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IRC log for #dataverse, 2015-07-29

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:36 axfelix joined #dataverse
03:03 garnett joined #dataverse
08:19 bencomp joined #dataverse
08:25 bencomp joined #dataverse
13:34 bencomp pdurbin: this looks much better than two hours ago :)
13:35 pdurbin ah yes, the Dataverse 4 Installation Guide Hierarchy
13:35 bencomp thanks for your edits and comments
13:35 pdurbin bencomp: since you sent this (thanks!) maybe we'll get more! Installation guide improvement and reorganisation proposal - Google Groups -!topic/dataverse-community/qujUFJDYXG0
13:36 bencomp I hope so
13:37 pdurbin bencomp: sounds like you're interested in Puppet
13:38 bencomp I have zero actual experience with Puppet, but I am pretty sure we need something to properly manage our configuration and simplify management of the application
13:39 bencomp there are too many variables in different places to manage them in an ad-hoc fashion
13:40 pdurbin bencomp: do you use anything now? Chef? Ansible? Salt?
13:40 bencomp none of them
13:41 pdurbin ok, I explained my take on Puppet here: Dataverse puppet module - Google Groups -!topic/dataverse-community/C-ym7r2AI5Y
13:42 pdurbin "Our dev servers have Puppet installed but the dev teams doesn't use it directly (a separate Ops team manages it) and our production servers don't have Puppet installed."
13:42 pdurbin whoops. team*
13:44 pdurbin bencomp: you can catch up on the chat about Puppet at
13:44 bencomp oh no, a typo!
13:44 pdurbin I used to care about typos in emails. :)
13:45 bencomp Docker! I was just thinking about it! And I have a little experience in that :)
13:46 pdurbin oh? :)
13:48 bencomp I figured for a specific task in a European project I worked on it would make sense to release Dockerfiles to run the webservice we created
13:48 pdurbin ah. ok
13:49 bencomp
13:50 pdurbin nice!
13:51 pdurbin jetty:run reminds me of
13:51 bencomp as it was a mediator for various NLP web services, we should have put each component in its own Dockerfile and ship them all, instead of relying on deployed services
13:55 pdurbin sounds good
13:55 pdurbin not that I'm very good with Docker yet
13:55 bencomp .. and include a docker-compose.yml
13:55 bencomp nor am I
13:56 pdurbin a guy I know (prologic) seems really good at Docker:
14:00 bencomp it gets quite complex pretty quickly with all the things around Docker
14:01 bencomp although the basics are easy to grasp, like "light weight VM"
14:01 pdurbin sure. I mean, it works fine on my laptop
14:04 bencomp but you already notice that it runs inside a VM (with boot2docker or Kitematic) as you may find that having shared folders or containers talking to one another are not as simple as it seems
14:04 bencomp but i digress
14:05 pdurbin :)
14:06 pdurbin bencomp: see and :)
14:08 bencomp I started listening to
14:09 bencomp wasn't Fowler on there on the topic of micro-services?
14:10 pdurbin quite possibly
14:15 pdurbin bencomp: you should be proud of me. I'm writing integration tests. :)
14:28 * bencomp is proud like a dad that pdurbin writes integration tests
14:29 pdurbin heh. I was losing my mind over
14:38 bencomp pdurbin: should `mvn integration-test` produce anything IT related?
14:39 pdurbin bencomp: hmm. I don't know. Right now I run integration tests one by one
14:39 pdurbin and only on my laptop. what I'd love is to teach Travis how to run my integration tests
14:39 bencomp do you run them from Netbeans?
14:40 pdurbin yeah. or the command line
14:40 bencomp could you give a cli example?
14:40 pdurbin mvn test -Dtest=SearchIT
14:41 pdurbin this one is smaller: mvn test -Dtest=BuiltinUsersIT
14:41 pdurbin (and newer, only in the 4.2 branch)
14:41 pdurbin the thing is, Travis only compiles the code right now. It doesn't install glassfish and postgres and solr and then deploy the app
14:42 pdurbin so it would be a lot of work
14:44 bencomp pdurbin: sounds like an excellent case for Vagrant or Docker
14:44 pdurbin within travis?
