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IRC log for #dvn, 2013-11-01

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:08 axfelix joined #dvn
02:08 axfelix joined #dvn
05:23 balo joined #dvn
06:49 ruebot joined #dvn
06:49 ruebot joined #dvn
07:19 ruebot joined #dvn
14:16 pdurbin sbmarks: you never answered my question :)
15:17 axfelix joined #dvn
16:02 pdurbin axfelix: I'm looking at your [pkp-dataverse-integration] Time Sensitive: Request to Review Documents Before Next Week's Testing -
16:07 * pdurbin adds a version number for dvn ("3.6 and newer") to the survey
16:08 pdurbin would be nice if the links in the survey were clickable
16:09 pdurbin otherwise, the survey looks good
16:11 bnsnwork joined #dvn
16:12 pdurbin interesting to read about how dataverse studies go from draft to released (plugin guide)
16:12 pdurbin the plugin guide looks good too
16:13 pdurbin axfelix: good job :)
16:14 pdurbin bnsnwork: haven't seen you here in a while :)
16:27 ruebot joined #dvn
16:27 ruebot joined #dvn
17:23 axfelix wrt survey links -- google forms is actually pretty limiting, eleni claimed that they become clickable if you're viewing it without edit rights...
17:48 pdurbin axfelix: ah. yes. clickable links for non-editors. cool
19:15 axfelix joined #dvn
20:00 uosuaq joined #dvn
23:42 axfelix joined #dvn

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We've moved! Please join #dataverse instead. The new logs are at