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IRC log for #dataverse, 2015-05-01

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:20 axfelix joined #dataverse
04:21 axfelix joined #dataverse
06:01 metamattj joined #dataverse
07:46 bencomp joined #dataverse
08:17 astrofrog joined #dataverse
08:27 astrofrog joined #dataverse
09:34 astrofrog left #dataverse
12:12 pdurbin bencomp: "kwalitee" :)
12:13 bencomp :)
12:15 bencomp I'm looking at the code again... right now I'm amazed by the creation and use of custom log files without using a framework for it
12:15 pdurbin sivoais: perl
12:15 pdurbin bencomp: custom log files? where?
12:17 bencomp BatchServiceBean.processFilePath
12:18 bencomp it creates a validationLogXXXX.txt and a cleanupLogXXXX.txt file
12:18 pdurbin yeah
12:18 pdurbin I thought maybe that's what you were talking about. :)
12:19 bencomp by the developer ranking number 1 in use of System.out.println ;)
12:20 pdurbin bencomp: aw. please be nice :)
12:20 pdurbin it's nice to be nice
12:20 bencomp apologies - it's not personal!
12:21 pdurbin heh. no worries
12:21 pdurbin I hear you. It's just code.
12:21 pdurbin bencomp: I assume you've seen
12:21 bencomp I integrated Checkstyle with Eclipse and have a rule "Don't use System.out" ;)
12:22 pdurbin bencomp: can you make checkstyle work from the command line?
12:22 bencomp I hadn't. Brilliant! :D
12:22 bencomp probably
12:22 pdurbin let's set up jenkins to run it
12:23 bencomp you could use the maven goal checkstyle:checkstyle
12:23 bencomp (or is it not a "goal"?)
12:24 bencomp pdurbin: is my style :)
12:25 pdurbin bencomp: can you please add a link to the style guide google doc?
12:29 bencomp done.
12:30 * pdurbin looks at
12:30 pdurbin thanks
12:30 pdurbin bencomp: I forget, are you using Jenkins?
12:33 bencomp not yet, and although I wish  we did, we may not even start soon
12:33 pdurbin bummer
12:33 pdurbin bencomp: but you could try to get the goal working locally
12:33 bencomp I did use it in another project, with that goal
12:34 pdurbin bencomp: on github?
12:34 bencomp
12:34 pdurbin cool
12:34 pdurbin bencomp: please add that to the doc too
12:35 bencomp also includes FindBugs
12:36 bencomp done :)
12:40 pdurbin bencomp: cool. but what I want now is to figure out how to export the default Netbeans formatting into a checkstyle config. want to do a little research on that?
12:40 pdurbin I googled a bit but came up empty. :(
12:46 bencomp pdurbin: hmm, interesting. Is default formatter anything like Sun's Java style? There is a checkstyle config for that
12:55 bencomp NetBeans says it can read and use some CheckStyle formatting checking when it is configured in the pom :)
13:19 pdurbin I don't know. I just use the default Netbeans formatting. And I encourge everyone to do the same, to just click Source -> Format for the whole file before committing.
14:09 * sivoais needs to use logging more often
14:10 pdurbin sivoais: loggin?
14:10 pdurbin logging*
14:12 sivoais yeah...even though most of my code is libraries, I still want to have more logging for when I need to debug it
14:17 pdurbin bencomp: are your ears burning? :)
14:19 bencomp sivoais: make sure you use a proper logging framework :)
14:22 sivoais is that anything beyond log levels and timestamps? I use log4j style loggers
14:24 bencomp maybe named loggers
14:25 bencomp anything but custom file writers or System.out.println
14:27 sivoais heh, coolio.
14:29 bencomp sivoais: are any of your libraries used by Dataverse?
14:31 sivoais nope! my stuff is more in the world of stats and signal processing
14:32 bencomp ah
14:33 bencomp pdurbin: would you like me to add "use unit tests instead of main() for testing class functionality" to the style guide\?
14:35 pdurbin bencomp: where do you see main() being used?
14:36 bencomp main() method, for testing usage: java
14:36 bencomp *​ion.impl.plugins.fits.FITSFileMetadataExtractor
14:36 bencomp * testfile.fits make sure the CLASSPATH contains fits.jar.
