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IRC log for #dataverse, 2021-01-26

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
03:02 ramok joined #dataverse
07:35 Virgile joined #dataverse
10:36 HolgerMarschall joined #dataverse
10:38 HolgerMarschall Hello everyone, we would like to start an open-access / free-to-publish journal using OJS version should be soon updated to v3.2.1.2). We would like to include the dataverse plugin (which seems to be compatible up to version OJS 2.4.8). However, the systems hangs up when loading the plugin. Is there anyone who can help or give a hint please?
11:00 HolgerMarschall left #dataverse
11:30 GitterIntegratio joined #dataverse
11:51 poikilotherm2 joined #dataverse
12:20 donsizemore joined #dataverse
12:22 donsizemore it looks like @HolgerMarschall found the Dataverse/OJS 3.0 plugin issue at
14:49 pdurbin joined #dataverse
14:50 pdurbin bjonnh bricas dabukalam donsizemore juancorr poikilotherm2 ramok Virgile: Hello. The community call starts in 10 minutes:
15:35 donsizemore @pdurbin hey hey - quick Q?
15:36 pdurbin hit me
15:36 donsizemore fixing docker-aio broke integration tests ;)
15:37 pdurbin d'oh!
15:37 donsizemore (which is why I submitted the PR... my test run completed, THEN I touched docker-aio)
15:37 donsizemore I can fix them both with a simple Ansible replace call on if that isn't too kludgy
15:38 donsizemore but that won't fix anybody else pointing at should Ansible just fork it?
15:39 Virgile @donsizemore, do you think you can give me a hand in the next couple of weeks to put the ansible playbook to install dv on several servers on github? The multiple payara bit is not operational yet, but the rest is working. :)
15:39 pdurbin Hmm, for now I think I favor a kludgy replace over forking.
15:40 donsizemore @Virgile I'm happy to help how I can but I haven't seen that playbook
15:40 Virgile We've build one here
15:40 Virgile but it's not on github yet
15:40 Virgile and.. I never used github ;)
15:41 Virgile i mean, i never put anything on it yet
15:41 Virgile and as we're using your playbook as a role, I guess it would be nice to link everything
15:42 Virgile if you give me an e-mail, I can send you the whole thing and then we can talk directly about this next week or so
15:42 donsizemore @pdurbin testing a kludgy replace now ;)
15:43 pdurbin you da man
15:43 donsizemore @Virgile absolutely! I'm
15:43 donsizemore @Virgile you're not the first person to want to run it on multiple hosts, but I'm one person and it's a community project =)
15:44 Virgile hehe well, my playbook is actually working, I hope it can help the community !
15:44 Virgile email noted, thnx! It's the end of the day now, but tomorow i'll take the time to remove some passwords and send it to you ;-)
15:45 Virgile Take care!
15:47 sks joined #dataverse
15:56 donsizemore @pdurbin 995! =) At 999 do we get a backstage tour of the Haunted Mansion?
15:58 pdurbin Luigi's Mansion
16:04 donsizemore @pdurbin dummy forgot to create a branch again, so the fix is live. re-running Jenkins develop job manually
16:05 * pdurbin crosses fingers
16:05 pdurbin It's like a simpler time. No branches, no issues, no pull requests. Just fix it.
18:12 donsizemore I dream of simpler times. Summers at the beach, major holidays at Disney World, and the rest of the year my major complaint was boredom.
18:38 pdurbin :)
19:37 pameyer joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.