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IRC log for #dataverse, 2015-06-10

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:28 slava17 joined #dataverse
01:43 axfelix joined #dataverse
01:43 axfelix joined #dataverse
11:46 bencomp joined #dataverse
11:47 bencomp pdurbin: did you notice an increase in people in this channel yesterday? Maybe we can push it up today :)
13:04 bencomp joined #dataverse
13:25 bencomp pdurbin: is there a google doc for the auth break out session yet?
13:25 axfelix joined #dataverse
13:36 pdurbin bencomp: heh. yes! let's get some more people in here. why not :)
13:38 pdurbin bencomp: here, I just created a doc: Dataverse Authentication Breakout Session -
13:39 bencomp great!
13:47 pdurbin bencomp: what are our goals for the meeting? I added a couple bullet points :)
13:57 bencomp pdurbin: I can currently just think of the one point I added :)
14:01 pdurbin heh, good starting point
14:10 pdurbin bencomp: I guess I'll email the dvn-auth list with a link to the doc
14:15 bencomp pdurbin: +1
14:22 pdurbin [dvn-auth] 2015-06-10 Dataverse Authentication Breakout Session -
14:46 bencomp joined #dataverse
15:04 axfelix joined #dataverse
15:20 pdurbin hearing about Data in Brief (DiB) Dataverse -
15:20 pdurbin day 2 of
15:24 pdurbin from
15:25 pdurbin now hearing about Political Analysis Dataverse -
15:25 pdurbin from
15:41 pdurbin bencomp: Philip Durbin on Twitter: ".@markmoby please feel free to jump in #dataverse on freenode to ask about the Search API! Or :) #dataverse2015" - :)
15:41 sekmiller joined #dataverse
15:51 metamattj joined #dataverse
15:58 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
16:04 pdurbin integration with Archivematica talk up now with
16:05 pdurbin and
16:06 bencomp OAIS model graphic! Bingo :P
16:06 pdurbin :)
16:13 pdurbin hearing about
16:14 bencomp and
16:14 bencomp actually,
16:14 pdurbin yeah, now on to :)
16:20 bencomp I am loving this presentation!
17:21 bencomp joined #dataverse
17:22 axfelix joined #dataverse
17:27 pdurbin bencomp: yeah. good stuff. interesting that it seems like it will be built by Artefactual. I'm not sure I knew that.
17:29 axfelix joined #dataverse
17:59 pdurbin interesting: LingoHub - Easy web and mobile localization -
18:02 bencomp pdurbin: I was just looking at it too
18:02 bencomp does IQSS have an account?
18:02 bencomp or project for Dataverse?
18:03 pdurbin not that I know of
18:03 bencomp I'll ask :)
18:20 bencomp joined #dataverse
20:01 axfelix joined #dataverse
20:03 bencomp joined #dataverse
20:18 pdurbin axfelix: question about Chinese characters in OJS
20:40 pdurbin bencomp: I just made you an admin of
20:41 bencomp pdurbin: ooh! I got the power! ;)
20:42 pdurbin bencomp: use it wisely
20:42 pdurbin please feel free to update the links and description. I gotta run and pick up the kids
20:43 pdurbin enjoy the video! :)
21:06 sivoais joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.