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IRC log for #dvn, 2014-01-27

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:52 axfelix joined #dvn
02:06 ruebot joined #dvn
14:47 ruebot joined #dvn
15:11 LyndsySimon joined #dvn
15:40 LyndsySimon joined #dvn
15:56 LyndsySimon joined #dvn
15:56 axfelix joined #dvn
16:49 pdurbin skay: if I could +1 this I would: :)
16:50 skay :)
16:54 skay will I be able to have people use dvn credentials to login to my site soon?
16:54 skay I'm using a package called django-auth that works for a lot of 3rd party providers (twitter, github, etc.) and it would be coolt o extend that to support dataverse
16:55 pdurbin skay: I meant to follow up with you about that... we have no plans to have dataverse be an Identity Provider (IdP)... the plan is for dataverse to be a Service Provider (SP)
16:56 pdurbin skay: please see: [dvn-auth] Welcome the dvn-auth mailing list! -
17:00 skay okay, subscribed
17:11 pdurbin skay: approved :)
17:22 LyndsySimon joined #dvn
17:41 pdurbin skay: do you use ?
17:43 skay oh yes. definitely
17:43 skay though I haven't needed to use it as much with this job as before
17:44 skay I was on a performance team at my old job and used ipynb for looking at results from things we tried
17:44 skay and showing them to my coworkers
17:45 pdurbin skay: are you using it while playing with ?
17:47 skay no, I actually tend to use ipython console when playing with things like that
17:47 skay I use the notebook more when playing with matplotlib
17:49 skay if you want to experiment with notebooks without installing ipython and all, you can try
17:49 * pdurbin looks at Wakari - Web-based Python Data Analysis - (and makes the url clickable from the irc logs)
17:50 skay and, wakari is something I was thinking of allowing users to take advantage of -- they don't have any public apis I can see for doing things - but they do allow users with payed accounts have ssh access, which then means users could share keys with us and then we are good for setting up jobs for them
17:50 pdurbin skay: but you can imagine an ipython notebook for the dataverse APIs?
17:51 skay yes indeed!
17:51 pdurbin cool. I think we'd like to get that going some day
17:52 skay it works with R, but I will say also a lot of python people use pandas for doing things similar to r
17:52 pdurbin LyndsySimon: your folks showed me ipython notebooks at your office and I was very impressed
17:52 * LyndsySimon nods.
17:52 pdurbin skay: for R, please see: RPubs - Using the Dataverse API -
17:52 LyndsySimon I'm a huge fan of IPython. It's going to revolutionize data manipulation and presentation, IMO.
17:53 LyndsySimon I've used SAS in the past for similar things.
17:54 LyndsySimon I've not done any significant data analysis in over a year, but I've watched others do it in Pandas. It's awesome.
17:54 skay pdurbin: I will find some videos of people playing with service apis and ipython and pandas if you like, for now, I will drop this here, Taavi has a talk I saw at PyCon Canada called Server Log Analysis with Pandas, and he polished it up for the main pycon conference (so I'm linking both, but the earlier one is shorter I think)
17:54 skay and that will be an example of something similar I did at my old job
17:54 LyndsySimon I was also just talking to Josh about maybe creating a module for Wakari to allow access into public data on the OSF via their interface.
17:55 skay later maybe I will find something for you where people get data from the chicago data portal and do analysis on it
17:55 skay so that would closer to what you are thinking with dvn I think
17:55 LyndsySimon If we did that you'd be able to access public data on the OSF in Wakari through a single interface, no matter where it was actually hosted.
17:55 skay grab data from you guys, run stuff whereever the ipynb is hosted
17:55 skay Josh at OSF or Josh as someone at Wakari?
17:56 LyndsySimon Joshua Carp, here with COS.
17:57 LyndsySimon I think I have some cards from people at Wakari in my stack somewhere, if you need a contact.
17:58 skay LyndsySimon: Oh cool. I will see first if the person I know at continuum has a reply for me
17:58 pdurbin skay:
17:58 skay I also suggested he hop in here if he has a moment
17:58 skay and gave context for hte channel
17:58 skay pdurbin: oh yeah. I follow him :)
17:59 skay I was wondering if there was another Josh
17:59 pdurbin skay: Josh was at the keyboard when we made some tweaks to to make it into
17:59 skay okay
17:59 pdurbin he sent me a tarball. I made the commit and push
18:01 aterrel joined #dvn
18:01 skay hi aterrel!
18:01 aterrel hello
18:01 * pdurbin runs /whois ;)
18:01 skay I invited aterrel here. pdurbin LyndsySimon and I were discussing wakario and hte ipython notebook
18:01 pdurbin aterrel: welcome!
