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IRC log for #dataverse, 2015-01-16

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:14 balo joined #dataverse
00:57 axfelix joined #dataverse
08:55 bencomp joined #dataverse
14:27 pdurbin Does anyone have any opinions about supporting HTML tags vs Markdown? Please see the comment I just made at
14:27 pdurbin balo bencomp jeffspies_ JonathanNeal LyndsySimon mjturk shauna skay yoh ^^
14:29 skay pdurbin: markdown
14:29 pdurbin :)
14:29 bencomp I write much more markdown nowadays
14:30 pdurbin me too
14:30 bencomp can't really remember writing HTML in forms
14:31 pdurbin bencomp: not even back in the day?
14:34 balo markdown+1
14:34 balo the editors are also more consistent with it
14:34 balo i mean the wyswyg editors
14:35 pdurbin yeah
14:35 pdurbin there's even now if we want to be super strict about markdown input
14:37 bencomp pdurbin: if I did, that's too long ago. Oh wait, I did on (but that is no longer allowed)
14:37 balo D
14:37 pdurbin huh. so they used to support HTML input but they dropped that feature in favor of Markdown? that's what I'm suggesting, basically
14:38 bencomp commented:
14:38 bencomp no, all formatting is disallowed on Discogs
14:38 pdurbin oh
14:39 pdurbin we want to allow some light formatting
14:39 bencomp it was just one memory of me putting HTML in a web form
14:40 bencomp why?
14:40 * bencomp should read the full issue description
14:41 pdurbin bencomp: well, being able to add hyperlinks, for one thing
14:41 pdurbin making some text bold
14:41 pdurbin adding bullets
14:41 pdurbin in my mind, this is the stuff Markdown is good at
14:42 bencomp good enough for me :)
14:43 bencomp why are you (plural) using a Google doc linked from a GitHub issue to link together issues that are or should be on GitHub, by the way? :^)
14:44 bencomp e.g.
14:44 pdurbin buh
14:45 pdurbin not sure about that doc in particular but I like Google Docs as a collaborative scratch pad
14:52 bencomp I'll get off your back now, but although it is a nice collaborative scratch pad, the status of any Doc in relation to the GitHub issues isn't always clear to me. (I'm writing a personal development plan in which I propose to learn more about business information management… :))
15:33 pdurbin heh. no worries. it's all good
16:11 axfelix joined #dataverse
17:41 metamattj joined #dataverse
19:17 bencomp joined #dataverse
19:52 bencomp joined #dataverse
21:07 axfelix joined #dataverse
21:44 LyndsySimon I saw I was mentioned in here, but I cleared the notification before I saw the date and time. Anyone need something?
21:45 pdurbin LyndsySimon: we were talking about whether we should continue to force people to use HTML for markup or if we should support Markdown: . Does OSF support Markdown?
22:22 metamattj joined #dataverse
22:49 axfelix joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.