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IRC log for #dvn, 2014-02-08

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
05:23 axfelix joined #dvn
11:29 ijstokes joined #dvn
13:51 ijstokes joined #dvn
13:53 ijstokes1 joined #dvn
13:54 ijstokes1 joined #dvn
15:24 pdurbin skay: weechat+tmux question for you when you have a chance
15:26 skay pdurbin: sure. I'm a newbie weechat user but will try to help
15:35 pdurbin "Presumably, you're running weechat in a terminal... the links are hard-wrapped... (you won't be able to click the full url)... [] has one obvious limitation: it doesn't work well if you’re running weechat on a remote host" --
15:36 pdurbin skay: do you have that problem too? can't click long urls? it's the main thing that drives me crazy about weechat. otherwise it's great
15:37 skay pdurbin: OH that is one of the most annoying things. I am using a hack by using hte script, and I have a short domain I've been using ps1.o
15:37 skay ps1.iio
15:37 skay arg, typo plague
15:38 skay I actually got that domain for something else, and have it pointing to the same host where I use weechat
15:39 skay There's another weechat setting that helps -- you can toggle the nicklist
15:39 skay using urlserver has a cool benefit -- you can open a window with all the urls that have been typed in all of your channels
15:40 pdurbin skay: if I toggle the nicklist, I'll be able to click long urls?
15:41 skay pdurbin: not necessarily. if the url is long enough to wrap despite the extra real estate
15:41 skay toggling hte nicklist merely gives you more real estate
15:42 pdurbin grr
15:42 skay it is one of hte more annoying things about weechat, but hasn't been annoying enough for me to switch back to irssi
15:42 pdurbin yeah, I didn't have this problem with irssi. I could click long links. I didn't even think about it
15:43 pdurbin skay: is there a write up of your solution? I'm not sure I follow
15:44 skay let me try to find it. it may have been a conversation
15:45 pdurbin skay: cool, if you know of a bug filed against weechat for this, I'd be interested in that too
15:45 pdurbin skay: I'm just happy you feel my pain ;)
15:46 skay here let me past this long url that will help. ...I better make a shorturl for you
15:46 skay
15:47 pdurbin heh. for the logs, I'd rather have the long link:
15:47 skay oh, good point
15:47 pdurbin ah. "The long URL problem in WeeChat" ... I'm already liking this :)
15:48 skay my pain point with irssi was my memory -- I never could remember how to fix my layout properly
15:49 skay do you know how to toggle nicklist? /bar toggle nicklist
15:49 skay I forget that, so I added a note in pinboard
15:49 pdurbin "everytime someone give a web link, the shorten url will appears on his own line below the message containing the original URL" ... so this only appears on my screen, right? iqlogbot won't log it and you wouldn't see it?
15:49 skay
15:51 skay I don't *think* so, but experiment and see if shows up
15:51 skay I just double checked on a channel I log, and they don't show up
15:52 pdurbin ok. good
15:52 pdurbin hmm, that post links to some solutions that aren't on my radar:
15:52 pdurbin such as:
15:52 pdurbin ... /set weechat.look.eat_newline_glitch on
15:55 pdurbin ok, let's see if this link is long enough:
15:55 pdurbin hmm. didn't work. maybe I need to restart weechat or something
15:56 pdurbin what a mess
15:56 skay yes
15:57 pdurbin skay: I might try your solution but it seems... noisy... an extra line every time someone drops a link (and I drop a lot of links)
15:57 skay oh oh, it doesn't paste a line to me when I post links
15:57 pdurbin no?
15:58 pdurbin "everytime someone give a web link, the shorten url will appears on his own line below the message containing the original URL"
15:58 skay yeah, so maybe it is smart and doesn't shorten links the user posts
15:58 pdurbin I'm so confused
15:58 skay doh, sorry. I just did a thinko
15:59 skay it doesn't repeat localhost links. headsmack
15:59 skay my brain confabulated
16:00 pdurbin skay: so it would put a shortened link on my buffer (and only my buffer) for any channel where someone puts a link, right?
