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IRC log for #dvn, 2013-01-16

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
14:16 pdurbin we're thinking of adopting the master/develop branching model from (which is pretty much what the team does), as i just posted here:
15:42 iqlogbot joined #dvn
15:42 Topic for #dvn is now - The Dataverse Network Project | logs at
15:53 pdurbin simmel: i think i'm gonna have to mail :(
15:54 pdurbin i can't figure this out quickly and i need to work on our migration from svn to git. commits are waiting
16:10 iqlogbot joined #dvn
16:10 Topic for #dvn is now - The Dataverse Network Project | logs at
18:03 pdurbin i just set up our new "develop" branch:
20:38 pdurbin simmel: the guys from are helping me fix my SP. I had done "install -> register -> configure -> test" but i should have done "install -> configure -> register -> test"
20:54 simmel pdurbin: Sounds about right. That error comes up when the IDP and the SP doesn't agree on what the SP or IDP looks like. Usually wrong metadata from the IDP but this time it was the SP.
21:00 pdurbin yeah
21:00 pdurbin so far when i email shibboleth people they've been very quick to respond and very helpful!

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