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IRC log for #dataverse, 2021-03-22

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
07:06 Virgile joined #dataverse
09:29 juancorr joined #dataverse
09:37 Virgile joined #dataverse
09:38 Virgile joined #dataverse
12:52 juancorr joined #dataverse
14:22 pdurbin joined #dataverse
15:36 sivoais joined #dataverse
16:21 poikilotherm Good morning pdurbin Sir
16:21 poikilotherm Had a chat with Slava earlier today
16:22 poikilotherm Talked about coming up with some ideas to ignite a discussion about a community backed testing strategy
16:23 poikilotherm Add some counter spells to avoid rotting code being untested as resources are limited at IQSS etc
16:24 poikilotherm Making people responsible for their (larger) contributions
17:15 pdurbin Spells against rot. I like it.
18:46 poikilotherm pdurbin do you want me to test if I can switch #7695 to sth usable with 5.2020.6 and still have reasonable production defaults in
18:48 pdurbin You mean take out :-1 or whatever?
18:50 poikilotherm Aye
18:51 poikilotherm It should be possible to put these into another source. And defaults go to that file usually
18:51 poikilotherm I'd test that and not argue with scolapasta. Not worth it.
18:51 pdurbin Right. We already have a place for defaults.
18:52 poikilotherm Also I strongly believe that switching your application server version should not be such a pain in the ***
18:52 poikilotherm Maybe we need to make things easier somehow
18:53 pdurbin yes, please
18:54 pdurbin Shouldn't it be java -jar payara.jar?
18:54 poikilotherm 🤩
18:55 poikilotherm Java -jar dataverse.jar
18:55 pdurbin there you go :)
18:57 poikilotherm Actually it shouldn't be that hard to  do with Payara embedded
18:57 poikilotherm
18:58 poikilotherm Maybe a point for the testing strategy
19:07 pdurbin Adam Bien talks about a t-shirt from the old days that said java -jar glassfish.jar
19:07 poikilotherm Btw not merging the PR will result in a little fork for me. I have to rely on the updated Payara version for the container images, as it has my rewritten directory config onboard.
19:07 pdurbin Ah, you might want to mention that in the PR.
19:07 pdurbin To me it shows there's a reason to upgrade. You're doing it for a reason. Not just because.
19:08 poikilotherm Yeah. However.
19:09 poikilotherm I'll need a little fork or at least special branch anyway, as I want to use GitHub Actions for the image building, security scans etc
19:09 poikilotherm Does hurt to update the Payara version in there, too
19:10 poikilotherm Doesn't
19:10 poikilotherm Autocorrect
19:30 pdurbin Do you wait for features you want or always update to the latest?
19:38 poikilotherm Features and sec updates.
19:38 poikilotherm And of course it shouldn't get too dusted
19:39 pdurbin You must have been going crazy with Glassfish 4.1.
19:39 poikilotherm It worked.
19:40 poikilotherm But we can transform now to a modern stack. Use all the goodies of the recent Jakarta Ecosystem
19:40 pdurbin Please keep dragging us into the modern era.
19:41 poikilotherm Actually I think it would be a good thing to run e.g. on a top recent stack
19:42 pdurbin I keep saying I'd love for it to be powered by dataverse-kubernetes.
19:42 poikilotherm As each Payara is updating deps that might introduce bugs etc, we can fail early
19:42 poikilotherm Plus tests tests test
19:42 pdurbin Oh, well for that we should use (which should also run the develop branch)
19:43 poikilotherm What happens when a sec problem is discovered in an old version of Payara and we need to switch fast, but haven't tested before
19:43 pdurbin The demo server needs to be relatively stable for training, etc.
19:43 poikilotherm I humbly disagree.
19:43 poikilotherm You need traffic and user interaction to learn what makes things break
19:44 poikilotherm Major flaws may never leave dev
19:44 pdurbin In that case, I'll send our trainers after you when demo breaks during a session with an important stakeholder. :)
19:44 poikilotherm It's the tricky parts, the dark areas where there might not yet be test etc
19:45 poikilotherm I'm not trying to say let's fire up latest dev there
19:46 poikilotherm Use a stable version of data verse and a stable version of the dependencies like Postgres, Solr and Payara after extensive testing
19:46 poikilotherm (More testing than we do now...)
19:47 poikilotherm Make it as stable as possible by any means. If it breaks, that would be sth you don't want to see in production
19:47 pdurbin And maybe do something with logs. I'm thinking of rollbar or sentry.
19:48 poikilotherm Maybe. The logging on demo might be necessary to tune for more verbosity, making errors traceable.
19:49 poikilotherm Ah, visions. Don't listen to me, I'm dreaming to many big things.
19:51 pdurbin Did you want to say more about the testing ideas? You and Slava talked?
20:13 poikilotherm Yeah
20:14 poikilotherm We talked
20:14 poikilotherm Do you want to hear more?