14:37 pdurbin interesting
14:38 bencomp ShapefileHandler, XLSXFileReader
14:39 bencomp ZipMaker has an empty main()
14:45 bencomp pdurbin: IngestServiceBean is an interesting case too
14:45 bencomp seeing "System.exit(1)" was at first sight a bit scary ;)
14:53 * pdurbin refuses to look
14:53 pdurbin ;)
15:09 bencomp "Still, needs to be revisited
15:09 bencomp // before the final 4.0. "
15:10 bencomp "// TODO: cache the http client? -- L.A. 4.0 alpha"
15:10 bencomp are these clues in that could lead to performance improvement?
15:11 axfelix joined #dataverse
15:12 pdurbin bencomp: I bet returning `new HttpClient()` isn't very expensive but who knows.
15:13 pdurbin bencomp: I'm thinking about performance of file upload/ingest.
15:28 bencomp be careful with formatting and inspecting+fixing code...
15:32 pdurbin bencomp: 93 files changed?!? didn't we talk about this? :)
15:34 bencomp it was NetBeans! I swear! :)
15:34 pdurbin bencomp: if I try to print your code change as a PDF it's 195 pages!
15:34 pdurbin way too much to do a code review of
15:37 bencomp pdurbin: would you rather see formatting per file in a PR? per package?
15:37 bencomp or completely separate from real code changes?
15:37 pdurbin bencomp: what I want is for Jenkins to make a report based on checkstyle (or whatever)
15:37 pdurbin so we can see the number of violations
15:37 pdurbin which will be huge
15:37 pdurbin but then
15:38 pdurbin slowly, slowly, we'll watch the number of violations go down
15:38 bencomp but you also want to do code review... on paper?
15:38 pdurbin heh, not on paper
15:38 pdurbin yes, of course a code review
15:39 pdurbin for any pull request
15:39 pdurbin bencomp: it's nothing personal!
15:39 pdurbin :)
15:39 bencomp I know :)
15:39 pdurbin the idea is that first we have to raise awareness that people like you and I even care about this stuff
15:40 pdurbin and we'll do that with jenkins
15:40 pdurbin by having jenkins tell us how many violations there are
15:45 pdurbin bencomp: makes sense, right? :)
15:52 bencomp sure
15:52 bencomp my local Docker Jenkins with checkstyle shows 53414 Checkstyle warnings and 103 compiler warnings, btw
15:53 pdurbin ok. we *are* already recording compiler warnings over time at
15:53 bencomp it calls mvn clean
15:53 bencomp -DcompilerArgument=-Xlint
15:53 bencomp checkstyle:checkstyle
15:53 bencomp findbugs:findbugs
15:53 bencomp org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plug​in:
15:53 bencomp package
15:54 bencomp but FindBugs and jacoco don't work for some reason
15:54 pdurbin 103 compiler warnings, like you said:
16:01 pdurbin bencomp: oh, and did you ever get a chance to look at that git branching strategy?
16:04 bencomp just watched it as I hadn't
16:05 bencomp the animation is not as clear to me as the commands
16:06 bencomp pdurbin: are you actively using this strategy/
16:06 bencomp ?
16:07 pdurbin bencomp: no, but that's what's being proposed
16:07 pdurbin what do you think?
16:11 bencomp let me see
16:12 bencomp do you commit to version branches when implementing certain features?
16:13 pdurbin bencomp: historically most developers commit to master (trunk when it was svn)
16:13 bencomp I know ;)
16:13 pdurbin we'd like to make use of branches
16:14 bencomp IMHO it's "nicer" to rebase a feature branch on top of a version branch instead of merging master
16:16 bencomp that would only be needed if various feature branches with conflicting code are merged in version branches
16:16 bencomp getting your head around git rebase is a bit tricky though
16:19 bencomp the result of using rebase correctly is that every pull request/merge results in fast forward
16:27 garnett joined #dataverse
16:30 bencomp pdurbin: this should be more manageable:
16:30 bencomp ;)
16:30 bencomp no formatting or automated code "improvement"
16:43 pdurbin bencomp: much better! thanks!!
16:44 pdurbin bencomp: can you type up a git branching alternative to ?
16:45 pdurbin bencomp: you can make a file like this:
16:45 pdurbin with git commands in it
16:45 pdurbin and then run this script against your file of git commands:
16:47 bencomp interesting
16:48 bencomp let me see what I can do - it's time for the weekend right now, so it will have to wait
16:48 pdurbin bencomp: no worries! enjoy!
16:50 bencomp thanks!
16:58 metamattj joined #dataverse
17:59 metamattj joined #dataverse
18:02 metamattj joined #dataverse
18:08 axfelix joined #dataverse
18:19 metamattj joined #dataverse
19:30 bencomp joined #dataverse
19:44 garnett joined #dataverse
23:16 metamattj joined #dataverse

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