Time |
S |
Nick |
Message |
04:27 |
pdurbin joined #dvn |
04:27 |
zodbot joined #dvn |
04:28 |
sbmarks joined #dvn |
07:04 |
zodbot joined #dvn |
13:32 |
pdurbin |
snow day today. schools closed. i'm home with the kids |
14:48 |
sbmarks |
baaahhhhhhhhh snow day everywhere but Toronto |
14:48 |
sbmarks |
it's like they think we're Canadian and know how to deal with snow or something |
14:52 |
pdurbin |
heh. it's only just starting to fall |
15:34 |
pdurbin |
i just added an "Installing R and Rserve" section to https://github.com/dvn/dvn-install-demo |
15:35 |
pdurbin |
as i mentioned at https://groups.google.com/d/topic/dataverse-community/WhNmytuIL7A/discussion |
15:38 |
pdurbin |
wow, this zelig thing really works :) |
15:42 |
pdurbin |
hmm, i can't get the Weibull Reg for Duration Dep Vars thing to work but i have no idea what i'm doing :) |
16:07 |
sbmarks |
since I can't understand that sentence, I can relate |
16:07 |
pdurbin |
:) |
16:08 |
pdurbin |
i sent a link to the zelig dev. maybe he'll get a kick out of it |
16:08 |
pdurbin |
i wonder if we have an official subsettable file for testing |
16:09 |
pdurbin |
i just grabbed one public one a user was having trouble with a few weeks ago. a stata file |
16:11 |
pdurbin |
hmm, maybe one of these: https://github.com/IQSS/Zelig/tree/master/data |
16:34 |
pdurbin |
sbmarks: i'm going to try using zodbot to take some meeting minutes. don't mind me. you're welcome to play along :) |
16:34 |
pdurbin |
#startmeeting |
16:34 |
zodbot |
Meeting started Fri Feb 8 16:33:47 2013 UTC. The chair is pdurbin. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. |
16:34 |
zodbot |
Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. |
16:35 |
pdurbin |
#topic intro |
16:36 |
pdurbin |
Next week we're going to have a meeting about Shibboleth/DVN integration here in this channel, #dvn on irc.freenode.net |
16:37 |
pdurbin |
johnmark from #gluster runs a lot of meetings over IRC and I asked him if he had any suggetions for me. |
16:38 |
pdurbin |
He recommended using a meeting bot to summarize the meeting and provide minutes. |
16:39 |
pdurbin |
The nice folks in #fedora-admin were nice enough to send zodbot bot in here for our use, which is listeing to the #topic command, for example. |
16:39 |
pdurbin |
Hmm, double nice. Whoops. But it's true. :) |
16:40 |
pdurbin |
The minutes will be stored at http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/dvn/ but that's ok for now. If we really like using zodbot we can just run our own. |
16:41 |
pdurbin |
So the minutes will be saved somewhere under http://iq.harvard.edu I mean. |
16:43 |
pdurbin |
#topic MeetingBot commands |
16:44 |
pdurbin |
zodbot responds to MeetingBot commands, which start with a # |
16:45 |
pdurbin |
#link http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot a list of the MeetBot commands |
16:46 |
pdurbin |
I'll be the admin so there are certain commands only I will use. |
16:47 |
pdurbin |
#info pdurbin will be the "admin" and will use #topic and maybe #agreed |
16:47 |
pdurbin |
Other participants are welcome to use non-admin commands. |
16:48 |
pdurbin |
#info non-admin commands include #info #action #idea and #link |
16:49 |
pdurbin |
I've already demonstrated #info and #link |
16:50 |
pdurbin |
#idea Let's run our own MeetBot! |
16:51 |
pdurbin |
#action pdurbin will investigate how easy it is to run our own MeetBot |
16:52 |
pdurbin |
#agreed zodbot is awesome |
16:55 |
pdurbin |
#info Adding a nick to an #action line assigns it |
16:55 |
pdurbin |
#action someone should bring donuts |
16:56 |
pdurbin |
Ok, let's move on, new topic. |
16:57 |
pdurbin |
#topic iqlogbot |
16:58 |
pdurbin |
zodbot will log the entire meeting but I actually prefer the logs we already have. |
16:58 |
pdurbin |
These are done by iqlogbot. |
16:59 |
pdurbin |
#link http://irclog.iq.harvard.edu/dvn/2013-02-08#i_622 IRC logs from the *other* bot, iqlogbot |
17:00 |
pdurbin |
#topic wrap up |
17:00 |
pdurbin |
I think that'll do it. |
17:02 |
pdurbin |
#action A link to these test meeting minutes will be sent by pdurbin to dataverse-community googlegroups.com |
17:03 |
pdurbin |
#link http://thedata.org Dataverse Network |
17:03 |
pdurbin |
Bye! |
17:03 |
pdurbin |
#endmeeting |
17:03 |
zodbot |
Meeting ended Fri Feb 8 17:03:11 2013 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . |
17:03 |
zodbot |
Minutes: http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/dvn/2013-02-08/dvn.2013-02-08-16.33.html |
17:03 |
zodbot |
Minutes (text): http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/dvn/2013-02-08/dvn.2013-02-08-16.33.txt |
17:03 |
zodbot |
Log: http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/dvn/2013-02-08/dvn.2013-02-08-16.33.log.html |
17:03 |
zodbot |
Please remember to CC: meetingminutes lists.fedoraproject.org on your summary/minutes email. |
17:04 |
pdurbin |
cool, so http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/dvn/2013-02-08/dvn.2013-02-08-16.33.html looks good |
17:06 |
pdurbin |
I'm a little surprised by the "Action items, by person" line though... I expected "someone should bring donuts" to be flagged with UNASSIGNED like this: http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/gluster-meeting/2012-10-18/gluster-meeting.2012-10-18-16.06.html |
18:42 |
esotiri joined #dvn |
18:57 |
pdurbin |
esotiri: you missed the meeting ;) |