Time |
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Nick |
Message |
14:12 |
sbmarks joined #dvn |
14:56 |
axfelix joined #dvn |
14:57 |
pdurbin |
sbmarks: I startd a SWORDv2 brain dump: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Sw8ZTjelFtWIi1etWqgQ0gPh6ltJuh8voX00WUi7Sng/edit?usp=sharing |
15:00 |
pdurbin |
axfelix: welcome! |
15:01 |
sbmarks |
thanks! I have been quite out of the loop lately, but I want to dive back into this pretty soon |
15:01 |
pdurbin |
sbmarks: should be public. you should be able to view it at least |
15:01 |
pdurbin |
axfelix: you have write access, I think |
15:01 |
sbmarks |
yup, I can see |
15:02 |
pdurbin |
awesome |
15:02 |
pdurbin |
I had actually started a page at http://devguide.thedata.org/features/api/data-deposit previously... but this teams seems to be using Google Docs already |
15:03 |
pdurbin |
and Google Docs seems pretty nice. I haven't used it a ton |
15:03 |
sbmarks |
i write a lot of collaborative documents and it's a godsend |
15:04 |
pdurbin |
ruebot: are you a SWORD person? you may have been away the last time I asked |
15:05 |
pdurbin |
one thing I like about my devguide is that I can put a nice table of contents at the top automatically (like how you can with mediawiki). I'm not sure how to do this with Google Docs |
15:12 |
pdurbin |
ah, cool, Eleni found it for me: Add a table of contents - Sites Help - https://support.google.com/sites/answer/90543?hl=en :) |
15:13 |
pdurbin |
thanks, Eleni, wherever you are! |
15:17 |
ruebot |
pdurbin: I know of it, but haven't actually done anything with it. |
15:18 |
pdurbin |
ruebot: ok. just curious. if you ever want to play with it (and like Vagrant): https://github.com/dvn/swordpoc |
15:18 |
ruebot |
i do love vagrant |
15:19 |
pdurbin |
the thing that freaks me out about these Google Docs (especially shared ones) is version control. our devguide is just markdown in a git repo ( https://github.com/dvn/dvn-devguide-src ) ... I feel more in control :) |
15:19 |
pdurbin |
ruebot: like any good hacker :) |
15:43 |
jwhitney joined #dvn |
15:43 |
pdurbin |
jwhitney: welcome! |
15:43 |
jwhitney |
thanks! |
15:43 |
pdurbin |
jwhitney: the folks in #pkp miss you ;) |
15:44 |
jwhitney |
Aw. :) |
15:44 |
pdurbin |
they love you |
15:45 |
pdurbin |
jwhitney: I've been looking at the "Mockups of OJS-Dataverse plugin" doc (which I think you wrote?) linked from http://projects.iq.harvard.edu/ojs-dvn/book/project-documentation |
15:45 |
jwhitney |
Yep, with early input from James |
15:45 |
pdurbin |
ah |
15:46 |
pdurbin |
very useful doc. thanks |
15:46 |
jwhitney |
Good to hear. |
15:46 |
jwhitney |
Going through your DVN SWORDv2 doc now: also very helpful |
15:47 |
pdurbin |
it's kind of a brain dump. I'm still getting up to speed with SWORD |
15:49 |
jwhitney |
Me too. I just cloned your swordpoc repo, getting started w/ Vagrant. |
15:49 |
pdurbin |
\o/ |
15:49 |
pdurbin |
great |
15:49 |
jwhitney |
haha. |
15:50 |
pdurbin |
jwhitney: fork it an put OJS in there. so I have a working OJS in Vagrant :) |
15:50 |
pdurbin |
and* |
15:50 |
jwhitney |
I had been using the public demo DSpace to work with the PHP SWORD lib., but this is much more convenient. |
15:50 |
jwhitney |
Oh -- yes, cool. |
15:50 |
pdurbin |
jwhitney: huh. have a link to that? |
15:50 |
jwhitney |
I'll try that -- again, pretty new w/ Vagrant. |
15:51 |
jwhitney |
The public demo DSpace? |
15:51 |
pdurbin |
yeah |
15:51 |
jwhitney |
http://demo.dspace.org/ |
15:52 |
jwhitney |
service doc is at http://demo.dspace.org/sword/servicedocument |
15:53 |
pdurbin |
hmm, "This request requires HTTP authentication" when I do this: curl http://sword:sword demo.dspace.org/sword/servicedocument |
15:57 |
jwhitney |
Oh -- yes, I had to create an account. |
15:57 |
jwhitney |
& send auth. credentials in requests |
15:58 |
pdurbin |
ah |
15:59 |
pdurbin |
jwhitney: yep. works great. thanks |
15:59 |
jwhitney |
Cool. |
16:00 |
pdurbin |
jwhitney: different URL for v2: http://demo.dspace.org/swordv2/servicedocument |
16:02 |
jwhitney |
pdurbin: even better |
16:04 |
axfelix joined #dvn |
17:27 |
pdurbin |
axfelix: if I could simply +1 some of your comments in the doc, I would :) |
