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IRC log for #dataverse, 2015-06-11

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
02:18 axfelix joined #dataverse
04:02 bencomp joined #dataverse
13:03 bencomp joined #dataverse
13:15 pdurbin jeffspies_ and LyndsySimon: really neat to hear talk about using both OSF and Dataverse!
13:15 pdurbin first lightning talk at
13:25 pdurbin interesting to hear from MIT the use cases for both Shibboleth and IP groups
13:55 pdurbin interesting to hear ideas about how to organize files. currently we support tagging. people seem to want folders as well
13:55 pdurbin thoughts on how to mimic a folder structure with tags, like gmail labels
13:55 pdurbin could get tricky with permissions though
13:57 pdurbin interesting to hear that UI-wise, Mendeley shows folders even though under the covers they use tags or labels. interesting effect that a file can exist in more than one folder this way
14:01 pdurbin Files: Provide Way to Organize Files Hierarchically · Issue #2249 · IQSS/dataverse -
14:01 pdurbin new ticket created :)
14:03 pdurbin hearing good things about the video at
14:03 pdurbin nice talk by
14:05 pdurbin Amanda Winburn on Twitter: "@dataverseorg, Here's the awesome TROLLing promo video #dataverse2015" -
14:20 pdurbin Michael Bar-Sinai on Twitter: "@bencomp talks about DataverseNL #dataverse2015" -
14:20 pdurbin fantastic talk
14:21 pdurbin by
14:22 pdurbin this talk by is really good too
14:22 pdurbin figures stored as JSON blobs
14:29 pdurbin sounds like he's coming to the afternoon session about APIs, which is great. would love to see some integration
14:37 pdurbin TwoRavens is pretty awesome. nice talk by
16:17 pdurbin many great talks but I'm trying to prep a bit for this afternoon's session about APIs
17:39 bencomp joined #dataverse
17:39 josh joined #dataverse
17:39 josh left #dataverse
17:39 bencomp yeah!
17:40 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
17:40 Luiz39 joined #dataverse
17:40 joshje joined #dataverse
17:40 pdurbin dataverse-user: hi!
17:40 joshje Hi
17:41 pdurbin2 joined #dataverse
17:41 pdurbin2 Hi
17:41 dataverse-user42 joined #dataverse
17:41 MarkWilkinson joined #dataverse
17:41 MarkWilkinson Hi Dataverse!
17:41 pdurbin2 Hi Mark
17:41 dpwrussell joined #dataverse
17:43 bencomp
17:45 MarkWilkinson What do you mean by "native"?
17:45 timmo joined #dataverse
17:45 dpwrussell I think they mentioned yesterday that it's the bit which is not set in stone yet
17:46 MarkWilkinson Ah!  So "native" is for administrative tasks
17:46 MarkWilkinson "search" is more end-user-focused
17:46 dpwrussell they said search was also part of the native API, but more finalised.
17:46 dpwrussell so logically separated
17:56 joshje joined #dataverse
17:56 joshje
17:59 timmo left #dataverse
18:00 pdurbin
18:03 joshje joined #dataverse
18:03 joshje I
18:04 joshje I'd love to see oAuth flow, so that an app can send a user to a login page and get back a token for them.
18:04 pdurbin
18:04 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
18:07 pdurbin
18:07 timmo joined #dataverse
18:14 MarkWilkinson This query:   isn't giving me what I expected....??
18:14 MarkWilkinson I search based on global_id and I get things that don't match the global_id...
18:16 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
18:17 MarkWilkinson that DOI came from this query:
18:20 gustavo joined #dataverse
18:29 pdurbin
18:30 pdurbin
18:40 pdurbin SKOS instead of TSV files, maybe says bencomp
19:06 pdurbin
19:39 timmo joined #dataverse
19:52 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
19:53 sekmiller joined #dataverse
19:53 dataverse-user55 joined #dataverse
19:53 JPetters2931 joined #dataverse
19:53 mbs63 joined #dataverse
19:53 JPetters2931 left #dataverse
19:55 axfelix joined #dataverse
20:42 garnett joined #dataverse
20:52 garnett joined #dataverse
20:59 pdurbin axfelix garnett: when you have a moment. question about OJS and Chinese character support
20:59 garnett sure -- sorry I missed you yesterday
21:00 garnett just got back from open repositories, had about two hours of sleep last night before early AM flight :)
21:00 garnett I spoke to some folks at iassist who were interested in chinese OJS...
21:00 garnett I'm not 100% sure that we maintain that locale upstream, but non-latin character sets are fully supported and there's an existing user community:
21:01 garnett I can investigate further if needed
21:01 pdurbin garnett: great! so the question is if Chinese characters can be transferred from OJS to Dataverse via SWORD. Is this something you'd be able to test (at your leisure)?
21:01 garnett aha!
21:01 garnett yeah, I think I could look into that
21:02 garnett won't be this week, but can be next
21:02 pdurbin garnett: awesome. I'm gone until Tuesday but maybe I'll follow up with you next week sometime
21:02 garnett sounds good! enjoy the long weekend
21:02 pdurbin thanks! off to :)
21:03 garnett oh wow
21:03 pdurbin heh
21:05 pdurbin from what I understand people were following both and this week :)
21:06 garnett yeah, I'm still bummed about the scheduling conflict, but or was excellent as always
21:07 pdurbin yeah, won't happen again, I don't think. the scheduling conflict
21:08 pdurbin anyway, great that there was so much interest in both conferences
22:20 balo joined #dataverse
23:17 timmo joined #dataverse
23:59 sivoais joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.