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IRC log for #dataverse, 2015-04-30

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:40 garnett joined #dataverse
00:52 axfelix joined #dataverse
08:01 bencomp joined #dataverse
12:52 rliebz joined #dataverse
12:56 pdurbin rliebz: mornin'!
12:56 rliebz pdurbin: Good morning
12:59 pdurbin lots of activity yesterday! I haven't had a chance to respond to much of it
13:12 rliebz pdurbin: Yeah, I was just taking a look at that
13:13 pdurbin it's great!
13:13 pdurbin so happy to see this taking off
13:14 rliebz pdurbin: Just as a heads up, I'm only going to be with the Center for the next few weeks, so I won't be so active on the python client after that
13:15 pdurbin rliebz: oh! well, I believe you are/were an intern... so not shocking... where to?
13:16 rliebz pdurbin: Capital One up in northern Virginia
13:17 pdurbin looks like HQ is pretty close to DC
13:18 rliebz Yep.
13:19 pdurbin rliebz: great news. congrats!
13:20 rliebz pdurbin: Thanks, it should be interesting
13:24 pdurbin rliebz: don't forget about us! ;)
15:22 pdurbin bencomp: Merce and I just met to talk about user accounts and auth
15:22 pdurbin I have some notes for you to review.
15:23 pdurbin bencomp: and not just because you're listed here: :)
15:57 metamattj joined #dataverse
15:58 bencomp pdurbin: I'm listening :)
16:05 pdurbin bencomp:
16:05 pdurbin (2015-04-30 Dataverse User Accounts and Auth Meeting)
16:05 pdurbin sort of a brain dump
16:05 pdurbin not the best notes. sorry
16:10 bencomp I like the idea of orcid as auth source, but that is not what you discussed, is it? having your orcid in your profile is what came up in my head the other day too
16:11 bencomp I see I don't know all the issues :) Allow users to specify their ORCID and/or ISNI ID in their user account #923
16:13 pdurbin bencomp: ORCID definitely came up but there's lots to decide there
16:14 pdurbin different (upcoming) meeting :)
16:16 bencomp heh
17:07 rliebz joined #dataverse
17:43 astrofrog joined #dataverse
17:43 astrofrog hello
17:43 astrofrog I'm trying to access the main dataverse site using the API 4.0 but things are hanging
17:43 astrofrog I tried accessing<api_key_here>
17:43 pdurbin astrofrog: I don't like the sound of that!
17:44 astrofrog but it just hangs, waiting for a response from the server
17:45 pdurbin astrofrog: one of our two web servers *is* having trouble. we're taking it out of the load balancer
17:45 astrofrog ok thanks
17:46 astrofrog let me know when to try again
17:46 pdurbin astrofrog: I take it you're ready for production! done with apitest? :)
17:46 astrofrog well ready for a real-life test
17:46 astrofrog managed to get it to work all nicely with apitest
17:46 astrofrog now need to be able to access more data
17:47 pdurbin gotcha
17:47 pdurbin astrofrog: it's all looking green right now:
17:48 astrofrog pdurbin - thanks, but seems to still be hanging
17:48 pdurbin boooo
17:48 pdurbin astrofrog: what if you try a non-root dataverse?
17:48 astrofrog do you see that URL hanging too, with your key?
17:49 astrofrog seems to work then
17:49 astrofrog but in order to find the non-root dataverses I think I need to access the root one right?
17:49 pdurbin hmm. I wonder if querying the root is an expensive operation
17:49 pdurbin astrofrog: can you please open an issue about this?
17:49 astrofrog what would be an efficient way (using the native API) to get a list of all dataverses?
17:49 metamattj joined #dataverse
17:50 astrofrog
17:51 pdurbin astrofrog: thanks!
17:51 pdurbin as for a list of all, dataverses, maybe try something like this:*&type=dataverse
17:51 pdurbin and then iterate through the list:
17:52 astrofrog ok thanks
17:55 skay joined #dataverse
17:55 skay joined #dataverse
17:55 astrofrog pdurbin - one more quick question: on this page the fits datafile has type 'plain text':
17:56 astrofrog but on the demo site FITS files are recognized as such:
17:56 astrofrog
17:56 astrofrog is that normal?
