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IRC log for #dvn, 2013-09-09

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
15:18 jwhitney joined #dvn
15:33 pdurbin jwhitney: hi!
15:33 jwhitney pdurbin: good morning
15:34 pdurbin jwhitney: I'm fixing some bugs, "related issues" linked from ... but is there anything you need?
15:34 jwhitney pdurbin: not at the moment, thanks
15:35 pdurbin jwhitney: cool. meeting at 3pm, right?
15:36 jwhitney pdurbin: double-underlined, this time.
15:36 pdurbin heh
15:39 pdurbin grrr. IRISyntaxException: org.apache.abdera.i18n.text​.InvalidCharacterException: Invalid Character 0x20( )
15:40 pdurbin I wonder how common it is for files in DVN (or OJS) to have blanks in the filename
15:41 * pdurbin looks at
16:48 jwhitney joined #dvn
17:18 pdurbin anyway, here's my fix for that: replace spaces in filename to make URLs valid for Redmine 3273 · b6774b3 · IQSS/dvn -
18:34 jwhitney pdurbin: I had a login to a dv in your dev-build env, at -- it seems to be down atm
18:34 jwhitney pdurbin: I've been workign locally, so haven't noticed, but might be useful so others can see what's being pushed out from OJS
18:35 pdurbin jwhitney: what's the name of your dataverse?
18:36 jwhitney pdurbin: Was NEJC, at
18:37 jwhitney pdurbin: which actually no longer exists
18:37 pdurbin ah. "Sorry. The dataverse URL you entered does not exist."
18:43 pdurbin jwhitney: it would be super useful to see what's being pushed out, I agree
18:44 jwhitney pdurbin: I should have noticed its noticed its nonexistence -- sorry, lazily hitting old URLs
18:44 pdurbin jwhitney: s'ok. help is on the way
18:45 jwhitney pdurbin: thanks!
19:12 axfelix joined #dvn

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