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IRC log for #dvn, 2013-07-22

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:11 sivoais joined #dvn
00:17 pdurbin sivoais: welcome!
00:18 pdurbin sivoais: I guess I'll link to our conversation at ... since it's a lot about DVN :)
00:27 sivoais thanks! I'll lurk here for a while and learn more about this. At some point, I need to sift through the kinds of data that's available in these repositories.
00:49 pdurbin sivoais: I'm curious if you've heard of these folks. They're in #code4lib here on freenode: code4lib | coders for libraries, libraries for coders -
00:54 sivoais pdurbin: yeah, I'm in there as well. They talk about interesting tools for research.
00:57 sivoais My interest in this area is from my frustrations with how much information I have to make sense of while I do research. I can never keep track of it all in a way that feels satisfactory even after looking for the tools.
01:00 sivoais So, I'm doing a skunkworks project on my own to build the tools I want to see... but it hasn't quite gotten off the ground yet. I wrote a document viewer using Tcl/Tk, but I've switched to using the browser since that seems more flexible in the long run.
01:19 sivoais I'll give a more concrete explanation once I get a prototype going. But right now, I'm learning Backbone.js :-P
01:20 pdurbin sivoais: ok. yeah, more concrete would be good. I was just looking at your repos at to see if I could get more of hint :)
13:28 jwhitney joined #dvn
13:28 pdurbin jwhitney: good morning!
13:28 jwhitney pdurbin: hello!
13:29 jwhitney pdurbin: I only have a few minutes this a.m. but will be back online around noon EDT.
13:31 jwhitney pdurbin: I was catching up with your last thread on sword-tech-app & think that yes, col-iri should be used to create a study and em-iri to upload content
13:32 jwhitney pdurbin: I'm new to SWORDv2, but Cottage Labs has produced a [very] introductory overview that I've been using as a guide to walk through the spec.
13:34 jwhitney pdurbin:
13:34 pdurbin jwhitney: sorry, someone was in my office. let me catch up
13:34 jwhitney pdurbin: sure, I'm here for about 20 min.
13:34 pdurbin hmm, I have not watched this video. will do
13:35 jwhitney pdurbin: Like I said, it's very basic: but it is helpful especially since R. Jone's comments on the list re: backing away from multipart deposits in future versions of SWORD
13:35 pdurbin jwhitney: right, this is the post about col-iri vs. em-iri: ... thanks for your input. I suspected I was doing something non-standard...
13:38 pdurbin jwhitney: how would you feel about collaborating on a doc that maps the SWORD terminology to DVN and OJS? i.e. what is a "resource"? what is a "collection"? what is a "container"? a "package"? etc.
13:38 jwhitney pdurbin: great idea.
13:39 pdurbin awesome. Eleni and I have talked about this too
13:39 jwhitney pdurbin: I'll talk to Alex, too.
13:39 pdurbin sounds great
13:40 pdurbin jwhitney: have you already seen ? that's where I'm keeping my notes
13:41 jwhitney pdurbin: oh, excellent -- thanks.
13:41 pdurbin the col-iri vs. em-iri issue is under "Questions for the SWORD community"
13:42 pdurbin when we get the terminology document in a linkable form, I'll put it under "Communication with OJS developers"
13:43 jwhitney pdurbin: great, I'll talk to Alex & start a Google doc.
13:43 pdurbin jwhitney: I'm sure those notes only really make sense to me but at least it captures all the links I care about :)
13:44 pdurbin jwhitney: cool, if you could drop a link (public, please) in here when it's up I would appreciate it
13:44 jwhitney pdurbin: of course.
13:45 pdurbin jwhitney: oh! something else you should take a peek at is my directory of scripts I'm using to exercise the API:
13:46 pdurbin the latest code is now being built nightly on a public server, so you can start poking at it yourself with those curl commands
13:47 jwhitney pdurbin: fantastic, thanks.
13:47 pdurbin Eleni is starting to create dataverses for journals and can give you the username and password for one of them. These are all just on our build server. Not production dataverses
13:48 jwhitney pdurbin: Ok, I'll follow up with her.
13:48 pdurbin thanks
13:49 pdurbin jwhitney: those scripts are subject to change, of course, as I fix col-iri vs. edit-iri, for example
13:49 jwhitney pdurbin: sure
13:50 jwhitney pdurbin: have to run, back in a bit.
13:50 pdurbin ok
13:55 pdurbin wow. great video. gonna watch it a few times, I'm sure
14:34 axfelix joined #dvn
14:40 * pdurbin looks at [DDI-users] Mapping Extended Dublin Core (terms namespace) to DDI v.2 -
14:41 * pdurbin adds a link to our ticket about this:
16:36 jwhitney joined #dvn
19:34 pdurbin I took some screenshots from the video: Intro to SWORDv2 Cottage Labs video - Google Drive -
19:48 jwhitney joined #dvn

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