17:59 astrofrog (just because I'm using the contentType from my application to determine which files I can use)
18:00 pdurbin astrofrog: that second dataset is in draft so I can't see it
18:01 astrofrog ah
18:01 astrofrog ok let me fix that
18:02 astrofrog ok check again
18:02 * pdurbin looks at
18:04 pdurbin astrofrog: I see what you mean. What's interesting is that there are *some* fits files in production:*&fq0=fileTypeGroupFacet%3A%22fits%22
18:05 astrofrog strange
18:05 astrofrog is it to do with when they were uploaded?
18:05 pdurbin something else...
18:06 pdurbin PerA_1120uBolo_F.fits says "Plain Text" and it also doesn't have an MD5:
18:07 pdurbin astrofrog: this doesn't feel like a code issue to me... can you please email about this?
18:07 astrofrog yep, will do
18:08 pdurbin astrofrog: awesome. thanks!
18:08 astrofrog so going back to the list of dataverses - the search URL you provided returns a flat list of *all* dataverses - but is there a way to find just the 'top-level' ones, such as e.g. 'cfa'? I would like to provide a hiearchical visualization to the user so they don't just see everything mixed up? (I guess in principle if the root dataverse was working through the API that's what I'd get?)
18:09 * pdurbin thinks
18:09 pdurbin astrofrog: what you want is certainly very reasonable!
18:10 pdurbin internally, I use a "subtree" value for search/solr but I don't think I expose it...
18:11 pdurbin oh. right. it's searchable. not on this list:
18:11 pdurbin hmm
18:13 pdurbin astrofrog: it sounds like the "contents" api is what you want... but it's not working, as you said
18:13 pdurbin I wonder if this is even possible in the GUI.
18:14 pdurbin astrofrog: this comment is related:
18:17 astrofrog ah yes
18:17 astrofrog cool thanks
18:17 pdurbin astrofrog: do you think this belongs in the Search API or the Dataverses API?
18:18 astrofrog dataverses API
18:18 pdurbin ok
18:18 pdurbin astrofrog: please open an issue :)
18:18 astrofrog in a way I was able to construct this on the test server
18:18 astrofrog because the root stuff worked there
18:18 pdurbin ah, ok. so maybe the issue you created is enough
18:18 astrofrog I could see the top-level dataverses and the dataverses contained within each
18:18 pdurbin astrofrog: and you could tell which was a parent of which?
18:18 astrofrog right, let's see what happens with that first
18:19 astrofrog well for a given dataverse I could see dataverses inside it
18:19 astrofrog I think
18:19 astrofrog I'll have to double check
18:19 astrofrog but I think the thing is that in the test server the hierarchy was simple anyway
18:19 astrofrog hence why I need to test with the 'real' thing :)
18:19 pdurbin yeah
18:20 astrofrog gtg, but back later
18:30 pdurbin cool, he opened a ticket about fits:
19:40 bencomp joined #dataverse
19:47 garnett joined #dataverse
19:54 rliebz pdurbin: Is there any way to retrieve any sort of metadata about a user given that user's API token? Like the username?
19:57 pdurbin rliebz: not that I know of
19:59 pdurbin rliebz: can you tell me about your use case?
20:19 rliebz pdurbin: Really it would be nice to be able to have some identifying features about a user that connects to the OSF. At the bare minimum, there's a lot we could do with a username
20:20 astrofrog joined #dataverse
20:20 rliebz pdurbin: For example, on an OSF project, it could say "Authorized by Dataverse User {username}"
20:22 pdurbin rliebz: I agree in general but I'm not sure where you'd show "authorized by"
20:26 rliebz pdurbin: We also have an internal use case where we would like to have a unique ID per users that isn't the API key
20:26 rliebz pdurbin: But for other addons, we show "authorized by" on the project settings page so that shared projects or users with multiple accounts can figure out who authorized what
20:28 rliebz pdurbin: We also plan to allow multiple Dataverse accounts per OSF account (mostly to facilitate multiple Dataverse installations), and while I don't know why a user would have multiple Dataverse accounts on a single installation, this would let users distinguish between them
20:31 axfelix joined #dataverse
20:31 pdurbin rliebz: this is related:
20:31 pdurbin rliebz: and sorry, but I have to run to pick up my kids from school
20:39 rliebz pdurbin: No worries
20:46 astrofrog joined #dataverse
20:54 astrofrog joined #dataverse
20:58 astrofrog joined #dataverse
21:05 garnett joined #dataverse
21:14 garnett joined #dataverse
21:20 garnett joined #dataverse
21:26 astrofrog joined #dataverse
21:51 garnett joined #dataverse
21:59 astrofrog joined #dataverse

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