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IRC log for #dataverse, 2021-03-09

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
04:02 iqlogbot joined #dataverse
04:02 Topic for #dataverse is now Dataverse is open source research data repository software: | IRC Logs: | Who's who:
07:36 Virgile joined #dataverse
08:12 edipretoro joined #dataverse
08:13 edipretoro Hi, I have a question: is there a way to delete a metadata block?
09:26 Thibbo joined #dataverse
09:26 Thibbo Hello all!
09:29 poikilotherm2 Hi Thibbo
09:29 poikilotherm2 Hi edipretoro
09:30 Thibbo I have a user who uploaded a wrong file. The dataset is deaccessioned but the files must be deleted from the server. I can't find a "clean" method to delete the file in the native api.
09:31 poikilotherm2 edipretoro: I'm not sure I get your question completely. If you meant if there is an option to unload a metadata block definition from a running instance: there isn't. But you can deactivate a block for a Dataverse collection.
09:32 poikilotherm2 Thibbo: where do you store the files?
09:32 Thibbo local disk on 1 server
09:33 poikilotherm2 OK and the dataset has been deaccessioned because everything was wrong or just because of the file?
09:33 poikilotherm2 (There is an endpoint to replace a file)
09:34 poikilotherm2 (Also it does not delete the old files, as it creates a new version)
09:34 Thibbo only 2 versions of dataset have been deaccessioned because of the file
09:34 Thibbo the last version contains only metadatas
09:34 Thibbo no files
09:35 Thibbo I try the replace endpoint but it did not deleted file
09:37 poikilotherm2 Has the file already been published?
09:38 Thibbo yes
09:38 poikilotherm2 OK. Then only superusers can delete the file.
09:40 Thibbo I have the same issue as
09:41 poikilotherm2 Oh. I see. I was just looking at the code. There is a command to delete a file, but it is not exposed as a REST endpoint.
09:41 poikilotherm2 (At least not as far as I see it)
09:41 poikilotherm2 You should be able to delete files via the UI
09:42 poikilotherm2 In case of published files this is restricted to superusers
09:42 poikilotherm2 Too bad there is such an error for deaccessioned datasets
09:43 poikilotherm2 Did you see the workaround Julian posted?
09:43 poikilotherm2 A workaround is to create the draft version another way, such as clicking Edit > Metadata then "Save Changes" (you don't have to make any changes), then delete the file(s).
09:47 edipretoro poikilotherm2: Thanks for your answer! And yes, I was talking about unload completely a customized metadata block from a running instance
09:49 poikilotherm2 edipretoro: this is not possible due to the fact that there might exist metadata that uses the schema. It would be necessary to delete all of that before unloading. If you feel this is a necessity, please open an issue with a detailed use case.
09:50 edipretoro that make sense, indeed
09:51 edipretoro the only use case I have for the moment is related to tests we are conducting for now, so no real use case at the moment
09:52 Thibbo poikilotherm2: it does not work :( (dataverse 4.20 here)
09:52 Thibbo "The object [​tudy.FileMetadata[id=89]] cannot be merged because it has changed or been deleted since it was last read. Class>"
09:53 poikilotherm2 Oh, Julian posted that for Dataverse 5
09:53 poikilotherm2 Sorry
09:55 Thibbo On my test server, I try to change file content directly on disk. There is not error but I'm not proud of me
10:06 Thibbo I will try the workaround after upgrade to dataverse 5
10:11 Thibbo thank you poikilotherm2. have a good day
10:11 Virgile joined #dataverse
10:11 Thibbo left #dataverse
13:40 R_Neves joined #dataverse
13:41 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
14:36 donsizemore joined #dataverse
14:55 pdurbin joined #dataverse
14:57 pdurbin poikilotherm2: wow, thanks for answering questions all morning!
14:58 pdurbin to all: the community call is starting soon:
14:58 Virgile joined #dataverse
14:58 poikilotherm2 pdurbin: you're welcome. You seemed asleep :-P
14:59 poikilotherm2 I hope I gave the right answers and didn't overlook stuff :-D
15:14 pdurbin I think so. For deaccessioned files, perhaps we should offer the option to delete the file from the file system (or S3 or whatever).
15:21 Virgile Hello! That would be nice :)
16:31 pkiraly joined #dataverse
16:33 pdurbin poikilotherm2: nice find:
16:34 pkiraly Hi! I just started working on a ticket. Created a new local branch from develop. `mvn clean install` get into stuck when it starts downloading a Payara dependency: microbean-microprofile-config-0.4.1.jar. Is it only for me, or did you also meet this issue?
