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IRC log for #dataverse, 2015-05-06

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
02:39 garnett joined #dataverse
02:39 garnett joined #dataverse
05:04 garnett joined #dataverse
06:00 metamattj joined #dataverse
07:30 bencomp joined #dataverse
07:31 shauna joined #dataverse
07:53 bencomp woops, just registered for the meeting again, after thinking I had to register separately for the API day...
07:53 bencomp EventBrite doesn't recognise me, I guess
07:56 bencomp pdurbin: yesterday was Liberation Day in the Netherlands, to celebrate our freedom after WW2 (after commemorating the people who gave their lives or perished in wars or peace operations since the Second World War on May 4)
07:58 bencomp oh, but I could cancel my second order with Eventbrite.
10:01 pdurbin bencomp: at least it's free :)
10:05 bencomp I would have looked better if it weren't :)
10:13 pdurbin :)
10:14 pdurbin bencomp: I was looking at the Dataverse Google Group and it looks like you never got an answer to this question: Handle identifiers for non-production studies/datasets - Google Groups -!msg/dataverse-community/mxQPhX_vXE0/gRxLSgebrMUJ
10:19 pdurbin bencomp: can you please email if you still need something for that?
10:48 bencomp pdurbin: I did get a reply from the handle-info list. I'll forward it as a reply to my email
11:14 pdurbin bencomp: ah. perfect. thanks
13:05 pdurbin bencomp: did you forward it yet?
13:07 bencomp eh, no
13:07 bencomp too busy creating new issues... ;)
13:07 pdurbin yeah, I was just looking at 'Explore' ('View map') button is visible even if TwoRavens (WorldMap) is not configured · Issue #2135 · IQSS/dataverse -
13:08 bencomp (okay, one new issue, working on my response to 'Institution-wide Shibboleth groups: consider switching from "Shib-Identity-Provider" to "scope" of eppn #2129
13:08 bencomp Institution-wide Shibboleth groups: consider switching from "Shib-Identity-Provider" to "scope" of eppn #2129
13:08 bencomp )
13:09 pdurbin bencomp: cool. I appreciate help with all things auth.
13:10 pdurbin on a related note, I really like the "how it works" writeup of SAML here:
13:10 pdurbin should apply to Shibboleth
13:14 bencomp looks very clear. I'd almost start working on an app of my own that uses SAML
13:15 bencomp don't have time for that though
14:34 axfelix joined #dataverse
14:58 pdurbin Visualization of proposed Dataverse development and release cycle:
15:11 pdurbin bencomp: as our designer said, I broke out the crayons :)
17:38 metamattj joined #dataverse
18:03 metamattj joined #dataverse
18:49 balo joined #dataverse
18:49 axfelix joined #dataverse
19:19 balo joined #dataverse
19:29 axfelix joined #dataverse
20:08 metamattj joined #dataverse
22:08 garnett joined #dataverse
22:45 garnett joined #dataverse
23:56 axfelix joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.