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IRC log for #dataverse, 2021-05-26

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
06:55 xzyao joined #dataverse
13:44 bjonnh joined #dataverse
13:44 bjonnh joined #dataverse
13:53 bjonnh I registered #dataverse on libera
13:53 bjonnh In case you are not aware freenode started to steal channels that talk about libera in their topic
13:54 bjonnh (I'll repost that once pdurbin joins)
13:59 pdurbin joined #dataverse
14:00 pdurbin bjonnh: oh! Thanks! Do you happen to know their policy on logging?
14:00 bjonnh I think it is fine as long as you say you do
14:00 bjonnh let me check
14:01 pdurbin thanks
14:01 bjonnh
14:01 bjonnh yes it is allowed
14:01 bjonnh as long as you say you do
14:01 bjonnh ideally you need a way to block logging from someone
14:01 bjonnh something like
14:02 bjonnh nolog My supersecret message to the group
14:03 pdurbin Thanks for the link. Looks clear enough. I *think* iqlogbot already supports that nolog thing but it's a different keyword. If you want to poke around in the code it's at
14:03 pdurbin sivoais: yes, it's in Perl. :)
14:04 bjonnh great
14:06 bjonnh I don't see any keyword filtering in ilbot2.p
14:06 bjonnh pl
14:08 pdurbin I think it was added (as "off") after I forked. Just one-line, it looks like:
14:09 pdurbin But then a follow up fix here, I guess:
14:10 pdurbin Anyway, ilbot is not maintained so if we want this feature, we should put it in philbot.
14:11 pdurbin Of course we could also consider non-IRC stuff. My main requirement is a SLOPI solution: (not Slack, please).
14:11 pdurbin To be honest, I've never heard of libera chat. What do we know about them?
14:15 bjonnh it is made from all the good staff of freenode
14:15 bjonnh that left after the takeover
14:15 bjonnh they are using similar infrastructure from freenode
14:16 bjonnh so they are people we can trust, and many if not most FOSS projects already migrated
14:18 pdurbin Thanks. The timing is interesting because I need to get iqlogbot off a VMWare VM in the basement of our building at work and onto a new VM hosted by a different group. I was planning on switching from ilbot to philbot (and hopefully upgrade from Shout to The Lounge) but not switching networks too. :)
14:19 bjonnh yep libera had some issues in the beginning when the flock moved over
14:19 bjonnh now it seems pretty stable
14:19 bjonnh I have only 2 channels I'm on that didn't migrate (from 15-20)
14:20 pdurbin wow
14:21 bjonnh wikipedia and ubuntu had their channels taken over, so I guess that probably motivated a lot of people to move :D
14:21 pdurbin !
14:21 pdurbin I guess it warms my heart that people still like IRC. :)
14:22 bjonnh It is not that we like IRC
14:22 bjonnh it is that we hate slack and discord etc :D
14:23 pdurbin heh
14:23 pdurbin Do we like Gitter?
14:23 bjonnh the good thing with gitter is that it is connected easily with matrix
14:23 bjonnh matrix connects easily with IRC as well (they are finalizing the bridge to libera)
14:25 pdurbin I keep forgetting about Matrix. What I like about Gitter is that it's SLOPI by default.
14:26 bjonnh well I let you decide
14:26 pdurbin I mean, we have a newish community Slack.
14:27 pdurbin So people like me are in two Slack workspaces. One for IQSS and one for the community.
14:27 bjonnh I would probably not join slack
14:27 bjonnh I have too many of them already, and I hate them
14:27 pdurbin And I'm in this chat that greatly predates both.
14:27 bjonnh it requires so much attention and ressources
14:28 bjonnh and it is a pain to find information
14:28 pdurbin For a different project I'm 40% on (OpenDP), we're talking tomorrow about communication channels. There's a Gitter channel set up but we may not stick with it. I'm not sure what chat solution to go with, to be honest.
