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IRC log for #dataverse, 2015-08-19

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
04:01 metamattj joined #dataverse
12:18 donsizemore joined #dataverse
13:07 bencomp joined #dataverse
13:36 donsizemore joined #dataverse
14:47 axfelix joined #dataverse
14:50 donsizemore good morning -- is there a preferred / documented way to enable md5 password encryption in the jdbc connection pool? i see the install script hashing it
14:58 bencomp pdurbin: did you know you can show code coverage with ? :)
14:58 pdurbin donsizemore: I'm not familiar with this but I think you mean this create_pg_hash stuff:
15:00 donsizemore pdurbin: yes sir =) i'm hoping to enable the md5 password in postgres. or possibly making a feature request?
15:01 pdurbin donsizemore: are you saying it isn't working?
15:01 pdurbin bencomp: do you have this enabled on any java projects?
15:02 bencomp no
15:02 donsizemore pdurbin: the installation guide suggests using the "password" method for postgresql, but i'd like to change it to md5
15:02 donsizemore pdurbin: looks like it would be the digest-algorithm setting in Glassfish, but that's from an ooooooold page
15:03 bencomp donsizemore: I'm pretty sure md5 is considered insecure
15:03 pdurbin bencomp: looks like I heard about coveralls quite a while ago. I may have dismissed it as a Ruby thing:
15:05 pdurbin here's a java project:
15:05 pdurbin and they seem to be using jacoco like us:
15:06 pdurbin donsizemore: so right now it's using the "password" method? what does that do? sorry, I'm new to this.
15:07 pdurbin hmm. "after_success: - mvn jacoco:report coveralls:jacoco"
15:07 pdurbin finding some of these links at
15:08 pdurbin via
15:08 pdurbin bencomp: yeah, this looks great. thanks
15:11 donsizemore bencomp: the installation guide suggests using the "password" method, which sends it in clear text
15:12 donsizemore pdurbin: "password" is fine for localhost and trusted networks.
15:13 bencomp donsizemore: oh, didn't know that. md5 is more secure than clear text, naturally :)
15:14 donsizemore bencomp: pg_shadow stores an md5 of the password from the install script, but domain.xml stores in in plain text. again, all fine.
15:14 donsizemore bencomp: we at odum have a couple archivists who need direct access to the database, and i'd like to tell glassfish/dataverse to use md5 password hashing if possible
15:15 pdurbin donsizemore: but aren't you saying the script is trying to set it as md5 rather than clear text? the installer script, I mean
15:16 chrisseto joined #dataverse
15:16 pdurbin chrisseto: ohai!
15:16 chrisseto pdurbin: Hey!
15:17 chrisseto I come bearing possibly bad news
15:17 pdurbin chrisseto: thanks for that bug report the other day
15:17 chrisseto It looks like one of your servers is on the fritz again, we're getting a redirect loop sometimes
15:18 chrisseto I'll dump what I have into a pastebin if you'd like
15:18 pdurbin uh oh
15:19 pdurbin chrisseto: sure. please pastebin it. I can't tell from here what you're seeing
15:20 chrisseto
15:20 chrisseto I'm just getting a 302 to the same URL I got the 302 from orignally
15:21 pdurbin huh. sure looks that way
15:22 chrisseto Our servers were running into some issues and about ~15 requests later, locally, I began seeing the same thing.
15:22 pdurbin chrisseto: so you think this is a recent change?
15:24 chrisseto pdurbin: I've never encountered it before today and as far as I know none of our code has changed. It looks like it might be apache acting weird?
15:25 chrisseto And its happening with unauthorized requests
15:38 pdurbin chrisseto: with an invalid API token, you mean. yeah. It never gets past Apache. Auth happens inside of Glassfish
15:44 chrisseto pdurbin: Even requests without auth. So it sounds like it is apache?
15:46 pdurbin chrisseto: yeah, seems like apache. I think I'm seeing the problem on "kirk" but not "picard".
15:50 chrisseto pdurbin: If you don't mind me asking how is load balancing done?
15:53 pdurbin chrisseto: I'm a little fuzzy on it but I think it's a Cisco hardware device.
15:58 chrisseto pdurbin: That makes sense, I ask because it looks like we get the same server every time
16:02 pdurbin chrisseto: it's probably sticky or something
16:31 chrisseto joined #dataverse
16:31 pdurbin chrisseto: should be fixed. can you please try again?
16:32 chrisseto pdurbin: It is! Thanks! Sorry to always be the bearer of bad news
16:32 pdurbin chrisseto: no worries! I appreciate you letting us know!
16:34 metamattj joined #dataverse
21:11 garnett joined #dataverse
22:24 axfelix joined #dataverse
22:24 metamattj joined #dataverse
23:50 axfelix joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.