17:28 |
axfelix |
they really ought to add that feature |
17:28 |
axfelix |
but glad we're on the same page! |
17:30 |
pdurbin |
it would be nice if I could add a picture of myself... but I think I can't because my Google Apps administrator has not enabled Google+ ... that's my guess anyway |
17:30 |
pdurbin |
I guess I could use my vanilla gmail account |
17:30 |
pdurbin |
sbmarks: did you get a chance to look at the new doc yet? |
17:33 |
pdurbin |
axfelix: I left some comments on some of your comments :) |
17:42 |
axfelix |
thanks. the background account creation stuff isn't necessary for v1, it's just something we floated for later revisions |
17:42 |
axfelix |
merce wanted to have the ability for reviewers to actually use the dataverse interface for looking at submissions |
17:43 |
axfelix |
and OJS is pretty rigid about only exposing certain review files to certain reviewers, and we'd probably need to trigger the creation/deletion of accounts on the DV side to do likewise |
17:46 |
pdurbin |
axfelix: to make this more concrete, you're saying a review file might be a Stata file (for example) that would eventually be deposited into a dataverse (assuming it passed the review process on the OJS side) |
17:46 |
axfelix |
correct |
17:47 |
axfelix |
and the current design is indeed "eventually" |
17:47 |
axfelix |
as opposed to "deposited early on and only made accessible to reviewers through programmatically created links in OJS, then made public later" |
17:47 |
pdurbin |
I think I get it |
17:47 |
axfelix |
it's filed under nice-to-have in my mind |
17:48 |
pdurbin |
so with the current design, the review process happens on the OJS side, almost entirely |
17:48 |
axfelix |
right again |
17:48 |
pdurbin |
and at the end the data gets deposited into a dataverse |
17:48 |
pdurbin |
that sounds easier to implement for v1. I agree :) |
17:48 |
axfelix |
yup, which is basically fine provided the reviewers have their own methods for viewing stata files, etc. |
17:49 |
axfelix |
OJS has always been very naive about actually working with the submitted files |
17:49 |
pdurbin |
ok |
17:50 |
axfelix |
basically just a lot of putting and getting, because we've never had the boldness or the resources to provide workspace stuff, as opposed to workflow stuff, which we have in spades |
17:50 |
pdurbin |
"supplemental materials" they're called in OJS? |
17:50 |
axfelix |
yup |
17:50 |
pdurbin |
ok. I thought I had seen that somewhere |
17:53 |
pdurbin |
axfelix: is the "High-level OJS-Dataverse plugin workflow v.2" diagram linked from http://projects.iq.harvard.edu/ojs-dvn/book/project-documentation still more or less accurate? |
17:59 |
axfelix |
yep |
18:00 |
pdurbin |
great |
18:02 |
pdurbin |
axfelix: does all the stuff about the SWORD "service document" make sense? I didn't see any comments from you about that |
18:03 |
axfelix |
yeah, I wanted to review the sword documentation before I commented on that |
18:03 |
axfelix |
it makes sense as described though |
18:04 |
pdurbin |
axfelix: ok. based on the video I mentioned I got the impression that the current OJS plugin (SWORD v1) does retreive a service document |
18:05 |
pdurbin |
(the video posted in 2008 here that is: OAI-ORE and SWORD support in OJS | Public Knowledge Project - http://pkp.sfu.ca/node/1646 ) |
18:24 |
pdurbin |
ah, I didn't have to create an account afterall... I can just use the dspacedemo+admin gmail.com account mentioned at http://demo.dspace.org/xmlui/ ... AND (unlike with the account I created) it actually shows some "collection" href's such as http://demo.dspace.org/swordv2/collection/10673/2 |
18:31 |
pdurbin |
'For example "hdl_10673_2" would refer to the Collection whose handle is "10673/2" (on the DSpace Demo Server, this is the Collection of Sample Items)' -- https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DSDOC18/XMLUI+Configuration+and+Customization |
18:31 |
pdurbin |
which makes sense... the service document says this for that collection href: <atom:title type="text">Collection of Sample Items</atom:title> |
18:51 |
axfelix joined #dvn |
19:10 |
jwhitney joined #dvn |