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IRC log for #dvn, 2013-10-21

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
12:34 pdurbin heh, I just stumbled upon this account:
14:04 jwhitney joined #dvn
14:05 ruebot joined #dvn
14:05 ruebot joined #dvn
14:25 axfelix joined #dvn
14:28 pdurbin jwhitney: mornin'
14:29 jwhitney pdurbin: good morning
14:29 pdurbin jwhitney: did I show you this? :)
14:30 jwhitney pdurbin: cool! I love Github graphs.
14:31 pdurbin me too. but I'm especially glad Richard merged in my pull request:
14:31 pdurbin (recently)
14:31 pdurbin jwhitney: it reminded me... did you have to patch like we talked about?
14:32 jwhitney pdurbin: I did, but haven't sent a pull request yet
14:32 pdurbin jwhitney: ok. hope it wasn't too bad
14:32 jwhitney pdurbin: I needed to add custom curl init opts, to allow --insecure curl requests
14:32 jwhitney pdurbin: and no, only minor changes.
14:33 pdurbin hmm, well most sites should have a valid cert
14:34 pdurbin jwhitney: I'm curious what the php sword library authors think about our attribute hack for dcterms:isReferencedBy. sending that pull request should get them thinking about it
14:35 jwhitney pdurbin: I'll get on it.
14:43 pdurbin he's our previous conversation about it:
14:56 pdurbin here's*
15:42 jwhitney joined #dvn
15:45 jwhitney pdurbin: sorry, was afk. Yep, I remember. The plugin's sending basic metadata atm -- title, authors, abstract -- while working on adding deposit/edit/delete/download operations
15:48 axfelix joined #dvn
16:12 pdurbin jwhitney: cool, cool. I'm looking forward to the demo! :)
16:30 realzies joined #dvn
16:51 jwhitney pdurbin: thanks! plugin code is here:
17:22 pdurbin jwhitney: cool. I clicked around a little bit

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