20:14 pdurbin I'm thinking. :)
20:14 pdurbin I mean, at some point, yes.
20:14 poikilotherm 🤠
20:14 pdurbin We could reach more people during a community call.
20:15 pdurbin Or hell, the community meeting will be here before we know it.
20:15 poikilotherm An early idea was to create a Google Doc first and write some ideas down...
20:15 poikilotherm Some thoughts and mindsets
20:16 poikilotherm To summarize why this came up: more and more features are coming in that IQSS didn't ask a for, does not get paid for and maybe has no benefit from.
20:17 poikilotherm We should not rely on IQSS do all the hard maintenance work for free
20:17 poikilotherm When the community wants certain features, so be it, but then the community needs to ensure maintenance and sustainability
20:18 pdurbin A noble vision.
20:18 pdurbin I do think that tests help ensure maintenance, if that's where you're going with this.
20:19 pdurbin We could probably break OIDC at not know it.
20:19 poikilotherm Aye. That's the only way to go IMHO, as usually paying IQSS for stuff won't be an option
20:20 pdurbin and*
20:20 pdurbin Or Handles.
20:21 poikilotherm Yes
20:21 pdurbin Or a whole slew of feature we don't use in production.
20:21 poikilotherm So many code parts
20:21 pdurbin Swift. The list goes on.
20:22 pdurbin It's not even a code thing. Sometimes the community has questions about Handles. Who knows how it works. :)
20:23 pdurbin not even *just* a code thing, I mean
20:23 poikilotherm Yeah. And if we don't want to go the modularity way of things to decouple the maintenance, which would mean a major refactoring, we need another strategy
20:23 pdurbin Are there any community-contributed features that are well maintained and sustainable?
20:24 poikilotherm Thin ice 😎
20:24 pdurbin I feel like Handles have worked out pretty well.
20:25 poikilotherm Honestly... I can't think of one from the top of my head
20:25 pdurbin Might be too early to say for OIDC.
20:26 poikilotherm Does well maintained mean there are good tests around?
20:26 poikilotherm Then Handle and OIDC aren't well maintained 🙈
20:26 pdurbin :)
20:26 poikilotherm S3 works pretty good AFAIK but there aren't many tests...
20:26 pdurbin I think it's more than that. Can the users get support on the feature?
20:27 pdurbin If you open an issue, does it get fixed?
20:27 poikilotherm Uhm. Just by the community and asking politely
20:27 poikilotherm If it email Dataverse Support are you going to help me with OIDC?
20:27 poikilotherm If I...
20:28 pdurbin An attempt will probably be made. :)
20:28 poikilotherm Oh that's very nice and polite!
20:28 pdurbin best effort
20:29 pdurbin In practice I'd probably ask you if you mind being on the ticket so you can reply.
20:29 pdurbin The OpenShift code was so little maintained that I didn't feel bad removing it.
20:29 poikilotherm Definitely.
20:30 pdurbin If code isn't used, it should be removed.
20:31 poikilotherm I would rather not include my container stuff in IQSS upstream
20:31 poikilotherm But due to archictural decisions of the maven project, we can't go otherwise
20:31 pdurbin Right. I mean, you might be able to use an overlay.
20:32 poikilotherm Overlay?
20:34 pdurbin I *think* this is an example:
20:35 pdurbin Basically, you overwrite certain files in your local fork.
20:35 poikilotherm
20:36 poikilotherm I'm not sure this is possible with the stuff I'm up to. Maybe worth a try.
20:36 poikilotherm Still it's a fork
20:36 poikilotherm And you don't release to Maven Central
20:37 pdurbin Yeah, still a fork. And harder for you to maintain. It probably makes sense to keep getting upstream to accept your changes.
20:37 poikilotherm And I don't know how easy it would be done for arbitrary branchrs
20:37 pdurbin No idea. I just know the SBGrid guys had it working with Dataverse. Seemed like a nice option.
20:38 poikilotherm At least it's not a hard fork
20:39 poikilotherm It might be worth a shot for my stuff
20:40 poikilotherm Thx for pointing me to this. I only knew about parent poms
20:41 pdurbin Sure. We could also get pameyer's take on it. I think he's still using it.
20:42 poikilotherm It may cause headaches how to use this with dev branches of data verse.
20:42 poikilotherm There is no parent pom triggering the build of the dataverse module
20:43 pdurbin We used to have a parent pom in DVN 3.
20:44 poikilotherm I wonder what happens if we add a parent bom to upstream, I could reuse in dv-k8s
20:44 poikilotherm It should still be possible to build the project on its own
20:44 pdurbin has a pom.xml and so does DVN-web, which is where all the code was.
20:57 pdurbin Anyhoo, time for me to head out. See you all tomorrow.
20:57 pdurbin left #dataverse
21:02 poikilotherm Cu

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