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IRC log for #dataverse, 2015-09-15

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:11 axfelix joined #dataverse
00:17 cnk left #dataverse
00:36 metamattj joined #dataverse
01:13 cnk joined #dataverse
02:01 axfelix joined #dataverse
03:21 garnett joined #dataverse
03:49 garnett joined #dataverse
03:50 agarnett joined #dataverse
04:37 agarnett joined #dataverse
05:45 metamattj joined #dataverse
07:24 bencomp joined #dataverse
10:06 somebody joined #dataverse
11:04 pdurbin bencomp: there are some tests in that use selenium
11:05 pdurbin but I think the ones at are much newer
12:08 bencomp pdurbin: are they still run (by Jenkins?)?
12:08 pdurbin they've never been run by Jenkins
12:08 bencomp btw I was mostly impressed by the ease of recording a test case.
12:09 pdurbin Open Sauce would be a better place to run them than Jenkins anyway: Open Sauce: free, unlimited, hosted Selenium testing for Open Source projects … -
12:13 bencomp and are the tests run from Open Sauce? :)
12:13 pdurbin yeah, it's like how travis does builds in the cloud
12:15 bencomp can I see the results?
12:15 pdurbin from open sauce? of course! they even record video of all your tests. it's incredible
12:16 bencomp can you post a link then? :^)
12:17 pdurbin I already linked to my writeup of what OpenSauce is.
12:18 bencomp I don't see a link to the Dataverse Selenium testing results on Open Sauce... Did I misunderstand you?
12:19 pdurbin bencomp: oh, you think Dataverse is using OpenSauce. No, we aren't. We probably should! We had someone kicking on the tires on it but she left a while ago.
12:20 bencomp pdurbin: that was what I meant by "and are the tests run from Open Sauce?" ;)
12:20 pdurbin oh
12:21 bencomp it's early, I know :P
12:21 pdurbin sigh
12:21 bencomp anyway, these results wouldn't add to the code coverage
12:21 pdurbin I don't even know if the tests at even work any more.
12:23 pdurbin see, they used to be in a folder called "sauce_test":
12:23 pdurbin anyway
12:23 pdurbin I'd rather write unit tests and API tests first. *Then* write tests for the GUI.
12:23 pdurbin personally
12:23 bencomp +1
12:24 bencomp I received a DVN3 question about a strange permission situation
12:25 bencomp really hope that that's not a bug, because it's pretty much the core of the application to handle permissions correctly. I'd like to see tests for that.
12:25 bencomp personally :)
12:27 pdurbin tests in Dataverse 4 or DVN 3? the latter is no longer under active development
12:37 bencomp tests in 4
12:37 bencomp I'm investigating in 3
12:39 pdurbin ok
12:39 pdurbin bencomp: did you see my comments on Shibboleth: multiple email addresses are stored as a single one · Issue #2512 · IQSS/dataverse - ?
12:43 bencomp pdurbin: yes, thanks
12:44 pdurbin bencomp: hopefully you see that I'm treating it as a bug that bad data (an invalid email address) got into the database
12:44 pdurbin so I want to fix that first
12:47 bencomp fine with me :)
12:47 pdurbin but then
12:48 pdurbin the easiest fix is to simply sort the multiple email addresses and pick the first one, like we do for names
12:48 pdurbin bencomp: are you ok with that for now?
12:50 bencomp I think we may not see this in production in the coming years, but it's not pretty
12:50 bencomp same as for names
12:50 pdurbin may not see what?
12:52 bencomp multiple email addresses
12:52 bencomp or even multiple email addresses in random order
12:52 bencomp s/or even/let alone/
12:53 pdurbin I've never seen an Identity Provider assert multiple email addresses.
12:53 bencomp but if emails may be provided in random order, users may prefer one over another
12:54 bencomp I imagine users with multiple names may have stronger feelings about using their preferred name
12:55 pdurbin well, I already have a solution for multiple names, even if it's not an ideal solution
12:55 pdurbin I'm talking about multiple email addresses, which again, I've never seen.
12:55 pdurbin "mail: Email address of record in the Harvard IdDB. Note that this could be an address not ending in"
12:56 pdurbin it kind of blows my mind that "mail" is Multi=Y at
12:59 pdurbin from it sounds like OSU usually sends a single value
13:00 pdurbin anyway, it seems like Dataverse *does* need to be able to handle multiple email addresses being asserted by the Identity Provider. for now I'll probably just sort and pick the first one
13:01 bencomp it would be good to have a generic solution for multivalue attributes
13:01 bencomp gotta go now
13:02 pdurbin yeah, it would be good
14:48 axfelix joined #dataverse
15:28 metamattj joined #dataverse
16:20 bencomp pdurbin: who is Naomi? she used System.out.println! :O
16:25 bencomp turns out GlassFish 4 provides no substitute logger name for println statements
16:26 pdurbin
16:26 pdurbin bencomp: "blame" from github should tell you such things
16:27 bencomp I kinda knew that :$
16:27 bencomp thanks
16:28 bencomp clearly it's time to go home and relax :)
16:28 pdurbin :)
19:52 axfelix joined #dataverse
20:55 axfelix joined #dataverse
21:22 metamattj joined #dataverse
22:47 axfelix joined #dataverse
22:52 metamattj joined #dataverse
22:52 agarnett joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.