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IRC log for #dataverse, 2015-07-30

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
07:30 bencomp joined #dataverse
11:13 bencomp joined #dataverse
12:41 pdurbin bencomp: did you notice I changed the default branch from "master" to "4.2"
12:41 pdurbin I'm trying to decide if I should switch it back.
15:03 axfelix joined #dataverse
15:04 axfelix joined #dataverse
16:02 JonathanNeal joined #dataverse
16:25 jeffspies_ joined #dataverse
16:35 metamattj joined #dataverse
16:36 bencomp pdurbin: I saw and think it's fine
17:08 pdurbin bencomp: mostly I think it's a good thing. It lets contributors know which branch we're working on for the next release. But there's one downside, I think.
17:10 pdurbin bencomp: when we delete the 4.2 branch (after it's merged to master) the link to the contributing doc here will be a 404:
17:32 pdurbin not the end of the world, though :)
17:32 pdurbin hopefully it will solve the problem of people opening pull requests against the "wrong" branch
17:32 pdurbin we definitely don't want pull requests against master
18:44 bencomp joined #dataverse
18:45 bencomp pdurbin: you can never delete the branch then :)
18:46 pdurbin bencomp: 4.2 is not a persistent branch: :)
18:47 bencomp btw, pdurbin, are you related to a Michael Durbin who works on Fedora 4?
18:47 pdurbin not that I know of!
18:47 pdurbin whenever I hear of Fedora I think of the operating system
18:48 bencomp I meant the repository system :)
18:50 pdurbin yeah, the 4 gave it away :)
18:55 bencomp did you see ?
18:55 pdurbin uh. should I have?
18:55 * pdurbin looks
18:55 bencomp migration utils, audit service, reindex endpoint
18:56 pdurbin ok
18:57 bencomp I consider Fedora based repository software competitors for Dataversee
18:58 pdurbin oh, sure. I didn't know they made a release recently
19:01 bencomp looking at the version number, fcrepo is ahead ;)
19:02 pdurbin heh
19:02 pdurbin really we should have called it Dataverse 1.0 since it's a rewrite
19:04 bencomp 2015 is the year of 4
19:05 pdurbin :)
19:05 bencomp iRODS, Fedora Repo, Dataverse
19:05 pdurbin :)
19:05 bencomp Q (and don't cheat by looking what happens in the code)...
19:06 bencomp should `ingestableAsTable(DataFile)` where the argument is null return false or throw a NPE?
19:09 pdurbin hmm. we should probably use Checker to document if you can pass null to a method or not
19:09 pdurbin searchbot: lucky java checker
19:09 searchbot pdurbin:
19:09 pdurbin bah
19:09 pdurbin searchbot: lucky java checker framework
19:09 searchbot pdurbin:
19:09 pdurbin that's the one. I went to a talk about it at JavaOne
19:10 bencomp interesting
19:11 pdurbin Preventing Errors Before They Happen. here are my notes:
19:11 bencomp I generated some unit tests and went quick and dirty on the test implementations
19:12 bencomp pdurbin: I'm slightly disappointed that javac reports unchecked conversions and raw type references in
19:12 pdurbin whoops
19:15 pdurbin hmm, I guess SearchIT isn't compiled by mvn -DcompilerArgument=-Xlint:unchecked compile
19:15 pdurbin not sure how to add it
19:17 bencomp I see warnings when I `mvn test`
19:17 pdurbin in SearchIT?
19:24 bencomp yes
19:27 pdurbin bencomp: can you please stick it on ?
