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IRC log for #dataverse, 2021-04-22

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
06:59 Virgile joined #dataverse
08:04 Virgile joined #dataverse
08:32 lincoln joined #dataverse
08:36 lincoln Hi everyone, I created a new buton on Custom-homepage of Dataverse and it worked  well as planned . Now I am looking if I could also retreive apiToken  like as in externalTool(preview) so that I could generalise some script at back end. Anyone have any idea
08:36 lincoln Please feel free
09:54 lincoln joined #dataverse
10:49 lincoln joined #dataverse
11:13 juancorr joined #dataverse
11:15 patrickv joined #dataverse
11:17 patrickv Hi. I've modified online the parameter MaxFileUploadSizeInBytes.  Will it survive a restart of paraya ?
11:57 lincoln joined #dataverse
12:05 lincoln65 joined #dataverse
14:19 pameyer joined #dataverse
15:00 pdurbin joined #dataverse
15:01 pdurbin missed both of them
15:01 pdurbin Yes, changing database settings will survive a restart.
15:05 pdurbin For the API token thing, you could try setting :AllowApiTokenLookupViaApi to true but it's only for builtin users and it's really not recommended. A legacy feature we took out for a reason.
15:06 pdurbin pameyer: morning. I'd say I'm coming at you for my first jab around lunchtime but you probably aren't in Longwood.
15:14 pameyer pdurbin: nope, but congrats on getting one
15:14 pameyer well - my network connections are coming from Longwood, but that's about it
15:15 pdurbin thanks
17:16 lincoln joined #dataverse
17:17 lincoln i am here :)
17:17 lincoln Thank you for the reply though
17:24 lincoln if i enable it (:AllowApiTokenLookupViaApi) then could you please help me with curl command a well
17:24 lincoln to list the APi token
17:40 dabukalam0 joined #dataverse
17:40 lincoln89 joined #dataverse
17:43 pdurbin1 joined #dataverse
18:36 lincoln joined #dataverse
18:40 pdurbin1 lincoln: hi, you probably shouldn't. Instead what I think you want is external tools at the system level.
18:41 pdurbin1 Or maybe the dataverse level.
18:41 lincoln is there something written on external tool for dataverse level
18:42 lincoln Although somehow i Have managed my solution with custom html
18:44 pdurbin No. Currently external tools only exist at the file and dataset level. But you could open an issue. :)
19:01 pameyer dataset level external tools are a thing now? cool
19:12 pdurbin explore only for now
19:12 pdurbin if you add a configure tool at the dataset level, there's no button
19:13 lincoln okay that makes more sense..
19:13 lincoln but thanks @pdurbin
19:14 pdurbin lincoln: is your installation public? Can we see your solution? :)
19:15 lincoln its actually not public yet..but i can send you the snapshots if you provide me with your email
19:18 pdurbin Sure, it's
19:19 pdurbin lincoln: also, we'd love to get you on someday :)
19:53 lincoln joined #dataverse
19:54 lincoln thank you :)
19:57 lincoln47 joined #dataverse
20:38 pdurbin I'm heading out and taking tomorrow off. Have a good weekend! See you Monday.
20:38 pdurbin left #dataverse
21:42 GitterIntegratio left #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.