18:02 LyndsySimon o/
18:02 aterrel howdy
18:05 pdurbin aterrel: ima bet this is you: ;)
18:06 aterrel indeed
18:06 pdurbin aterrel: in which case you may well know
18:06 aterrel so we don't have a public api just yet, I think this functionality could be driven by your use cases though
18:06 aterrel yes work with ian
18:07 aterrel Ian is actually on the Wakari team
18:07 pdurbin aterrel: nice. I used to
18:08 pdurbin I'm a little new to all these fancy Python things. I used curl for all my API testing :)
18:10 aterrel curl unit-testing sounds like a lot of work
18:11 pdurbin yeah
18:11 aterrel might look at the python requests library
18:12 pdurbin aterrel: yeah that's how the OSF guys were using IPython Notebook to play with Dataverse APIs... the requests library
18:13 pdurbin thankfully, we had a guy exercising the API from Python as well:
18:13 skay (sword2 using httplib2)
18:14 pdurbin skay: yeah, the official Python library from
18:17 aterrel cool hadn't seen sword before
18:18 pdurbin it's nice. and popular in our circles
18:20 LyndsySimon joined #dvn
18:24 pdurbin so maybe it could be a goal to have an IPython Notebook for Dataverse APIs listed at ... once it's interesting enough :)
18:26 aterrel There I would just email the ipython dev team if the notebooks exist
18:29 pdurbin aterrel: to my knowledge it doesn't, but we'd like to make one
18:29 aterrel cool
18:29 aterrel I have to step out but let me know if you have any questions about it
18:29 pdurbin aterrel: ok. thanks!
18:31 * pdurbin make an issue to track it: Create IPython Notebook for Dataverse APIs · Issue #6 · IQSS/dvn-client-python -
18:32 pdurbin makes*
18:35 IanSR joined #dvn
18:36 IanSR Hi folks. We have a Harvard demo of Wakari setup right now:
18:36 IanSR Don't go spreading the URL around, but feel free to experiment with it.
18:37 IanSR We could put dataverse on there, or conversely we could talk to you about setting up a trial Wakari interface to your existing DVN deployment.
18:37 pdurbin IanSR: hi! um... we log this channel... ;)
18:39 skay IanSR: could my group (of 3) at Columbia University have permission to use that demo? We are working with dataverse and also have similar use cases
18:39 skay Right now I signed up for a private account for my job
18:39 skay you can email me or my PI if you like
18:40 * skay focuses attention away from channel again
18:41 IanSR pdurbin: that's OK.
18:41 pdurbin phew!
18:41 IanSR @skay: sure, go ahead.  It also has R-Studio setup, but not entirely wired in.
18:42 skay spiffy :)
18:42 IanSR It is in a sandboxed environment right now.
18:43 pdurbin cool
18:43 IanSR pdurbin and skay — if you decide to try it out and create accounts, if you'd like R-Studio access then let me know know the user names and I'll enable them.
18:44 pdurbin IanSR: thanks. I only just heard of wakari
18:44 * pdurbin checks
18:44 pdurbin less than an hour ago but looks nice!
18:44 LyndsySimon joined #dvn
18:44 IanSR pdurbin: you guys probably know Tristan Zajonc who was at IQSS and now has started Sense Platform:
18:45 IanSR It's in private beta. Wakari is pretty similar, but not in private beta.
18:45 * pdurbin looks at
18:46 pdurbin cool
18:46 IanSR Wakari is public, plus we have a the new enterprise version (harvard.demo…) which is … er … new.
18:46 IanSR and better.
18:46 pdurbin :)
18:46 pdurbin I'm glad to find out about it
18:46 IanSR and we can deploy it inside an organization, on top of existing storage, Identity Mgmt, clusters, etc.
18:46 IanSR I'm just up the road.
18:46 IanSR Happy to come in and talk to you guys about it if you like.
18:48 skay IanSR: I sent an email to you
18:48 pdurbin IanSR: cool. the guy I want to link this conversation too went idle but soon. soon
18:48 pdurbin to*
18:48 skay IanSR: and I'd like to encourage both of you to sponsor/volunteer for an open source comes to campus event this year
18:49 skay You shoudl contact the openhatch group about it. I think it would be an excellent event as the person who runs these things is also involved in open science
18:50 skay check here
18:50 * skay ends pitch
18:51 pdurbin skay: I believe IanSR just helped organize last week :)
18:51 pdurbin and I noticed video cameras, which is awesome
19:01 aterrel joined #dvn
19:24 pdurbin LyndsySimon: ping
19:25 LyndsySimon pong.
19:25 pdurbin LyndsySimon: can you please make sure Jeff and Josh see this?
19:26 pdurbin 'Enter the dashboard's IP address into the "Remote name" field and the user and API key noted earlier into the "Api username" and "Api key" fields'
19:26 LyndsySimon Done.
19:26 pdurbin LyndsySimon: awesome. thanks
19:30 jwhitney joined #dvn
19:58 LyndsySimon joined #dvn
20:00 * pdurbin updates about the API keys
20:16 LyndsySimon joined #dvn
20:38 skay pdurbin: I got email forwarded to me by my boss about the cool ipython notebook idea :)
20:38 * skay doesn't think she realizes I am skay
20:39 pdurbin :)
20:53 LyndsySimon joined #dvn
21:47 LyndsySimon joined #dvn
23:42 IanSR1 joined #dvn
23:42 axfelix joined #dvn
23:56 realzies joined #dvn

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