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IRC log for #dataverse, 2021-02-15

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:06 ramok joined #dataverse
09:05 Virgile joined #dataverse
09:39 Virgile joined #dataverse
10:54 juancorr joined #dataverse
12:42 donsizemore joined #dataverse
15:55 Virgile joined #dataverse
17:43 nightowl313 joined #dataverse
17:44 nightowl313 hi all ... i probably know the answer to this, but asking anyway just in case ... is there any way to keep a new version from being created when a file is uploaded to a dataset? I know if it is a metadata change, it will give you a prompt to update the current version, is there any way to invoke that on a file upload?
17:45 nightowl313 or somehow override on the backend?
17:46 nightowl313 should have had the researcher keep their datasets in draft until they knew the datasets were complete...but they changed their minds about a file
18:06 nightowl313 joined #dataverse
18:28 donsizemore joined #dataverse
18:29 donsizemore @nightowl313 I got nuthin'
18:33 nightowl313 lol .. okay thanks .. i really didn't think so ... thought I would try .. i don't think we want to get into the habit of "fixing" things anyway and just need to warn folks to make sure they are happy before publishing
19:17 nightowl313 has anyone used the "destroy" api for datasets for this purpose? I know we don't want to make that a habit ... we used it a couple of times for the first few datasets because we did some things wrong, but don't think it is something that we should do every time someone publishes a file and it versions their dataset
19:17 nightowl313 not that we would, but just wondering if anyone ever uses it for extreme things
19:20 nightowl313 is there a way to remove the version number on the citation ... the problem is that the researcher already published the citation, which includes the version number, and she wants the version in dataverse to match what was published
19:20 nightowl313 but she had to upload another file
20:05 nightowl313 i suppose theoretically i could change it in the database, but not sure what problems that would cause
20:33 nightowl313 sooooo ... in our test dataverse, i was able to change a dataset that had published to version 5 ... I changed the status of the version to DRAFT in the database, and was able to upload a new file, and republish, and it wrote it all as v5
20:34 nightowl313 how bad is that to do?
20:36 nightowl313 in the datasetversion table, that is
22:50 nightowl313 joined #dataverse
22:51 nightowl313 hi ... just mentioning that after reading the docs and careful consideration, we are NOT going to change the database! Protecting the trustworthiness of the data is important! =)

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.