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IRC log for #dataverse, 2021-02-17

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
14:16 donsizemore joined #dataverse
15:00 pdurbin joined #dataverse
15:49 poikilotherm2 Hey pdurbin :-)
16:06 pdurbin poikilotherm2: hi
17:20 nightowl313 joined #dataverse
17:21 nightowl313 sorry folks got another question ... we have a researcher who is uploading a very large number of files into a dataset ... and some of them are also going to be zipped, so very large files
17:21 nightowl313 we have direct upload set up on a store so that we can choose that if the dataset will have large files... but in this case he will have both
17:22 nightowl313 in the case where a dataset will have both large and small files, do we just choose the store that is using direct upload? or go back and forth ... a little confused about that
17:22 nightowl313 it is the same bucket
17:22 nightowl313 but just has two different storage locations configured in dataverse
17:23 pdurbin In the GUI you can switch between the two stores, right?
17:23 nightowl313 yes ... so do they just switch between the two depending on the type of files being uploaded?
17:23 nightowl313 back and forth?
17:24 pdurbin sounds suboptimal :)
17:24 pdurbin I'd suggest creating an issue and telling your story.
17:24 nightowl313 just curious how others are handling this ... do most datasets fall into one or the other category?
17:25 pdurbin Maybe there could be a threshold for using one store or another?
17:25 pdurbin If you don't get an answer here you could also ask on the mailing list.
17:26 pdurbin As a developer I only use the one store and I only upload small files.
17:27 nightowl313 yes, i will send a community email ... thanks
17:27 pdurbin sure
17:33 poikilotherm2 pdurbin if you have a minute, maybe you can tell me if API tests already cover ingest enough to make sure I don't break anything with
17:34 pdurbin The tests look good to me:
17:35 pdurbin And yes, ingest is tested. See, for example, UtilIT.MAXIMUM_INGEST_LOCK_DURATION.
19:21 poikilotherm2 Nice nice nice pdurbin.
19:22 pdurbin yay tests
19:24 poikilotherm2 If you feel like it, please give that PR a pat and move it along 😎 Fixing logs is a good thing I assume...
19:27 pdurbin I'm kind of heads down on disable user.
19:29 pdurbin poikilotherm2: how will it affect OIDC?
19:30 pdurbin When does your stuff call session.setUser?
19:30 poikilotherm2 Please request a review and mention me, I'll do a deep dive tomorrow when sitting in front of a screen. Road warrior right now.
19:30 poikilotherm2 Ah ah ah I don't know from the top of my head...
19:31 poikilotherm2 Let me do a quick check
19:31 pdurbin No rush. Watch the road!
19:31 pdurbin Toonces, look out!
19:35 poikilotherm2 Hmm I'm not sure I can find this right now...
19:35 pdurbin No worries. It's on my list. I'll remind you. :)
19:36 poikilotherm2 Isn't the flow like the user object is retrieved at some other place?
19:36 poikilotherm2 There is all the getUserRecord() things
19:36 poikilotherm2 Should we look into this before or after call tomorrow?
19:37 poikilotherm2 I can refamiliarize with the auth flow and codebase
19:37 pdurbin I forget if you build on top of the OAuth code or not.
19:38 poikilotherm2 I do! I reused the interfaces etc, which is why the OIDC stuff is a subpackage
19:38 pdurbin Ok, so maybe I'm already testing that code path.
19:39 poikilotherm2 Definitely good chance
19:39 pdurbin OIDCAuthProvider extends AbstractOAuth2AuthenticationProvider
19:39 pdurbin good
19:43 poikilotherm2 About an hour to go till Mars rover landing...
19:45 pdurbin Oh! Nice. I remember the one from when my kids were small.
22:06 pdurbin left #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.