19:27 pdurbin (or your favorite pastebin)
19:29 bencomp pdurbin:
19:30 bencomp I could add that I'm on the 4.0.2 branch with my small changes to DataFileServiceBean
19:30 bencomp and a DataFileServiceBeanTest
19:31 pdurbin ah. for me maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:testCompile shows "Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date"
19:32 bencomp that means: add more tests
19:32 bencomp :)
19:32 pdurbin no, I think it means to run `mvn clean` :)
19:33 pdurbin[255,39] unchecked conversion
19:33 pdurbin there is it
19:33 pdurbin on my uncommitted code
19:39 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
19:57 pdurbin bencomp: hmm, actually that was quite helpful
20:02 bencomp good :)
20:02 pdurbin bencomp: ok, SearchIT should be clean as of
20:05 bencomp it is, but you're teasing me by putting the warnings in a different file...
20:06 pdurbin uh. which file?
20:07 bencomp
20:07 bencomp surely it's not yours
20:07 pdurbin that's :)
20:10 bencomp hmm, it's quite an old file
20:11 pdurbin I'm not too worried about the warnings in test files to be honest
20:11 pdurbin let's not discourage people from writing tests :)
21:20 garnett joined #dataverse
22:27 bencomp so I couldn't help myself again:
22:31 pdurbin bencomp: does it pass integration tests that exercise all of that?
22:32 bencomp this is really unit test level code
22:33 pdurbin well, the em.createQuery stuff isn't. is it?
22:33 pdurbin since it touches the database
22:34 bencomp hmm, you're probably right
22:34 bencomp but I really worked to lower the number of compiler warnings
22:35 bencomp i.e. my changes are on sub-unit-test level
22:35 pdurbin you know, I'm sad to no longer have my apitest builds running anymore. it showed the number of compiler warnings
22:35 bencomp what happened?
22:36 pdurbin well, now that we are in production, runs the same version as
22:36 pdurbin (ok, ok, I need to upgrade it to 4.1)
22:36 pdurbin whereas before apitest would run the latest code
22:36 bencomp where did Jenkins go?
22:37 pdurbin whenever i felt like doing a build, basically
22:37 pdurbin jenkins didn't go anywhere :)
22:37 bencomp why did it stop continuous delivery?
22:38 pdurbin because I can't just upgrade apitest to a commit I made today. I have to wait for a release
22:38 pdurbin basically, I need a new server that means "code we worked on today"
22:39 bencomp vagrant up?
22:40 pdurbin yeah, I guess
22:41 pdurbin but it would be good to see the compiler warnings going down
22:41 pdurbin on jenkins
22:42 bencomp I found out today that Netbeans can talk to Jenkins
22:42 bencomp or Hudson, which is the original Jenkins I thikn
22:42 pdurbin hmm. ok
22:43 pdurbin bencomp: speaking of Netbeans, is that how you reformatted the code?
22:43 bencomp just Source > Remove Trailing Spaces
22:44 bencomp other "reformatting" was manual
22:46 pdurbin but with netbeans, ok
22:46 pdurbin honestly, I'd rather have a command line tool that does the reformatting
22:47 pdurbin they we could have it fail the build ;)
22:48 bencomp don't get distracted now
22:49 bencomp but isn't there a git option that makes git remove trailing spaces (in certain files, I suppose) before doing the actual commit?
22:50 pdurbin hmm. dunno
22:51 pdurbin but my looking at I bet we could have Travis run mvn -DcompilerArgument=-Xlint:unchecked test
22:51 pdurbin I think it goes under `script` according to
22:51 pdurbin bencomp: you could set up travis for your account and try it
22:52 bencomp maybe some other time
22:52 pdurbin and if it works... the next step would be to collect the number of compiler warnings somewhere
22:52 bencomp Netbeans tells me it has 1116 warnings
22:53 bencomp and 623 TODOs
22:56 bencomp and nothing about missing integration tests
22:56 bencomp :O
22:57 pdurbin :)
22:57 pdurbin ok, I'm trying it in a branch:
22:57 bencomp I'll see what happened tomorrow
22:58 bencomp it's 1 am so time for bed...
23:00 pdurbin hmm, I think it worked but maybe it should go under "install" rather that "script"
23:30 bencomp I'm really good at creating stubs of repositories :)
23:30 bencomp good night

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