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IRC log for #dvn, 2014-04-09

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
03:01 axfelix joined #dvn
03:15 JonathanNeal joined #dvn
04:36 garnett joined #dvn
05:30 axfelix joined #dvn
14:43 pdurbin sure enough the "Download the cataloging information in XML format - DDI (full)" link is now available at Example Study - Rob Dataverse 1 Dataverse - Demo Dataverse Network -
14:43 pdurbin so it does get generated overnight
14:44 pdurbin and we can see <otherMat level="study" URI=""> in that link to the XML:
15:07 garnett joined #dvn
16:15 garnett joined #dvn
16:29 pdurbin oh right, he said he'd be back Thursday
16:29 * pdurbin waits
18:44 skay joined #dvn
18:44 skay joined #dvn
21:04 LyndsySimon joined #dvn
21:16 LyndsySimon joined #dvn
21:16 LyndsySimon joined #dvn
21:45 balo joined #dvn
22:54 axfelix joined #dvn
23:47 axfelix joined #dvn

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We've moved! Please join #dataverse instead. The new logs are at