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IRC log for #dataverse, 2015-08-18

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
03:30 axfelix joined #dataverse
04:08 garnett joined #dataverse
04:42 axfelix joined #dataverse
05:04 garnett joined #dataverse
07:37 bencomp joined #dataverse
12:19 donsizemore joined #dataverse
12:38 jeffspies_ joined #dataverse
13:48 jeffspies_ joined #dataverse
14:48 axfelix joined #dataverse
14:49 garnett joined #dataverse
15:03 bencomp joined #dataverse
15:36 pdurbin any thoughts on File cards: index more facets (tags especially) · Issue #2466 · IQSS/dataverse - ?
15:37 axfelix joined #dataverse
15:37 axfelix joined #dataverse
15:41 bencomp pdurbin: I have a thought: first come up with the use case, if accepted then get the requirements, then start thinking about how to solve it :)
15:42 pdurbin I think we've already decided we'd like to facet on file tags.
15:42 pdurbin you can see them here:
15:42 bencomp
15:43 pdurbin heh
15:43 pdurbin bencomp: you don't think we should index file tags? or allow users to facet on them?
15:44 bencomp I don't think you should start with "what else should we index, now that we're looking into it"
15:45 pdurbin ok
15:46 bencomp indexing file tags (or any other tags) makes sense - I guess you might need it for dataset pages too
15:47 bencomp interesting to see how file tags are currently used - "Questionnaire, PDF File" is not how I would tag something
15:47 bencomp :)
15:47 pdurbin bencomp: I'm sure your production data would look different :)
15:48 bencomp I don't tag anything in our production data, but yes :)
15:58 jeffspies_ joined #dataverse
16:02 pdurbin bencomp: I'm pretty sure "categories" get migrated over as tags.
16:03 bencomp pdurbin: good :) - it's not what I meant, I meant I don't edit metadata,err, cataloging information in our systems
16:09 pdurbin bencomp: you mean your users do that. sure
17:32 metamattj joined #dataverse
18:18 cnk joined #dataverse
18:22 donsizemore joined #dataverse
18:41 equigley joined #dataverse
18:42 equigley @bencomp I've added the use cases to the file tags FRD:
18:42 equigley These are based off of numerous RT tickets we have received and replacing the way we did categories in v3.x
18:42 equigley Apologies for not having that in there before.
18:43 equigley sorry not @bencomp bencomp: (irc log newbie problem)
21:40 axfelix joined #dataverse
23:50 cnk_ joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.