16:35 pkiraly stuck precisely means that mvn starts waiting and after 15 minutes I killed it.
16:36 pdurbin Huh. I haven't seen this. I always do `package` instead of `install` but I don't think it matters.
16:38 pdurbin poikilotherm2: is this on topic for #ig-devops in Slack?
16:38 pdurbin pkiraly's problem, I mean
16:39 pkiraly I gave it a try, it seems the same result: waiting...
16:39 pdurbin I think it's working fine in Jenkins.
16:41 poikilotherm2 Thx pdurbin. Was triggered by @donsizemore request this morning. The hunt was on.
16:41 pdurbin With Jenkins we build the war file on a freshly spun up CentOS box. pkiraly: are you on Linux? I'm on a Mac.
16:42 poikilotherm2 pkiraly: IIRC that microbean is a test dependency I added.
16:42 pkiraly pdurbin, I use Ubuntu Linux
16:42 pdurbin poikilotherm2: did you break pkiraly's dev environment? 😄
16:43 pkiraly poikilotherm2, do I understand correctly that you investigate it?
16:45 poikilotherm2 Well that dependency is on MVN central
16:45 poikilotherm2
16:46 poikilotherm2 So maybe they have some troubles right now
16:46 poikilotherm2 pdurbin: you are not experiencing this because it's very likely you already have this cached locally
16:47 pkiraly poikilotherm2, These jars are downloaded from instead of a proper Maven repository
16:47 pkiraly the rest of the jars returns a proper 301 redirection, which this one returns 404
16:47 poikilotherm2 No, that shouldn't happen. It's likely that Maven tries to go through the different repos we configured
16:47 poikilotherm2 Of course :-D
16:48 poikilotherm2 But Maven should continue with the next repo then
16:48 poikilotherm2 It's not a Payara dependency
16:49 pkiraly The maven message is exactly this: "Downloading from payara-patched-externals:"
16:49 poikilotherm2 Yeah, that's Maven trying to reach packages.
16:50 poikilotherm2 That's fine, we added that repo for the Payara patched deps
16:50 poikilotherm2 But if it's not found, it should skip to the next repo
16:50 poikilotherm2 Maybe Github has a hickup and does quit the connection or whatever
16:51 poikilotherm2 You might try changing the repo order in pom.xml
16:51 poikilotherm2 Or comment it out for a second
16:54 pkiraly I'll try it. However the problem is, that when I try to open the repo in the IDE, intellij first tries to fetch dependencies, then create the standard project stucture, so this issue blocks me to open the project in IntelliJ
16:55 poikilotherm2 Using IDEA here, too. If the deps are cached locally, you should be good to go.
16:55 pkiraly I know, but in this case it is not cached locally
16:56 poikilotherm2 Yeah. So comment it out, do a biuld from cmdline to cache the deps and go go go hacking :-D
16:58 poikilotherm2 Folks I'm outta here for today. Lots of digging, now proceeding to construction site. See y'all (will read any maybe answer from my mobile)
16:59 pdurbin If we can comment out the dependency, does that mean we don't need it? :)
17:04 poikilotherm2 Comment out the repo, not the deps. You can't live without, it's used in tests
17:04 pdurbin Don't worry, I understand. I'm just playing with you. :)
17:05 poikilotherm2 Pkiraly can we talk about your ideas for the Solr managed schema later?
17:05 poikilotherm2 I need to solve my chicken egg problem for k8s and that might be a way to go
17:06 poikilotherm2 Pdurbin don't look now, but I almost have the dv 5 containers ready, building them from maven
17:06 poikilotherm2 (there is a draft pr if you're curious)
17:06 pdurbin nice!
17:07 pdurbin upgrading from 4.20?
17:07 poikilotherm2 Right away to 5.3/4
17:08 pdurbin Heh. "v4.20-with-fzj-features"
17:09 poikilotherm2 Oh. It's not running in our repo...
17:10 poikilotherm2 Testing locally
17:11 pdurbin yep, but I assume you're looking forward to upgrading prod
17:12 pkiraly poikilotherm2, sure. Tomorrow is OK for you?
17:14 poikilotherm2 Pkiraly Sounds good. Reach out via Slack?
17:16 poikilotherm2 Pdurbin yeah... I do :-D
17:16 pdurbin no more glassfish
17:16 poikilotherm2 We want all the goodies
17:16 poikilotherm2 🤑
17:16 pkiraly poikilotherm2, OK
17:17 poikilotherm2 <pkiraly "oliver, OK"> Great
17:17 pkiraly I'll ping you
18:01 donsizemore joined #dataverse
18:44 donsizemore joined #dataverse

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