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IRC log for #dataverse, 2015-07-31

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
10:42 pdurbin bencomp: wow! ! :)
10:46 bencomp pdurbin: I don't expect to actually do a lot to make it work soon
10:47 bencomp just pushed some file stubs
10:51 pdurbin bencomp: no problem. but I hope you don't mind if I send Docker enthusiasts your way :)
10:52 bencomp echo "pull requests very welcome" >
10:56 pdurbin :)
10:58 pdurbin oh, another benefit of having the default branch be the one we are working on is that when we merge in pull requests people will show up under "contributors" right away
10:59 bencomp is that a reference to my pull requests that you are about to merge? :)
11:54 bencomp YAPR:
12:05 pdurbin heh
12:05 pdurbin wow, 5 open pull requests now
12:26 pdurbin it's great
12:26 pdurbin I feel responsible for this one so I just left a comment:
12:26 pdurbin bencomp: mentioning you :)
13:39 pdurbin bencomp: what would be a good URL to use for publishing code coverage reports?
13:39 pdurbin for now I said "some server" at
14:37 bencomp pdurbin: I have no clue what a good URL would be. Maybe IQSS can setup a special OpenScholar instance for it?
14:38 pdurbin bencomp: hmm. I'm thinking just a static site. dump the files in a directory. a new directory for every day maybe. could run it nightly
14:40 bencomp I was joking
14:42 bencomp pdurbin: how about
14:43 bencomp or (less preferred)
14:44 pdurbin guides I think of as versioned per release. and the rst files get committed into git. this is different. it's dynamic output (reports) generated by commits
14:50 pdurbin "dev" might work. or "code" or "software"
14:53 bencomp please discuss this with Gustavo :)
14:53 pdurbin :)
14:54 pdurbin this is making me write more tests for :)
15:02 pdurbin ok, a start: stub out SolrSearchResultTest · IQSS/dataverse@3372c77 -
15:16 axfelix joined #dataverse
15:22 bencomp Great. Now could you add some documentation to this test? What does it mean for this test to pass?
15:23 bencomp not trying to sound grumpy, I guess today I'm just a bit grumpy :$
15:34 pdurbin bencomp: well, my immediate goal was to have the total code coverage here be higher than 0%: :)
15:34 pdurbin which is is now. that report was from before the commit
15:36 bencomp so there is a place to put the reports now?
15:37 pdurbin not yet, but I sent and email asking if there could be a place
15:47 pdurbin an*
15:48 pdurbin bencomp: I left a comment too but I'm not sure if this is the right place: . I'm not very involved in this.
15:55 bencomp pdurbin: I can't see your comment, but I'm sure it's there ;)
15:56 pdurbin bencomp: oh, it's under "Software"
15:56 pdurbin I proposed a couple hostnames under subdomains
15:57 bencomp ok
16:03 pdurbin bencomp: some recent comments about Puppet to check out:
16:05 bencomp I get the notifications
16:06 bencomp I had wondered about a GitHub org "dataverse community" or something like that
16:06 bencomp (to myself)
16:08 pdurbin oh, a separate org? hmm. like . I think we have a preference to keep everything under . I'm planning on moving anything important off of
16:09 bencomp well, up to you. I thought maybe a different org makes clear it doesn't come from IQSS
16:10 pdurbin oh, I see. hmm
16:10 pdurbin do other projects on github have this setup?
16:11 pdurbin certainly when you unpack tarballs you'll sometimes find a "contrib" folder
16:12 pdurbin bencomp: same offer to you if you want a dataverse-docker repo under the IQSS org!
16:13 bencomp fc-repo-labs, DANS-labs
16:13 bencomp I won't be able to maintain the Docker stuff
16:19 pdurbin bencomp: ok, no worries. but you want to link to your repo from the Installation Guide?
