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IRC log for #dvn, 2014-05-16

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
13:27 pdurbin jwhitney: when you have a moment
13:27 pdurbin axfelix: you too
13:27 pdurbin I just started a new doc: Dataverse Data Deposit API v1 Backward Compatibility and Migration Guide for Collaborators - Google Docs -
13:28 pdurbin certainly a work in progress, that doc
13:33 jwhitney pdurbin: good morning.. reading doc.
13:34 jwhitney oh. that was quick.
13:34 pdurbin jwhitney: hmm? :)
13:34 pdurbin what was quick?
13:35 jwhitney your work in progress
13:35 jwhitney grabbed coffee, settled down for a read.
13:35 pdurbin :)
13:36 pdurbin jeffspies: if you could check it out too, I'd appreciate it
13:48 jeffspies pdurbin: will you list language-specific libraries in this document as well?
13:50 pdurbin jeffspies: not sure what you mean... the Data Deposit API will continue to be language agnostic...
13:50 jeffspies but there are/will be language-specific wrappers i imagine; just thinking that those could be listed in this document.
13:51 pdurbin jeffspies: like ?
13:52 jeffspies yep, and wasn't there another? a ruby client maybe?
13:52 pdurbin jeffspies: and java and php, listed here:
13:53 pdurbin but that's our API guide for DVN 3.x
13:53 pdurbin jeffspies: I'll certainly add the same list to our API guide for Dataverse 4.0
13:54 pdurbin jeffspies: your point is well taken though... I should link to both and in the API guide...
14:05 pdurbin jwhitney: maybe we should link to your plugin too... the code used to be under your account
14:14 pdurbin ok, I linked to the R package at least:
14:16 pdurbin jwhitney: you and jeffspies can provide me URLs to link to whenever you're ready. Not sure if your code is final/released... ready to link to or not. I'm happy to link to it.
15:37 jwhitney pdurbin: the plugin's included OJS 2.4.4, so it'll be maintained from there rather than my repo
15:44 pdurbin hmm, so maybe I could link to here:
15:45 pdurbin there's a nice readme there
16:16 axfelix joined #dvn
16:19 axfelix pdurbin: yup, I'd support linking to there
16:19 axfelix that's why it's still got the readme :)
16:21 * pdurbin likes URLs with the word "stable" in them :)
16:22 pdurbin axfelix: I think I'd describe it more as sample code though...
16:22 pdurbin it's not a generic Dataverse client for PHP
16:22 pdurbin unlike that R package
16:22 axfelix right, that's fine
16:23 pdurbin but definitely could be useful for PHP developers trying to integrate with Dataverse
18:32 pdurbin jeffspies: I think we're gonna try that key/token thing you showed us
20:44 axfelix joined #dvn
21:49 axfelix joined #dvn
22:36 ruebot joined #dvn

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