16:00 skay yeah, if you find it annoying every time you post a link you might not want to use it. but that glitch has me thinking maybe you could discover how the glitch works and use it to your advantage -- perhaps they have some code in there that does some pattern matching
16:00 pdurbin skay: go track down this bug and squash it, please :)
16:01 skay to clarify, in my case, it doesn't paste a private line in every channel, jsut the one channel. but you can toggle a new window that only has urlserver links, but this doesn't mean they will stop showing up in your channel
16:01 skay pdurbin: I am not obsessed enough :)
16:02 pdurbin skay: oh, so would show up as buffer for me? and all shortened links appear there?
16:02 skay that happens if you use the /urlserver command
16:02 pdurbin hmm
16:03 pdurbin maybe I'll just switch back to irssi ;)
16:03 skay it sounds like enough of an annoyance that you might want to
16:03 skay I don't have all the extra annoyances that you are having
16:04 pdurbin but I really, really like that the thing I type it grows automatically with weechat. the input line or whatever. when I cross into a second line. irssi doesn't have this and it might drive me more crazy. not sure
16:04 pdurbin it drove me to weechat at least, where I've been mostly happy
16:04 skay in other news, I haven't worked on any dvn related stuff for a week or so -- bosses wanted some different features first
16:04 pdurbin saner defaults, overall
16:04 skay cool
16:05 pdurbin skay: no worries, we're all busy
16:05 skay and for this week or so, I want to focus on some executability pilots -- dunno if I will exercise the dvn apis while doing that
16:06 pdurbin a guy on our team is doing some killer work on future APIs for dataverse
16:06 pdurbin full of JSON goodness
16:07 skay that is handy
16:07 pdurbin he took the JSON stuff I had done and ran with it
16:07 skay please no xml if possible
16:07 pdurbin heh
16:07 pdurbin well SWORD is XML. it just is. AtomPub
16:07 skay I know :( oh well
16:07 pdurbin axfelix: so you get XML :)
16:08 pdurbin anyway, need to run to the store. kids don't have any milk
16:08 skay so, you probably don't want to do this because there are not always intelligent defaults and crap when mapping xml to dictionaries aka jsonic things but...
16:08 skay oh okay
16:09 pdurbin skay: thanks again for feeling my pain :)
16:09 skay quickly, we used to look at accept http header to see if hte clients were asking for application/json application/x-protobuf (can't remember actual string) application/foo and return as appropriate
16:09 pdurbin makes sense
16:09 skay and has some adapter layer that would do a reasonable job
16:10 skay btw, if you want to push big payloads around, take a look at
16:11 skay and you can consider using other fomrats, like protocol buffers, and so on
16:11 skay I'd default to json
16:11 skay no need to optimize until it's actually a problem
16:11 pdurbin yeah
16:11 pdurbin and thanks for the link
16:12 skay bd
16:13 skay for your api person, in case they are curious about going between protos and other formats
16:14 skay if they are curious. and tell them that I haven't worked with protos for over a year, so my information is stale. and also that I'm not sure I would pick protos if I were looking for a similar thing now
16:15 skay ttyl
16:51 pdurbin got milk
16:51 pdurbin skay: right. protocol buffers
16:51 pdurbin hmm, they're only from 2008:
16:52 pdurbin and listed as an example of an IDL:
16:52 pdurbin along side
16:52 pdurbin I first heard about IDLs by listening to this:
17:16 skay pdurbin: how noisy would it be for me to give a quick recap of using them at orbitz? I could chat in a diffrent channel
17:22 pdurbin skay: hmm, how about #sourcefu? sivoais and I are in there. usually it's just me talking to myself :)
17:25 pdurbin for anyone who's interested:
18:57 axfelix joined #dvn
19:44 garnett joined #dvn

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