16:19 metamattj joined #dataverse
16:19 lwo joined #dataverse
16:20 * pdurbin eyes lwo
16:20 lwo Hello all
16:20 pdurbin here comes trouble
16:20 pdurbin :)
16:20 lwo Where ?
16:20 pdurbin heh
16:20 lwo How is your cold ?
16:20 pdurbin hee hee!
16:20 pdurbin my (cough) lovely shell scripts
16:21 lwo Yes they are..... A good job.....
16:21 pdurbin heh. A for effort ;)
16:21 pdurbin maybe a C+
16:21 lwo And if where weren't any ideosyncratic shell scripts, you would not have generic puppet solutions replacing them.
16:22 pdurbin yeah
16:22 lwo Anyway... what you propose about the repo looks very reasonable.
16:23 pdurbin ok! great! it's worked out very well with Center for Open Science folks (/me looks at jeffspies_ and LyndsySimon)
16:23 lwo Indeed
16:23 pdurbin lwo: you're fine with the repo being called dataverse-puppet?
16:24 bencomp pdurbin: maybe IQSS/dataverse-docker is better after all, at least for linking from the guides
16:25 lwo A typical puppet module is named AUTHOR-NAMEOFMODULE... so it would be more appropriate to name it likewise in the repo: IQSS-dataverse for example.
16:25 lwo But on second thougts lets not over complicate things now... renaming can be done later.....
16:25 lwo Your proposal is fine I think
16:26 lwo But my college gordan-cupac also works on puppet\Cont. Integration issues .... he should also be able to push.
16:26 pdurbin ok, so
16:26 lwo YEs... you recognize him by his characteristics
16:26 lwo
16:26 lwo Match
16:27 lwo Good.
16:27 pdurbin lwo: hmm GPL at but Apache at . Are you ok with Apache?
16:27 pdurbin bencomp: same question, since you went with GPL.
16:28 lwo We do use GPL as a standard.... let me check if Apache is ok.
16:28 pdurbin this one is apache too:
16:28 pdurbin I am not a lawyer.
16:29 bencomp Apache is fine
16:30 pdurbin bencomp: ok, so you want a repo under IQSS too? Even if you're concerned you won't have time to maintain it?
16:32 pdurbin bencomp: if you want it could just be an issue for now. It's really up to you.
16:32 bencomp I'll get back to it later then
16:37 pdurbin lwo: I just checked and you are welcome to use whatever license you wish
16:37 lwo Tell them thank you
16:37 pdurbin we do prefer Apache for the main Dataverse code since it's more flexible
16:38 lwo Then it is the GPL 3
16:38 lwo Flexible, in what way ?
16:38 lwo Flexible, in what way ? (As a side note )
16:39 pdurbin oh, uh
16:39 pdurbin people are more free to do with the code what they wish, I guess
16:40 lwo I though GPL3 was already quite free... I'll guess I'll do some reading during my holiday
16:40 lwo
16:41 pdurbin lwo: ok, empty repo created:
16:41 pdurbin git remote add origin && git push -u origin master
16:41 lwo Lets see....
16:41 pdurbin to push your code there
16:52 lwo Do we have PUSH permissions ?
16:58 lwo @pdurbin: I am afraid I am out of time. My holiday will begin...
16:59 bencomp lwo: lekkah! :)
16:59 lwo Ah Ben.... still working ?
16:59 bencomp yup
16:59 lwo Yes a fine rest for me
16:59 lwo Finally time to do the things I want to research
17:00 lwo But I will be seeing you the 12th
17:00 bencomp enjoy! (just had mine)
17:00 bencomp indeed, I look forward to our meeting
17:00 lwo Or what is the 15th ?
17:00 bencomp I think 12
17:00 bencomp yes, 12 in my calendar
17:01 lwo Excellent
17:01 lwo Phill: thanks for the join link.
17:01 lwo I am signing of noww
17:01 lwo See you all !
17:01 pdurbin lwo: bye! thanks!
