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IRC log for #dvn, 2013-08-29

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:48 axfelix joined #dvn
14:49 ruebot joined #dvn
15:20 axfelix joined #dvn
16:42 axfelix joined #dvn
18:17 axfelix joined #dvn
18:51 pdurbin axfelix: if you're interestd, I just wrote up a summary of the main ticket I've been working on for DVN's Data Deposit API and passed it to QA:
18:53 axfelix thanks, will review
18:59 bnsnwork joined #dvn
19:01 pdurbin axfelix: sure
19:02 pdurbin axfelix: I'm on tomorrow and all next week, by the way
19:02 pdurbin on tomorrow?
19:02 pdurbin on vacation
19:02 pdurbin brain is fried
19:02 pdurbin :)
21:27 axfelix joined #dvn

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We've moved! Please join #dataverse instead. The new logs are at