14:44 bencomp and maybe CircleCI
14:45 pdurbin I'm fine with whatever. "the cloud" :)
14:45 bencomp searchbot: lucky circleci
14:45 searchbot bencomp:
14:45 pdurbin right now all travis does is compile because our config is so simple:
14:46 pdurbin compare with all the "install apache" stuff at
14:48 bencomp impressive
14:49 pdurbin just look at all the output from one of their builds:
14:50 pdurbin you'll see how much is going on within each "test suite"
14:50 pdurbin each build kicks off 9 test suite sub builds
14:50 pdurbin this one takes almost 23 minutes to run:
14:50 pdurbin but it does a lot of testing! :)
14:53 bencomp using selenium
14:54 bencomp had Dataverse had proper selenium tests, Kevin wouldn't have had to open
14:54 bencomp "is that intentional?"
15:01 metamattj joined #dataverse
15:01 pdurbin bencomp: true
15:02 pdurbin testing the UI is a pain even though it's important. my integration tests are against the API
15:02 bencomp pdurbin: I came across a few days ago
15:04 pdurbin that's cool. I'm using
15:07 bencomp looks good too
15:09 pdurbin I figure if I use a Java library then 1. other Dataverse devs might use it and 2. I can re-use code already in the project.
15:12 bencomp sure
15:13 bencomp pdurbin: looking at the Vagrantfile, could you point the integration tests at a running Vagrant instance of Dataverse?
15:14 pdurbin bencomp: yes, actually! that might be a good way to do it
15:14 bencomp btw
15:14 pdurbin heh. right
15:15 pdurbin I'm slowing moving my tests from bash to java
15:15 pdurbin the thing is, I don't want to run `vagrant up` every day. can we teach Travis to do this?
15:15 bencomp probably
15:16 pdurbin it would cut down on bugs like this: "vagrant up" broken · Issue #2300 · IQSS/dataverse -
15:16 pdurbin as long as we can have travis "fail the build" if vagrant up doesn't work
15:19 axfelix joined #dataverse
15:20 pdurbin otherwise I won't know there's something to fix
15:20 bencomp indeed :)
15:21 bencomp gotta go - beer time :)
15:21 pdurbin mmm, beer
15:22 pdurbin metamattj: hey there. glad you're still lurking here :)
15:32 metamattj hey pdurbin what’s up?
15:33 metamattj its still pn my mind to get together with your team to discuss collaboration
15:33 metamattj life intervenes though
15:36 pdurbin metamattj: yeah. sure does. we'd still like to discuss as well!
15:43 pdurbin metamattj: what made me think to ping you is that I saw DataOne at* (a service jeffspies_ and LyndsySimon know about!) DataOne is *number* one! :)
15:46 metamattj :)
15:48 pdurbin metamattj: you even beat out pubmed
15:49 metamattj yeah, it looks like they are harvesting all of our content (aggregating an aggregator, its turtles all the way down)
15:50 metamattj it also looks like they are not doing much duplicate resolution
15:50 metamattj as they are harvesting some repositories that are also harvested by DataONE
15:51 pdurbin oh. well, it's a good start
15:51 metamattj I hadn’t been aware this had gone live; thanks for pointing it out
15:56 pdurbin oh. sure
16:05 pdurbin metamattj: anyway, would you be able to send around a Doodle poll?
16:06 metamattj yeah
16:06 metamattj do you have a time frame in mind?
16:06 metamattj maybe mid to late August?
16:06 metamattj (I’m traveling Aug 5 to 14)
16:09 pdurbin Hmm, late August is bad for me. Family vacation Aug 24 - Sep 2. (just before school starts)
16:10 metamattj ok, maybe target mid Aug (15 to 23rd) for the Doodle?
16:10 metamattj and maybe a block in early Sept?
16:10 pdurbin metamattj: sure. might as well try! You don't mind sending it out?
16:11 metamattj nope
16:11 pdurbin sweet
16:11 pdurbin metamattj: you da man
16:11 metamattj meetings: its what I live for
16:11 metamattj (ha!)
16:12 pdurbin meetings are a necessary evil :)
16:13 pdurbin metamattj: the communit meeting was fun! :)
16:13 pdurbin community*
16:45 LyndsySimon joined #dataverse
16:54 garnett joined #dataverse
17:59 garnett joined #dataverse
18:38 garnett joined #dataverse
19:16 garnett joined #dataverse
20:26 axfelix joined #dataverse
22:56 axfelix joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.