17:01 lwo left #dataverse
17:09 pdurbin bencomp: wow. long email you sent me. thanks! is it ok for me to forward it to our internal dataverse list?
17:10 bencomp pdurbin: could you wait until I confirmed some things with Peter and Marnix next week?
17:10 pdurbin bencomp: absolutely. thank for your thoughts either way!
17:11 bencomp these are my ramblings, there will be higher-level emails
17:11 pdurbin ok
17:11 pdurbin :)
17:35 bencomp pdurbin: that second email that I just sent, should I have sent it to the community list?
17:36 pdurbin I haven't gotten it yet.
17:38 pdurbin maybe if I go for a quick walk it will be there
17:55 pdurbin bencomp: still nothing. can you please send it again?
17:57 bencomp pdurbin: I had put you in CC in a mail to Gustavo
17:57 bencomp but it turns out Outlook (@#$@$%@) used as your email address
17:58 bencomp even though that is not in my address book
17:59 pdurbin oh
18:00 pdurbin bencomp: oh good, you sent it to Gustavo too
18:01 bencomp this was something I specifically discussed with him
18:01 pdurbin gotcha. yeah, he handled the migration. I only know about it at a high level
18:02 pdurbin bencomp: but the password stuff will probably be different for you because you're already using Shibboleth
18:03 pdurbin but I see this is in your email
18:03 pdurbin also...
18:03 bencomp :)
18:03 pdurbin "Please note that you will have to enter a new password when logging in for the first time due to stricter password requirements." Dataverse 4.0 is here! - Google Groups -!topic/dataverse-community/J1djJwY_7bc
18:04 pdurbin that's how we worded it
18:04 pdurbin that was for Update password encryption to use BCrypt · Issue #1034 · IQSS/dataverse -
18:06 bencomp can you (make Gustavo) stick it in an email? :)
18:10 pdurbin I can ask that when he replies all that he fix my email address. :)
18:48 pdurbin which he did :)
18:48 pdurbin bencomp: I'm suggesting architecture diagrams that look like based on the text at which could be put under version control
19:02 mjturk joined #dataverse
19:07 pdurbin MVP: :)
20:24 garnett joined #dataverse
21:33 axfelix joined #dataverse
23:15 cnk joined #dataverse
23:19 pdurbin cnk: welcome! nice chatting with you at !
23:20 pdurbin we have Django apps too: :)
23:21 cnk LOL I am not that much of a Django / Python proponenet - but the problem domain seems pretty interesting
23:21 cnk and I like your example code for writing clients
23:22 pdurbin oh? sorry, which code
23:22 metamattj joined #dataverse
23:22 cnk dataverse-client-python
23:22 cnk Python library for writing clients that use APIs from Dataverse
23:23 pdurbin oh yes, great stuff that. contributed. love it
23:23 cnk hmmm and I may have to dive into your selenium helper repo. I have been avoiding it like the plague but may have to use ti for integration testing
23:24 pdurbin shout out to Robert at
23:25 pdurbin I've been meaning to dive into it too. Trying to test as much as I can via APIs first though. It's easier than driving a browser. :)
23:25 pdurbin and in practice, I just find that I add more API endpoints if there's something that is previously untestable via API :)
23:25 pdurbin so learning selenium well is on the back burner for me
23:27 cnk hmmmmm I am just getting to the point of testing my API stuff. This has been an exploritory week so am doing test last instead of test first. But if I can get my last serialization thing working, time to start wrigint some tests
23:28 cnk What is the spread of fields that have deposites into a Dataverse repo?
23:29 pdurbin cnk: well, here are the metadata schemas we currently support:
23:30 pdurbin the idea is that we can easily add more though:
23:30 cnk Thank you. More and more, I think I need to look into this further
23:31 pdurbin oh sure. we just had our first community meeting, which was pretty awesome:
23:41 pdurbin cnk: but yeah, I don't often do test first. I'm just happy to write tests
23:41 pdurbin bencomp: thanks again for the encouragement :)

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