 11 year old
20:00 poikilotherm2 Sounds great :-)
20:01 poikilotherm2 Or as I learnt recently: killer!
20:02 pdurbin so killer
20:02 poikilotherm2 Mine start to play with LEGO. So many requests for building crazy stuff
20:03 poikilotherm2 Trying to inspire them to come up with their own ideas, but will take more time I gues
20:04 pdurbin Oh yes, lots of LEGO too.
20:04 poikilotherm2 And it changed so much in the past 20 years... Crazy what special stuff you can buy these days
20:06 pdurbin Yeah, this was LEGO when I was a kid:
20:07 poikilotherm2 I recently came across pictures from 60th and 70th LEGO. That's really crazy when compared to what you can do today.
20:09 donsizemore I wanted the Lego Monorail terribly
20:11 poikilotherm2 This one?
20:11 poikilotherm2 Gnrf GZ compressed
20:11 * poikilotherm2 uploaded an image: image.png (748KiB) < >
20:14 pdurbin That's a fine monorail. Reminds me of certain Simpsons episode.
20:16 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
20:18 poikilotherm2 Did I ever mention how much I dislike JUnit4 ?
20:26 pdurbin a couple times
20:28 poikilotherm2 :-D
20:28 poikilotherm2 Payara code base is still on it :-(
20:30 pdurbin We're close to merging the Java 11 PR.
20:31 poikilotherm2 Sounds good
20:31 pdurbin I haven't even downloaded it yet.
20:36 poikilotherm2 Me neither :-D
20:45 pdurbin merged
20:46 poikilotherm2 Congrats
20:46 pdurbin now I'm not looking forward to pulling
20:46 poikilotherm2 :-D
20:47 poikilotherm2 Shouldn't be that hard to switch to 11, should it?
20:47 poikilotherm2 Aren't there guides for devs etc?
20:48 pdurbin There's a release note:
21:28 poikilotherm2 Your mail sounds like you're all set
21:29 pdurbin Yeah, here it is for others:
21:29 pdurbin Java 11! Woo!
21:29 poikilotherm2 \o/
21:29 pdurbin Do we have val and var now?
21:29 pdurbin multiline strings?
21:29 poikilotherm2 I don't think so
21:29 pdurbin bah
21:30 poikilotherm2
21:31 poikilotherm2 But we still have a large codebase stuck on pre Java 8 ;-)
21:32 poikilotherm2 We have var and val with 11 now, but multiline strings are 14 IIRC
21:32 pdurbin Ooo, I like this: List<String> list = List.of("one", "two", "three");
21:33 poikilotherm2 Yeah, those generators are neat
21:33 pdurbin jshell!
21:33 poikilotherm2 I used the Collections and Streams API for this so far
21:33 poikilotherm2 Did you listen to Adams podcast lately?
21:33 poikilotherm2 Better go for jbang :-)
21:34 pdurbin I'm way behind. Maybe 6 episodes behind. I've been listening to a book series my kids like (Renegades). They're making me listen but it isn't bad.
21:36 poikilotherm2 I have plenty of time to listen to podcast and audio books at construction site. Listening + brain work is quite impossible for me, but craft work plus listening is a pretty neat combo
21:36 pdurbin Huh. I wonder if HttpClient is any good.
21:38 poikilotherm2 Maybe. We might look into removing the dependency on the apache one
21:39 pdurbin Yeah. And I added Uni something. Unirest, I think.
21:51 pdurbin I shared that link in Slack. Thanks. Also, I'm heading out. See you all tomorrow.
21:51 pdurbin left #dataverse
21:51 poikilotherm2 Baba

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