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IRC log for #dvn, 2013-05-16

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
10:51 pdurbin very interesting thread: Round tripping the contents of DVN - Google Groups -!topic/dataverse-community/07h0Ca-Ai1I
10:52 pdurbin should we support AIP (Archival Information Packages)?
10:53 pdurbin should we create some kind of API that allows for data liberation?
11:01 pdurbin the API would somehow have to replace what we do now... a database dump and grabbing all the files on the file system, as described at
11:02 pdurbin that's my understanding at least
11:02 pdurbin ruebot: are you following that thread?
13:59 ruebot kinda. i definitely agree with sbmarks' remarks.
14:03 pdurbin sbmarks seems less interested in a REST API that would somehow serve as a complete database dump (and etc) and more interested in a portable archival package a la AIP
14:09 pdurbin as Merce mentioned we do already support OAI and LOCKSS for exporting data and metadata
14:16 pdurbin ah, sbmarks just replied. I guess he wants both :)
14:16 pdurbin but I don't know that software such as DVN and others are especially compatible with one anohter
14:16 pdurbin another*
14:17 pdurbin I certainly understand what he means... he wants to be able to liberate his data from DVN and put it in another system if he needs to
14:18 pdurbin I use the term "data liberation" in the sense Google uses with with their Data Liberation Front:
14:19 pdurbin "Users should be able to control the data they store in any of Google's products.  Our team's goal is to make it easier to move data in and out." <-- their mission statement
14:21 pdurbin but if I "liberate" my Google+ data (my posts), the "takeout" I download isn't especially compatible with any other system
14:21 pdurbin it's likely I'd have to write a big old script to import it into some other system
14:42 pdurbin this just in via #code4lib... a recommendation to use this spec: Repository eXchange Package (RXP) Spec -
14:45 pdurbin "The Repository Exchange Package (RXP) is a hierarchical packaging format designed to facilitate the exchange of Archival Information Packages (AIPs) between digital repositories."
14:51 pdurbin "We are still working on the structure of our AIP in Archivematica. However, one standard that has been of interest to us is the Repository eXchange Package (RXP) spec produced by the TIPR project (see We may want our AIP structure to be compatible with that to allow easy exchange of AIPs between systems." --
14:51 pdurbin
15:00 ruebot sorry for disappearing, i'm swampped with islandora stuff
15:01 * pdurbin looks at
15:02 pdurbin "Islandora is an open-source software framework designed to help institutions and organizations and their audiences collaboratively manage, and discover digital assets using a best-practices framework."
15:02 pdurbin ruebot: no worries. I'm home with a sick kid
15:03 pdurbin I'm not very well set up with Netbeans at home. tiny screen on this laptop makes using it frustrating
15:05 pdurbin ruebot: nice:
15:05 ruebot haha. yep. that would be me.
15:06 pdurbin :)

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