14:30 pdurbin We're talking about using GitHub discussions (which I've never used) but that's not chat. Not real time, which I love. :)
14:31 bjonnh whatever you see fit
14:31 bjonnh never used github discussions
14:32 bjonnh I have a project spread between gitlab and github
14:32 bjonnh that I'm probably going to make full github
14:32 bjonnh if I had the time, energy and personnel, I would probably have our own instance of gitlab
14:32 bjonnh but …
14:33 bjonnh for now I just have our own gitlab runner and that shouldn't be too much work to switch all the CI to a github runner
14:33 pdurbin If GitHub offered a SLOPI chat, I'd probably take a close look. :) Speaking of CI, I've been playing with GitHub Actions and I like it.
14:34 pdurbin But yeah, I hear you, ideally all this would run on servers you control. GitLab and RocketChat or whatever.
14:35 bjonnh yeah that's also the reason why we want to switch
14:35 bjonnh we have the website generated from hugo using github actions
14:35 bjonnh and it works really well
14:35 pdurbin I'm doing the same but with Sphinx instead of Hugo.
14:42 pdurbin Ah, it looks like this project (part of OpenDP) just turned on GitHub Discussions:
14:45 bjonnh hah
16:06 poikilotherm Go matrix go matrix 😁
16:07 poikilotherm Donsizemore pdurbin I saw the chatter about testing on GitHub
16:07 pdurbin Can we make Matrix SLOPI?
16:08 poikilotherm Wdyt about moving the ITs to JUnit 5, using restassured and awaitily plus the fancy tags by Junit5?
16:08 poikilotherm It allows for easier selection of what tests to run
16:09 poikilotherm Not by maintaining a list but by managing the tags in the test code
16:09 pdurbin That sounds better. Reminds me of how we annotate some tests as "slow running" or something.
16:09 poikilotherm Matrix SLOPI: kind off. There are some services to do that. Dunno if we could port an IRC log bot to Matrix
16:10 pdurbin This is the repo I've been keeping an eye on:
16:22 poikilotherm It would also be a good idea to move the integration tests from surefire to the other plugin whose name I forgot...
16:22 poikilotherm So they get tied to mvn verify instead of mvn test
16:22 poikilotherm Results in not running them inside IDEs by default... πŸ˜‰
16:23 poikilotherm Hmm should be maven failsafe
16:23 poikilotherm
16:24 pdurbin Right now I only run IT tests in my IDE here and there. Specific classes, specific tests. Not the whole IT test suite (which takes a while).
16:25 poikilotherm They are picked up by IntelliJ dir example when running the tests for Dataverse.
16:25 poikilotherm Need to manually exclude them
16:25 poikilotherm Integration tests should not be used with surefire but failsafe
16:26 poikilotherm
16:26 poikilotherm I think we chatted about this already a few times 😁
16:27 poikilotherm If there is demand and drive to get this done now, I'm all in πŸ˜‡
16:27 pdurbin yeah we have
16:27 pdurbin poikilotherm: can you please add a comment to ? With your proposal.
16:28 poikilotherm From the bottom of my heart I believe we should go fo test containers and arquillian but small steps... 😝
16:28 poikilotherm Tags?
16:28 poikilotherm Or also about using failsafe
16:29 pdurbin You and Don want the same thing: a mvn command to call. So whatever gets us there. :)
16:29 poikilotherm LOL
16:29 poikilotherm Ok, will do so. But tomorrow. No fun copy pasting links to resources on mobile
16:30 pdurbin My idea was to at least factor out the list of tests to a file. This should unblock Don who is trying to call tests from podman/docker.
16:30 pdurbin My main interest is in keeping Don unblocked. Beauty later.
16:38 poikilotherm WRT Matrix Log. Looks like all rooms on Homeserver that are public get logged to we can just provide a link to a Dataverse chat Room there
16:38 bjonnh yep
16:38 bjonnh I vote for that option
16:38 poikilotherm Pdurbin should we try that?
16:39 poikilotherm Creating a should be fairly easy to do
16:41 poikilotherm I can't from my mobile client, as I have my own Homeserver. You need an account on the Homeserver to create a room there.
16:41 bjonnh do you want me to create it?
16:42 poikilotherm Sure go ahead
16:42 bjonnh done
16:42 pdurbin If you can set up SLOPI chat on Matrix, please go ahead.
