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IRC log for #dataverse, 2021-03-01

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
13:06 donsizemore joined #dataverse
14:51 juancorr joined #dataverse
15:35 Virgile joined #dataverse
15:35 Virgile hi there!
15:35 Virgile just wanted to quickly share this with you :
15:37 Virgile the branding/customization is making some issues and it will be fixed, but I think it's looking pretty good so far ;-)
15:37 Virgile (i'm not the one who did this awesome work ^^)
15:43 pdurbin joined #dataverse
15:44 pdurbin Virgile: wow! Lot of changes. Thanks for sharing the link.
15:46 Virgile yeah... our university has made a "visual identity", and wants all the public tools to use it, as much as possible
15:48 Virgile have a nice day! :)
15:49 pdurbin you too
16:11 poikilotherm2 pdurbin: let's make some noise... :-D
16:15 pdurbin poikilotherm2: thanks, I gave it a thumbs up.
16:15 poikilotherm2 Noice!
16:15 pdurbin So, I have a little news.
16:15 poikilotherm2 Oh oh
16:16 pdurbin As of today I'm 60% on Dataverse and 40% on another software project.
16:16 poikilotherm2 D'oh!
16:17 pdurbin 😁
16:17 poikilotherm2 I hope they know what greaty guy they have now in their team.
16:17 poikilotherm2 -y
16:18 pdurbin I got a nice introduction this morning. It should be fun, interesting.
16:18 pdurbin I'm trying to decide how I want to announce the change, if at all. I was thinking about a blog post and a tweet.
16:18 poikilotherm2 Sad for Dataverse, good for the other project.
16:18 pdurbin The other project is OpenDP. Have you heard of it?
16:19 poikilotherm2 Aye
16:19 pdurbin oh good
16:19 poikilotherm2 I kinda expected that
16:19 pdurbin Heh. Yeah?
16:20 poikilotherm2 Well OpenDP seems like a hot and fresh thing, in need of more thrust to lift off. More dev power. As you are one of the top guys at IQSS to me it felt like a matter of time before some resources get reallocated
16:21 poikilotherm2 I do hope this is not triggering a slow death of Dataverse software development.
16:21 pdurbin You're right that it's just getting started and I do hope to contribute technically but my main role with OpenDP is community management.
16:21 poikilotherm2 Oh. Then they hired the right guy for it :-D
16:21 pdurbin I wish I had my trophy.
16:21 poikilotherm2 Chief Community Office Phil Durbin in charge here :-D
16:22 pdurbin It's on my desk at work.
16:22 pdurbin I'm actually wondering if I should scale back community work for Dataverse and focus more on the code.
16:23 pdurbin (He says as he works on getting the Community News together.)
16:24 poikilotherm2 LOL
16:27 pdurbin I don't think you should worry about a slow death, or any death.
16:27 pdurbin Dataverse seems quite healthy to me.
16:27 pdurbin Some technical debt, yes, but overall not bad.
16:32 poikilotherm2 Yeah
16:32 poikilotherm2 Looking forward to a bright future
16:32 poikilotherm2 Folks, I'm off to construction site now... C u
17:10 pdurbin poikilotherm2: your MPConfig talk was recorded, right? If you send me the link I'll put it in the community news.
17:11 poikilotherm2 I wrote to Danny to send me a link to the ZOom recording
17:12 poikilotherm2 He didn't respond until now, so maybe the conversion hasn't finished yet
17:12 poikilotherm2 I was going to edit a bit where necessary and put it on Youtube
17:12 poikilotherm2 Maybe you can poke him with a (very long) stick?
17:43 pdurbin Sure, I'm asking.
18:17 pdurbin poikilotherm2: ok, here's the link to your MPConfig talk (password: community2021!):
19:06 poikilotherm2 Great! Thx. I'll cut and concert tomorrow, ok? It's a bit tricky on mobile...
19:08 pdurbin no rush
19:08 pdurbin I also put it in the community news, which I just sent.
20:40 poikilotherm2 Ah. Ok. I understood you wanted the YouTube link for that. No worries
20:40 poikilotherm2 We can put it on Dataverse TV
20:42 poikilotherm2 BTW WDYT: is it a benefit that we use our employers corporate design for presentations or should we think about using a GDCC one for such community stuff? It might avoid trouble...
20:42 nightowl313 joined #dataverse
20:50 nightowl313 hi all .. my weekly question ... i know we can add a custom header, footer, stylesheet to dataverse, but can we add javascript components to that? (ie: scrolling state/sticky headers) ... or, dataverse uses bootstrap, so should we be able to add that type of component even though we are just adding an included file?
20:50 nightowl313 not sure that made sense
21:05 pdurbin poikilotherm2: I don't think the design matters. Do what you feel.
21:05 pdurbin nightowl313: yep, you're welcome to add all the javascript you want.
21:15 nightowl313 okay, thanks! our org has a global header/footer requirement and they recently added a scrolling state/shrinking menu so have to figure out how to add that =)
21:15 nightowl313 all of the bootstrap features should work, too, right?
21:24 pdurbin I would think so.
21:40 nightowl313 okay thanks =)
22:06 pdurbin you're welcome
22:06 pdurbin poikilotherm2: I went ahead and made that blog post:
22:07 pdurbin left #dataverse
22:07 poikilotherm2 Nice nice nice
22:24 blizzardsnow joined #dataverse
22:34 blizzardsnow left #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.