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IRC log for #dataverse, 2015-07-14

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:38 axfelix joined #dataverse
02:49 garnett joined #dataverse
07:40 bencomp joined #dataverse
09:17 bencomp "no OAI-PMH at all in Dataverse 4? :O"
10:56 bencomp joined #dataverse
11:12 pdurbin bencomp: is that a direct quote?
11:12 pdurbin :O
11:17 bencomp it's paraphrased, but the meaning hasn't changed
11:17 bencomp pdurbin: it wasn't me who said it
11:27 pdurbin I've never used it or worked with it but I get the impression it's very important to people.
11:28 bencomp the source of that quote called it a problem if DataverseNL migrated without it
11:28 bencomp err, paraphrased quote
11:28 pdurbin gotcha
11:30 pdurbin as you know, here's the issue for it:
11:30 bencomp I was going to add another comment but was looking for the right words
11:33 pdurbin bencomp: while you're thinking about that... yesterday I created an "OAuth" doc and linked it from
11:33 pdurbin mostly in response to this comment:
11:45 bencomp pdurbin: great!
11:45 bencomp
11:53 pdurbin bencomp: make sense to ask which milestone
11:54 pdurbin speaking of I've been curating the description of the "In Design" milestone to link to design documents.
11:54 pdurbin the fact that there is no link to a doc about harvesting (to me) indicates that it's not top of mind
11:54 pdurbin but I could be wrong
11:55 bencomp yet the issue is labeled "priority: critical"
11:55 pdurbin I hadn't noticed that.
11:56 pdurbin do you see what I mean about the "In Design" milestone description?
11:58 bencomp I do, but you have to know that there is something under "more"
11:59 pdurbin yeah
11:59 bencomp on the same page, under 4.1 it says the code freeze was 8 days ago. Is that true?
12:00 pdurbin more or less. we're bug fixing right now. 4.1 is in QA
12:00 pdurbin dunno if you saw this: Rename 4.0.2 to 4.1 · Issue #2348 · IQSS/dataverse -
12:01 bencomp I didn't
12:02 bencomp but I did just come across something you might be interested in:
12:35 pdurbin huh
13:07 pdurbin neat! is used at :)
13:55 pdurbin Open Science Framework (OSF) now connects to any Dataverse 4 installation - Google Groups -!msg/dataverse-community/yul6B2akTIU/DFQcPUB1kgkJ
13:55 pdurbin jeffspies_ and LyndsySimon: thanks!
15:08 axfelix joined #dataverse
17:06 garnett joined #dataverse
17:08 garnett joined #dataverse
17:39 bencomp joined #dataverse
18:22 garnett joined #dataverse
18:26 mjturk_ joined #dataverse
18:36 pdurbin bencomp: Permissions: have "Users/Groups" be expanded by default · Issue #2354 · IQSS/dataverse -
18:37 garnett joined #dataverse
18:42 bencomp pdurbin: commented
18:43 pdurbin ah yes, looks like is related
18:44 bencomp you gotta stop creating new issues and gotta close more ;)
18:44 pdurbin heh. I was told to create it!
18:44 pdurbin this is what I'm working on now: Performance problems with "Assign Role" or "Remove Assigned Role" · Issue #2036 · IQSS/dataverse -
18:46 bencomp I've done some work on monitoring our existing JIRA issues and "won't fix"-ing some to get the overview straight
18:46 bencomp s/straight/sorted
18:47 bencomp there are 688 issues in IQSS/dataverse :O
18:47 bencomp open issues
18:48 pdurbin yeah
18:48 pdurbin :O
18:48 bencomp 225 have no assignee
18:49 bencomp 83 have no label at all
18:49 bencomp 25 no milestone
18:50 bencomp 28 have priority:critical
18:50 pdurbin maybe we'll get more issues when we start suggesting the feature request process:
18:50 bencomp at least one of those has priority:high too
18:52 bencomp is there any progress on the "collect all FRDs in a Drive folder" process?
18:52 pdurbin hmm, I don't think that's top of mind
18:56 bencomp wait a minute, indexing takes that long?
18:57 pdurbin hmm?
18:58 bencomp looking at the issue you were working on
18:58 bencomp now looking at
19:09 pdurbin obviously, issue 50 is quite old
19:14 bencomp it is, yes
19:15 bencomp is not in QA, dev or design and it's in a closed beta milestone
19:16 pdurbin but there's recent comment. interesting
19:18 bencomp looks like, in general, you need more QA people, doesn't it?
19:19 bencomp and people (or machines) to manage issues and keep track of them
19:19 pdurbin heh. do we? or more developers? not sure
19:20 garnett joined #dataverse
19:21 bencomp pdurbin: are you migrating the dvn-auth list?
19:22 pdurbin bencomp: to where?
19:22 bencomp I don't know
19:23 bencomp I'm getting emails that the removal of my email address has been requested
19:23 bencomp from the dvn-auth list
19:23 pdurbin really? huh
19:23 pdurbin "ou, or someone posing as you, has requested a password reminder"
19:24 pdurbin could have been anybody I guess
19:24 pdurbin wasn't me!
19:24 bencomp forwarding the one I meant
19:25 bencomp I got two of those and one reminder
19:26 pdurbin weird
19:26 bencomp did any message come through the dvn-list?
19:27 bencomp dvn-auth list? it might be far-fetched, but what if a spam filter tries to unsubscribe me?
19:28 pdurbin nothing new at
19:30 bencomp I'll ignore them then
19:31 pdurbin it's as if someone is messing with you
20:30 garnett joined #dataverse
22:28 bencomp pdurbin: please don't tell me this commit is too big
22:28 bencomp
22:44 axfelix joined #dataverse
22:54 pdurbin bencomp: very nice! I guess we could make it into a pull request and make sure it passes travis

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