16:42 pdurbin Please send a link to the logs when you can.
16:43 bjonnh!
16:43 bjonnh that's the room
16:44 bjonnh I just did set
16:44 bjonnh Who can read history? Anyone
16:44 bjonnh lets see if it works
16:44 bjonnh poikilotherm: do it again
16:44 bjonnh for posterity
16:45 poikilotherm Done πŸ˜ƒ
16:46 bjonnh yep it works
16:46 bjonnh you don't need an account
16:46 bjonnh pdurbin:^
16:46 bjonnh to read history, you need one to talk
16:47 pdurbin Looks good! Thanks! Next step: data liberation. Currently I periodically download it from
16:50 pdurbin (side note: logs show up here already, which is nice:! )
16:52 pdurbin (also )
16:57 bjonnh neat
16:59 bjonnh this is now officially my last freenode channel
17:00 bjonnh let me know once you are a matrixian
17:34 poikilotherm Pdurbin we could use matrix-recorder with brave dataverse-bot to record the history every day and store it in a github repo
17:35 poikilotherm If you want to play around with the Β chat logs using scripts
17:35 poikilotherm Uses a sqlite db
17:36 poikilotherm Scheduled Jenkins job on or try scheduled GitHub Actions
18:10 donsizemore joined #dataverse
18:37 sivoais pdurbin++ for the SLOPI concept. Love it.
18:48 pdurbin :)
18:51 bjonnh I'm tempted to send that link to a slack community I have to be on
18:52 pdurbin :) :)
19:41 sivoais heheh :-P
20:29 pdurbin poikilotherm: sounds fine but how would that work? The iqlogbot model where it has to sit in the channel all the time (and can be down/unavailable) or a different model where it scrapes logs from (or elsewhere?) and puts the logs in sqlite or whatever.
20:30 poikilotherm
20:37 pdurbin "It’s alpha code - don’t use it for important archiving tasks."
20:37 pdurbin like that ever scared us
20:38 pdurbin I think the next logical step for me is to actually get in the new channel. :)
20:39 pdurbin bjonnh poikilotherm: what Matrix client do you use?
20:39 poikilotherm Element
20:40 poikilotherm On Linux + Android
20:40 poikilotherm Should be around on Mac and iPhone, too
20:40 poikilotherm You can also use one of the many web clients out there.
20:42 pdurbin I kind of hate web clients for chat. I'm downloading Element for Mac. Thanks.
20:42 poikilotherm
20:42 poikilotherm It's easy to use for a first shot
20:43 poikilotherm Element in the web page is just the same on desktop
20:43 poikilotherm s/in/on
20:44 poikilotherm And you can use as many clients you want in parallel on arbitrary number of devices. All with the same account, same data, distributed to all of 'em
20:44 poikilotherm It gets trickier when using E2E encryption, but we shouldn't worry about that for a public channel... 😁
20:46 pdurbin So, I have a fake account on Matrix. I guess I could join with the fake one or I could create a real one. What's a good onboarding experience for someone who doesn't have a Matrix account? (We'll have to explain this to everyone.)
20:47 pdurbin (I don't remember how I created my fake account anyway.)
20:48 bjonnh pdurbin: I use element web, element android and gomuks (for command line)
20:48 pdurbin Haven't heard of gomuks. Thanks.
20:48 bjonnh pdurbin: it is just about "join"
20:49 bjonnh I think if you do join channel it is already in the list if you start typing dataverse
20:49 pdurbin Right but don't I need a Matrix account?
20:52 pdurbin I just launched the Element app on Mac and there's a "Create Account" button. I guess I'll try that.
20:53 poikilotherm You need a matrix account
20:53 poikilotherm No way around that. They still haven't reenabled anonymous access
20:54 pdurbin I'm tempted to create an account based on my harvard google account.
20:54 poikilotherm
20:56 poikilotherm One day we might think about creating a homeserver for or
21:01 pdurbin Not today but at least I got in the matrix room. Have a good night, all!
21:01 pdurbin left #dataverse
21:54 bjonnh I'll close here as it is my last freenode channel
21:54 bjonnh see yall on matrix
21:54 bjonnh left #dataverse

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